
lèi sì shānɡ pǐn
  • similar goods;like goods
  1. 第十八条两个或者两个以上的申请人,在同一种商品或者类似商品上,以相同或者近似的商标申请注册的,初步审定并公告申请在先的商标;

    Article 18 . Where two or more applicants for the same or similar goods , the preliminary approval , after examination , and the publication shall be made for the trademark which was first filed .

  2. 他们常常都是直接参照类似商品的定价策略,盲目相信一些所谓“专家”的言论或是依赖破碎原理(brokenrationale-我们付出了很多努力,所以我们的产品应该卖到X美元)进行定价。

    They will often copy the pricing strategy of similar products , base their decisions on pompous statements made by " experts " or rely on broken rationale ( we worked hard so we should charge $ X ) .

  3. Trips协议下我国假冒注册商标罪的立法应从以下方面加以完善:将服务商标、类似商品、近似商标侵权行为和反向假冒注册商标行为纳入本罪的保护范围;

    On the basis of Trips , legislative perfection of the crime of shamming registered trademark as follows : bring service trademark , resembling commodity , approximate trademark and opposite shamming into the protection area of the crime ;

  4. 野村证券(Nomura)分析师ChungChang-won表示:三星的中国对手能以低得多的价格提供类似商品。为了与这些对手更好地竞争,三星必须加以取舍,将注意力集中于少数有竞争力的型号。

    It is time for the company to make choices and focus on a few competitive models to compete better with Chinese rivals that can offer similar products at significantly lower prices , said Chung Chang-won , analyst at Nomura .

  5. 第二部分对近似商标及类似商品的判定进行阐述。

    The second part describes the determination of similar trademark and commodity ;

  6. 从商品分类角度看商标纠纷中类似商品的判定

    Standards for Determining Similar Goods in Trademark Disputes Viewed from the Classification of Goods

  7. 据说他们已以低得多的价格买到类似商品。

    It is alleged that they have bought similar articles at much lower prices .

  8. 与类似商品比较,可获得显著的经济效果。

    Its cost is cheaper and the properties required are more excellent , compared with the similar products .

  9. 乙方还承担向甲方提供其他供应商类似商品的报价和广告资料。

    Party B shall also supply party A with quotations and advertising materials on similar products of other suppliers .

  10. 在同一种或者类似商品上,将与他人注册商标相同或者近似的文字、图形作为商品名称或者商品装璜使用,并足以造成误认的;

    Selling goods which , as the seller knows or should know , have infringed on another person 's right to exclusive use of a registered trademark ;

  11. 销售类似商品的商店集中于一处是一种普遍现象,为分析这一现象,提出一个简单的两维空间竞争模型,而消费者的偏好是不确定的。

    Geographical concentration of stores that sell similar commodities is pervasive . To analyze this phenomenon , this paper provides a simple two dimensional spatial competition model with consumer taste uncertainty .

  12. 反淡化法的适用范围应仅适用于非类似商品或服务,在相同或类似商品或服务上的使用不构成淡化。

    Dilution law should only cover acts happening in the field of non-similar goods or services , using of the mark in identical or similar goods or services does not constitute dilution .

  13. 未经注册商标所有人的许可,在同一种商品或者类似商品上使用与其注册商标相同或者近似的商标的;

    To use a trademark that is identical with or similar to a registered trademark in respect of the same or similar goods without the authorization of the proprietor of the registered trademark ;

  14. 商标淡化是传统商标侵权行为在非相关商标领域的扩张,其本身是为规避传统商标侵权保护模式,对相同或相类似商品或服务仿冒的禁止性规定而产生的。

    Trademark infringement , trademark dilution is the traditional model in the field of non-related trademarks expansion , itself is to avoid the traditional trademark protection mode . The same or similar goods or services counterfeiting prohibition arising .

  15. 复制、摹仿、翻译他人注册的驰名商标或其主要部分在不相同或者不相类似商品上作为商标使用,误导公众,致使该驰名商标注册人的利益可能受到损害的;

    Copying , imitating , translating a well-known registered trademark of another person or its essential part to be used as a trademark on non-identical or non-similar goods and thus misleading the public and causing possible damage to the owner 's interest of the said well-known trademark .

  16. 该协议第16条规定不仅宣布将驰名商标特殊保护延及服务商标,保护范围扩大到了非类似商品以及服务上,并且对如何认定驰商标作出了原则性规定。

    The sixteenth clause of TRIPS agreement not only declares that the protection of Well-known trademark shall extend to the trademark of service and the range of protection shall extend to non-similar commodity and service , but also makes regulation in principle on how to cognizance well-known trademark .

  17. 根据混淆理论,商标侵权认定标准主要涉及三个方面,即相同或类似商品或服务的判定,相同或近似的标记的判定;混淆或混淆可能的判定。

    In accordance with the confusion theory , the judgment standards of the trade mark infringement mainly involve three aspects : the judgment of the same or similar goods or services , the judgment of the same or similar marks and the judgment of the confusion or possible confusion .

  18. 商标侵权行为在现实生活中有着各式各样的表现形式,如未经商标注册人的许可,在同一种商品或者类似商品上使用与其注册商标相同或者近似的商标。

    The trademark infringement behavior has got the assorted manifestation in realistic life , if have not yet the permission that trademark register person , in the same kind of merchandise ising similar to perhaps merchandise usage with its register the trademark the homology perhaps the trademark that look like .

  19. 喜欢海上活动的大亨们可能更喜欢购买游艇或类似的商品。

    Tycoons who enjoy marine activities might prefer to acquire a yacht or something similar .

  20. 查询是否有相同或近似的商标在相同或类似的商品或服务上已在先申请注册;

    To find whether the same or similar trademarks have been registered for the same or similar goods or services .

  21. 不同国家的居民会购买不同组合的商品和服务,或是购买只有微小品质差别的类似的商品。

    Residents of different countries buy different combinations of goods and services , or similar items with subtle variations in quality .

  22. 如果你真的错失了机会,你可以在卖二手货的网站上找找(类似的商品),或者耐心等待它再次出现。

    And if you miss one , either scout for it on sites that sell unused daily deals or patiently wait for it to show up again .

  23. 它允许用户通过图片进行搜索,利用深度学习(一种旨在模拟人类大脑运作方式的技术)找到相同或类似的商品。

    It allows users to search by image using deep learning , a technique designed to emulate the way a human brain works , to find a matching or similar item .

  24. 商标淡化就是这样一种商标侵权行为,非权利人在非类似的商品或服务上使用与驰名商标相同或相似的标识,从而导致驰名商标的显著性与吸引力弱化。

    Trademark dilution is such a trademark infringement , in the way that non-holders apply identifications same as or similar to a well-known trademark on dissimilar commodities or services , thus resulting decrease in the distinctiveness and appeal of the well-known trademarks .

  25. 医疗器械是与大众医疗健康和生命安全密切相关的,与药品类似的特殊商品,是现代医学的重要手段。

    Medical devices are closely related with public and life safety , special goods as medicine , and medical devices have been an important means of modern medicine .

  26. 通过实验样品性能与类似用途无机物商品的性能的对比,证明将聚合物用作节能材料的设想是可行的,可产业化的。

    The infrared reflective properties of the testing samples and similar inorganic goods are compared . The results show that the supposition of conducting polymer used as saving energy materials are feasible and productive .