
shānɡ biāo yì yì
  • objection to a trademark;objection against a trademark
  1. 论恶意商标异议的认定及其法律规制

    On the Identification and Legal Regulation of Malicious Trademark Oppositions

  2. 但是,这项裁决对乔丹来说只是部分胜利;乔丹对乔丹公司的70多个商标提出异议。

    But the ruling represents only a partial victory for Mr Jordan , who has disputed as many as 70 of Qiaodan 's trademarks .

  3. 第二十二条对初步审定、予以公告的商标提出异议的,商标局应当听取异议人和申请人陈述事实和理由,经调查核实后,做出裁定。

    Article 22 . Where an opposition is filed against the trademark that has , after examination , been preliminarily approved and published , the Trademark Office shall hear both the opponent and applicant state facts and grounds and shall , after investigation and verification , make a decision .

  4. 此外,成员还可提供对商标的注册提出异议的机会。

    In addition , Members may afford an opportunity for the registration of a trademark to be opposed .

  5. 因此,各级法院和工商管理机关对于近似商标侵权和商标异议案件合法、准确的处理就显得极为迫切和重要。

    For this reason , courts and approximate business administration authorities for trademark infringement and trademark opposition case legal , accurate processing is extremely urgent and important .