
  1. 目前发达国家以及一些重要的国际公约建立了商标反淡化的法律制度,仍没有彻底解决企业的商标权和名称权的法律冲突问题。

    The developed countries and some important International Conventions have taken some measures such as establishing Against Dilution law to solve the problems .

  2. 王勤认为新iPad在中国迟迟不发售的原因是苹果与中国企业的iPad商标权诉讼案。此案最近刚刚了结。但他并未对在中国迟迟拿不到新iPad感到过分不满。

    Mr. Wang blamed the delay on a recently settled lawsuit between Apple and a Chinese company over the iPad trademark , but wasn 't overly downbeat .

  3. 乡镇企业注册商标专用权的国际保护

    International Protection to Registered Trademark for Town and Township EnterPrises

  4. 无形资产权,诸如专利权、企业策划权、商标权、版权及知识产权等;

    Intangible property rights such as patents , industrial designs , trademarks , copyrights , and literary property ;

  5. 最后,笔者提出企业自身应强化商标权和商号权的保护意识,实行商标与商号一体化保护。

    At last , I put forward that enterprises should strengthen the trademarks and trade-name rights protection , implement of integrated protection of trademarks and trade names .

  6. 在经济利益的驱动下,在商标注册中抢注他人具有一定声誉的企业简称的案件逐渐增多,企业简称与商标权的权利冲突日益明显。

    Driven by economic interests , the cases of cybersquatting other enterprises ' ACN in the trademark registration is increasing , and the conflict between trademark right and ACN is becoming increasingly evident .

  7. 随着对外贸易的发展和全球经济一体化程度的加深,商标国际注册对企业发展的作用越来越重要,企业对商标权的保护已经不满足于在国内注册。

    With the development of foreign trade and global economic integration deepens , the International Registration of brand becomes more and more important to the development of enterprises , enterprises are not satisfied with the protection of trademark rights in the domestic register .

  8. 随着知识经济的到来,商标权的作用日益显著,许多企业不惜代价,通过广告、营销等各种方式,扩大企业商标权的知名度,进而占领市场、获取超额收益。

    With the advent of the knowledge-based economy , the trademark rights plays an increasingly prominent role , therefore many companies expand the visibility of corporate trademark at all costs , through advertising , marketing and many other ways to occupy the market for excess returns .