
  • 网络species-being
  1. 人类是一种理性的类存在物,唯有人类才有理性;

    Mankind is the existence of the rationality , only man has the rationality ;

  2. 历史的普遍性,或者作为普遍性概念的历史,它的真理性基础作为普遍性存在物或类存在物的人。

    The foundation and truth Universal history is human itself as a universal or species-being .

  3. “仁心”是关于人作为有意识的类存在物的内部平等关系和亲情关系的自我意识和类意识;

    Benevolence is a human self ? consciousness about their inner equal relations as well as their kinship .

  4. 人作为类存在物有着实践和劳动的内在需要,进行劳动也是人区别于其他类的一个标志。

    Man , as a species life , has an innate need to labor , which is a symbol distinguishing man from other species .

  5. 人类又是一种非理性的类存在物,唯有人类才有情感、直觉、灵感、意志、信仰、顿悟等非理性因素。

    Mankind is the existence of the irrationality , only man has such irrationality factors of emotions 、 intuition 、 inspirations 、 volition 、 belief 、 realization and so on .

  6. 从地理学的角度看,人类的可持续发展问题,事实上就是人作为类存在物在地球表面这个空间系统中的可持续发展问题。

    According to the geography views , the questions on sustainable development of human kind just is the questions on sustainable development on that human has been a exist of kind in the earth space .

  7. 历史是实践的绽开,人在实践中发现自己的自由本质、发现自己是类存在物和社会动物,但是对象化的本质反过来统治人。

    History is that practice unfolds itself , and in practice people find their free nature and find they are " class things that exist " and " social animals " but the object-oriented nature in turn rules people .