
  • 网络dilution;Trademark Dilution
  1. 从立法实践上说,对驰名商标淡化行为的立法规定最早出现在《巴黎公约》中,此后,在TRIPS协议和WIPO的《示范条款》《联合建议》等中得到完善。

    Legislatively , legal regulation on trademark dilution first appeared in the " Paris Convention ", then be perfected in TRIPS Agreement , WTPO " Model Provisions " and " joint recommendations " .

  2. 商标淡化也是一种不正当竞争行为。

    Trademark dilution is also a kind of unfair competition act .

  3. 国际上,《巴黎公约》、TRIPS协议等国际条约都吸收了商标淡化理论。

    This theory has been embodied in international treaty like " Paris Pact " and TRIPS Agreement .

  4. 根据指示剂稀释原理,计算rCBV比值和重建CBV图谱。商标淡化理论初探

    Applying the principles of indicator dilution theory , rCBV was calculated . On the Dilution of Trademark

  5. 商标淡化法律内涵之探析

    Probing into the Dilution of Legal Connotation of Trade Marks

  6. 商标淡化理论与立法探析

    Study on the Theory of Trademark Dilution and Its Legislation

  7. ○2商标淡化的分类,包括三类:弱化、丑化、退化。

    Includes three categories : weakening , beautify , degradation .

  8. 商标淡化理论的正当性亦可从经济学的角度加以论证。

    Dilution doctrine can also be justified from economic perspective .

  9. 第四章:商标淡化理论的中国意义。

    Chapter IV : The significance of trademark dilution theory for Chinese legislation .

  10. 商标淡化理论的法理基础及运用

    Legal Philosophical Basis and Application of Trademark Dilution Theory

  11. 商标淡化理论及其在我国商标司法实践中的应用问题研究

    Trademark Dilution Theory and Research of Judicial Practice of Trademark Dilution in China

  12. 第三部分,研究驰名商标淡化的认定,分为三个层次:(1)商标淡化内涵的研究。

    Include three levels : ( 1 ) theconnotation research of trademark dilution .

  13. 浅论商标淡化的形式

    Shallowly discusses the form which the trademark desalinates

  14. 商标淡化理论与驰名商标保护

    Dilution of Trademark Theory and Well-known Trademark Protection

  15. 驰名商标淡化救济及竞争立法问题研究

    Study on the Remedy for Famous Trademark Dilution and the Legislation of Competitive Law

  16. 商标淡化不同于传统意义上的商标侵权,它是在不同种类的商品或不相类似的商标的行为。

    Different from traditional trademark infringement , it implies the illegal use of others .

  17. 我国现行法律尚未对商标淡化进行直接规定。

    There is no direct stipulation to the trademark desalination at our present law .

  18. 商标淡化理论之中国辨正

    Chinese Identification and Retification of Trademark Dilution Theory

  19. 驰名商标淡化问题研究

    Research on the Dilution of Well-Known Trademark

  20. 商标淡化理论思考

    Thoughts on the Theory of Trademark Weakening

  21. 商标淡化的表现形式和构成

    The Forms and Composition of Trademark Dilution

  22. 商标淡化中的侵权问题研究

    Research on the Tort in Trademark Dilution

  23. 从本质上讲,商标淡化是一种侵犯商标权的行为。

    The traditional theory believes that the trademark infringement is only limeted to registered trademarks .

  24. 第一章介绍了商标淡化的历史、概念和形式。

    Chapter one is about the history , concept , and the form of trademark dilution .

  25. 第二章研究了美国州和联邦商标淡化立法的发展。

    Chapter two focuses on the development of the American states and federal trademark dilution legislation .

  26. 商标淡化行为分析

    Analysis of Trademark Dilution Action

  27. 驰名商标淡化是指对驰名商标区别商品或服务能力的削弱行为。

    The well-know trademark dilution refers to the act of reducing identification and distinctiveness of well-know trademarks .

  28. 驰名商标淡化理论就是针对这种驰名商标的淡化侵权行为所提出的解决方式。

    The theory of well-known trademark dilution exactly aims at this kind of trademark dilution tortuous behavior .

  29. 第二章是商标淡化在世界各国的历史发展。

    Chapter two expounds the historical development of the countries all over the world by the trademark dilution .

  30. 商标淡化同时又是一种侵犯消费者和一般社会公众利益的行为。

    Trademark dilution is again a kind of act that impairs interests of consumers and the social public .