
wéi xīn zhǔ yì
  • idealism
唯心主义 [wéi xīn zhǔ yì]
  • [idealism] 哲学两大派别之一,认为物质世界是意识、精神的产物,意识、精神是第一性的,物质是第二性的

唯心主义[wéi xīn zhǔ yì]
  1. 康德和黑格尔发展了唯心主义。

    Kant and Hegel have developed idealism .

  2. 试论柏拉图客观唯心主义的理念论哲学

    On theory of idea philosophy of Plato 's objective idealism

  3. 这是一场唯物主义与唯心主义的大论战。

    This is a heated debate which involves materialist as opposed to idealist views .

  4. 不幸的是,在西方传统中,无论是唯物主义者还是唯心主义理论家都没有充分考虑到这一基本生活条件。

    Unfortunately , in our western tradition , neither materialist nor idealist theoreticians give enough consideration to this basic condition for life .

  5. 唯物主义者面向真理,唯心主义者则逃避真理。

    Materialists face truth , whereas idealists shun it .

  6. 他早年就学从教于牛津大学,在思想上受杰出的英国唯心主义理论家及托马斯·希尔·格林(ThomasHillGreen)影响,并最终成为英国唯心主义的主要代表之一。

    During this period He was influenced by the idea of great British idealist Thomas Hill Green . He also became a main representative of British idealists in his later years .

  7. 人文主义地理学的一个主要目标是协调社会科学与人之间的关系,容纳知性(understanding)与智慧(wisdom),客观(objectivity)与主观(subjectivity)以及唯物主义和唯心主义。

    It is the first collection work on this field . One of the main aims of humanistic geography is corresponding the following relations : social sciences and human , understanding and wisdom , objectivity and subjectivity , materialism and mentalism .

  8. 鲍桑葵(BernardBosanquet,1848-1923)是19世纪末20世纪初期英国哲学家、政治理论家、社会改革家,是英国唯心主义的代表人物之一。

    Bernard Bosanquet ( 1848-1923 ), British philosopher , political theorist , social reformer of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century , was especially a notable member of the British school of idealist philosophers .

  9. 论列宁对待唯心主义态度的转变

    A review on the change of Lenin 's attitude to Mentalism

  10. 形而上学是唯心主义世界观的组成部分。

    Metaphysics is part and parcel of the idealist world outlook .

  11. 把康德化为先驱的唯心主义者是完全正确的。

    It is entirely proper to classify Kant as a transcendental idealist .

  12. 实体即主体:黑格尔哲学生长点辨析&兼对黑格尔“非批判的唯心主义”的批判性诠释

    Substance Is Subject : Analysis of Hegel Philosophy Growing Point

  13. 他既是唯物主义者,又是唯心主义者;

    He is a materialist and an idealist as well .

  14. 必须批判遗传学理论中的唯心主义和形而上学的观点

    Idealistic and metaphysical viewpoints in genetic theories must be criticized

  15. 第三部分&尼采的认识论思想评析,首先指出尼采的认识论思想本质上是唯心主义的,它否认了事物的真实性、否认认识是对客观事物的反映、否认客观真理;

    The third part & Nietzsche 's epistemology thought evaluation and analysis .

  16. “自由观”是萨特“人学”哲学的核心,萨特“自由观”的实质是主观唯心主义。

    " Freedom " is the core of Sartre 's humanist philosophy .

  17. 从唯心主义角度分析癔症病因,为揭示癔症形成提供新的思路。

    To explore the etiology of hysteria through the aspect of mentalism .

  18. 绝对地理环境决定论是唯心主义的理论观点。

    The absolute geographic environmental determinism is the idealistic theory .

  19. 什麽魔术和唯心主义的电视就应该是这个样子!

    What magic and mentalism on television should look like !

  20. 我妻子正在写一篇关于主观唯心主义的文章。

    My wife is writing a paper aBout suBjective idealism .

  21. 实践的特性是唯物主义还是唯心主义?

    Is the characteristic of practice materialism or idealism ?

  22. 但客观唯心主义体系和抽象的人性论,使其具有不可避免的局限性。

    Objective idealism system and the theory of human nature had unavoidable limitation .

  23. 但遗憾的是,这种努力又在黑格尔庞大的思辨唯心主义体系中被最终窒息了;

    Regretfully , this attempt is eventually suffocated by Hegel 's polemic mentalism .

  24. 黑格尔唯心主义者赞同这种关于关系的内在性的一般学说。

    Hegelian idealists subscribe to a general doctrine about the internality of relations .

  25. 作这样一个结论,就把德国古典唯心主义哲学全盘否定了。

    This conclusion totally negates German classical idealist philosophy .

  26. 在这方面,德国唯心主义哲学家从英国保守主义有所不同。

    In this respect , German idealist philosophers differed somewhat from English conservatism .

  27. 尼采在非理性方面发展了客观唯心主义理论。

    Nietzsche develops the theory of objective idealism in the aspect of non-rationality .

  28. 西方哲学中的唯心主义倾向达到了其发展的顶峰。

    The idealistic strain in Western philosophy was carried to its highest pitch .

  29. 近代物理;唯心主义;因果律;反物质;相对论;

    Modern physics ; Idealism ; Law of causality ; Antimatter ; Relativity ;

  30. 唯心主义是形而上学存在和发展的重要原因。

    Idealism is the important cause for foe existence and development of metaphysics .