
  • 网络business saving
  1. 企业储蓄来自利润。

    Business savings come from profits .

  2. 与居民储蓄、企业储蓄一样,政府储蓄也是国民储蓄的重要组成部分。

    Like resident and business savings , government savings is also the important component part of national savings .

  3. 独立宏观分析机构“绝对战略研究中心”(absolutestrategyresearch,简称asr)指出,在美国和欧洲,随着公共部门赤字激增,企业储蓄率已升至数十年未见的水平。

    Absolute strategy research , an independent group of macro analysts , points out that in the US and Europe , the corporate savings rate has increased to levels not seen for decades , as public sector deficits have ballooned .

  4. 而惠誉评级(FitchRatings)数据显示,即使在银行系统内,多达一半的新增存款来自对理财产品的认购,而近五年来净企业储蓄没有任何增加。

    And even at the banks , as much as half of all new deposits are going into wealth management products , according to Fitch Ratings , while there have been no new net corporate deposits at all in five years .

  5. 对日本来说,更重大的问题在于过剩的企业储蓄。

    A bigger problem for Japan lies in surplus corporate savings .

  6. 让政府和企业储蓄率降下来是关键

    Decline of Savings of Government and Enterprise Is the Key

  7. 企业储蓄的增长,主要源于留存利润的飙升。

    The increase in corporate savings comes mainly from a surge in retained earnings .

  8. 研究一国的储蓄问题,通常使用国民储蓄概念,国民储蓄一般包括政府储蓄、企业储蓄和居民储蓄。

    Of savings problems , usually uses concepts of national savings that includes government savings , corporate savings and household savings .

  9. 利润(以及以此衡量的企业储蓄)的上升,只不过是因为在规模经济之下,出口和产出增加。

    Profits ( and so measured corporate savings ) rise simply because of increased exports and output under economies of scale .

  10. 史密瑟斯尤其强调应降低当前过高的贬值拨备,这在企业储蓄中占据很大份额。

    Mr Smithers particularly emphasises the role of lowering currently excessive provisions for depreciation , which makes up the bulk of gross corporate savings .

  11. 目前,这次下降已被企业储蓄的大幅增长弥补了,因此日本政府的现金账户仍持有不少盈余。

    For now this decline is offset by the strong rise in corporate savings , which is why Japan continues to run a comfortable current-account surplus .

  12. 尽管这很大程度上源于企业储蓄率上升,但家庭储蓄率也同样出现了上升。而且,国民收入更多地流向了企业,而不是流入一线消费者之手。

    Although much of this rise reflected corporate savings , household savings rose , too , and a greater share of national income went to companies rather than consumers in the first place .

  13. 因此,呼吁中国企业将储蓄用于投资,未免有点不够真诚。

    So calling for Chinese firms to invest their savings is a bit disingenuous .

  14. 非国企业的储蓄;

    Non-state-owned enterprises savings ;

  15. 不过,家庭和企业的储蓄依然远远高于债务,这让日本的国民资产负债表尚有偿付能力。

    And household and corporate savings still comfortably exceed the level of debt , keeping the national balance-sheet solvent .

  16. 要理解上述令人费解的情景如何可能产生,可以想象一个平衡的经济体,其中家庭和企业希望储蓄的钱,与希望进行实体投资的钱在金额上完全相等。

    To see how that predicament might arise , start by imagining an economy that is balanced in the sense that the amount of money which households and businesses wish to save is exactly the same as the amount they wished to spend on physical investments .

  17. 家庭可支配收入占GDP的比例降至极低水平,而企业投资、储蓄和经常账户盈余飙升。

    Household disposable incomes fell to an extremely low share of GDP , while corporate investment , savings and the current account surplus soared .

  18. 企业是中国储蓄最大的来源。

    Enterprise is the main source of savings in China .

  19. 本文旨在研究在不同的金融约束条件下企业的现金储蓄行为。

    This paper is aimed to understand firms ' cash saving behavior under different financial status .

  20. 主要的外部投资者是庞大的国有企业中国邮政储蓄银行。

    The main outside investor is the Postal Savings Bank of China , a sprawling , state-owned bank .

  21. 美国必须降低家庭和企业收入、储蓄以及投资的边际税率,同时扩大税基。

    The US must reduce marginal tax rates on household and business earnings and on savings and investment , while broadening the tax base .

  22. 近代一些企业通过附设储蓄存款机构,汇聚起巨额社会闲散资金,对近代企业的发展起着不可忽视的作用。

    Some neoteric companies in Modern China pooled a lot of idle capital through their attached deposit establishment , which rained effect on the companies ' development .

  23. 我们将扩大人们对房屋和企业、退休储蓄和医疗保险的所有权,让我们的人民作好准备,应对自由社会中的生活挑战。

    We will widen the ownership of homes and businesses , retirement savings and health insurance - preparing our people for the challenges of life in a free society .

  24. 通过迫使家庭和企业动用自身储蓄为重建筹资,这场灾难可能在今年剩余时间内为经济增长提供支撑。

    By forcing households and businesses to dip into their savings to finance reconstruction , the disaster is likely to support economic growth in the later months of this year .

  25. 同时,鼓励建立企业年金和个人储蓄性养老保险。

    In the meantime , encourage build enterprise annuity and individual deposit sex endowment insurance .

  26. 摘要企业商号吸收社会储蓄,在近代中国是一个普遍现象。

    It is not an unusual phenomenon in modern China that commercial stores took in social deposit .

  27. 我国社会养老保险由国家基本养老保险、企业年金和个人储蓄养老三个支柱组成。

    The social pension system in China is composed of state pension , enterprise annuity and personal savings .

  28. 我国目前已初步确立了由基本养老保险、企业年金和个人储蓄养老三者构成的多层次养老保险体系。

    At present , China has initially established multi-level endowment insurance system which includes the basic old-age insurance , occupational pension and personal savings for retirement .

  29. 目前世界上大多数国家已建立了基本养老保险、企业年金和个人储蓄性养老保险的三支柱养老保险体系。

    At present , most countries have established the three support old-age insurance system composed by basic old-age insurance , enterprise pension and personal savings of old-age insurance .

  30. 我国政府在借鉴各国经验的基础上,建立由国家主办的基本养老保险、企业年金以及个人储蓄性养老保险三个支柱的养老保障体系。

    On the basis of referring international experience , the Chinese government establishes the three-pillars social security system , the fundamental pension , occupational pension and individual savings and pension insurance .