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  • nominalism
唯名论[wéi míng lùn]
  1. 唯名论与唯实论之争:社会学内部的对立与动力&有关经典社会学发展的一项考察

    Nominalism vs. Realism : Conflict and Drive Innate to Sociology

  2. 试论巴克莱极端唯名论思想及其后世影响

    Try to Barclays Discusses the Extreme Nominalism Thought and Affect Future Generations

  3. 会料得到,霍布士是一个十足的唯名论者。

    Hobbes , as might be expected , is an out-and-out nominalist .

  4. 种群思想&超越唯实论与唯名论的论争

    Population Thought & Exceeding the Debate of Realism and Nominalism

  5. 唯名论:霍布斯的法律概念的哲学基础

    Nominalism : Philosophical Base of Hobbes ' Law Concept

  6. 因此,霍布斯的法律概念基于他的唯名论之上。

    Therefore , Hobbes ' concept of law is based on his nominalism .

  7. 中世纪唯名论者否定一般概念的实在性。

    The medieval nominalists denied the reality of universals .

  8. 从前的唯名论现在身陷一个充满敌意、世俗的环境当中。

    The nominalism of days past is now in a hostile , secular environment .

  9. 唯实论与唯名论以不同方式影响传统的生物分类原则。

    The realism and nominalism of middle ages affected the traditional taxonomy with different modes .

  10. 经院哲学唯名论思想中,有对技术的渴望和谨慎的肯定;

    However , Medieval scholasticism had a thirsty will for and a cautious affirmation about technology ;

  11. 一种类似于唯名论和观念说,现在称为有穷论和直觉主义。

    One , akin to nominalism and idealism , finds its expression today in finitism and intuitionism .

  12. 唯名论坚持抽象的观念,一般的词条或普通的概念没有客观所指而仅以名字存在的信条。

    The doctrine holding that abstract concepts , general terms , or universals have no objective reference but exist only as names .

  13. 唯实论与唯名论相对的一种哲学信条,认为宇宙是以其被认为的看法而独立地存在的唯名论与唯实论之争:社会学内部的对立与动力&有关经典社会学发展的一项考察

    The scholastic doctrine , opposed to nominalism , that universals exist independently of their being thought . Nominalism vs. Realism : Conflict and Drive Innate to Sociology

  14. 文章认为,极端实在论和极端唯名论的可能世界学说都是错误的,真正具有可行性的可能世界学说应是温和的实在论。

    The dissertation holds that possible worlds doctrines of extreme realism and extreme nominalism are both mistaken , and that the really feasible one should be moderate realism .

  15. 这一学科根据传统哲学本体论的观念将语言观分析为唯名论、概念论和实在论。

    Being a branch of philosophy , philosophy of linguistics deals with the foundations of linguistics . Nominalism , conceptualism and realism are the three possible ontological ideas of language .

  16. 主要是针对中世纪唯名论思想,由此引出唯名论思想的发展进程,并延伸至巴克莱极端唯名论思想的形成特点。

    Mainly aimed at the medieval nominalism thinking , this leads to only one theory of thought in the development process , and extends to the extreme nominalism Barclays Thought features .

  17. 相反,我非常喜欢经验主义,也非常喜欢唯名论,而且这两种喜欢是相互支持和放大的。

    On the contrary , I am partial to empiricism and nominalism , and my taste for each is enhanced by the support which it proves to gain for the other .

  18. 语言由命名语言变为符号语言或曰从唯实论转为唯名论,也即语言的内在性变化为外在性,这正是现代性的起源。

    The change from naming language to sign language or from realism to nominalism can be formulated in terms of change from internalities to externalities , which is the origin of modernity .

  19. 它发端于希腊哲学中柏拉图主义与亚里士多德主义的对立,体现为实在论与唯名论、唯理论与经验性以及唯心主义与旧唯物主义之间的争论。

    It originated in the antagonism between Platonism and Aristotelianism ; it is showed in the discussion between realism and nominalism , spiritualism and empiricism , idealism and materialism of the old type .

  20. 世俗论的兴起和基督教唯名论的衰落使得一代年轻人起来寻找一些东西,可以在其上坚固他们的生命–他们向加尔文主义者寻求帮助。

    The rise of secularism and the decline of Christian nominalism has caused a generation of young people to rise to find something they can pin their lives on – they have looked to the Calvinists .

  21. 他试图超越社会唯实论与社会唯名论,提出社会不是定型的或已完成的实体,而是由个人之间相互作用不断复制、重塑和改造的持续生成的关系网络,强调社会的二重性和过程性。

    He put forward that instead of being a stereotyped or completed entity , society , with its social duality and procedure , was a relational network of personal interaction in constant duplication , remodeling and transformation .

  22. 通过这两条标准,蒯因把本体论的选择最后变为概念结构、说话方式或语言形式的选择,并诠释了只有物理对象和类可以存在的唯名论思想。

    Quine changed the choice of Ontology into the choice of conceptual scheme , speaking mode , and language form by means of these two criterions , and put forward his Nominalism , that is what there is are only physical objects and class .

  23. 西欧中世纪理性主义,历经唯名论与唯实论之争和理性与信仰之争和16世纪宗教改革运动,最终实现了自身意识主体的回归,为西欧近代思想意识自由发展揭开了序幕。

    In the medieval European , the struggle between nominalism and realism , and the dispute between faith and rationalism made the 16th century Religious Reformation finally achieve the regression of itself consciousness , which prelude the free development of modern western European ideology .