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  1. 正常运营时,建筑工地是真正唯才是举的地方。

    When run properly , construction sites are true meritocracies .

  2. 我很庆幸自己大多数时间都工作在唯才是举的环境,但这不是普遍现象。

    I 've been fortunate in working in meritocracies most of my life , but that 's not the norm .

  3. 两位研究者暗示,这些员工还会比魅力较弱的员工获得不公平的优势,这可能会阻碍唯才是举。

    They also may gain an unfair advantage over less charming colleagues , the researchers suggest , which may hinder a meritocracy .

  4. 通过验证性因素分析得出明清晋商组织管理的因素结构包括六个维度,即w1:唯才是举、任人唯贤;

    The confirmatory factor analysis showed that the factor structure included 6 dimensionalities : w1 : Selecting and appointing those talented people for use ;

  5. 在人才培养中我们应该做好四个方面工作:热心发现人才,做到唯才是举;

    In the training of talented personnel , we should pay attention to the following four aspects : to discover the talented personnel zealously and recommend them actively ;

  6. 曹操突破传统的人才标准,坚持唯才是举的原则,不拘一格降人才,延揽众多谋臣猛将,建功立业。

    Cao Cao breaks through the traditional personnel standards , adhere to the principle of meritocracy , eclectic talent , and recruited a number of policy makers Reggie to make contributions .