
  • 网络credit policy
  1. 第三部分主要论述了企业信用政策的建立。

    The third chapter mainly discusses establishment of credit policy .

  2. 研究了基于客户战略的企业信用政策设计。

    The trade credit policy based on enterprise strategy has been designed .

  3. 本章阐述了企业信用政策的制定原则和信用政策制定应遵循的基本流程。

    This chapter elaborated the principles to make credit policy and the basic process of making credit policy .

  4. 对如何合理制定企业信用政策和收帐政策,以及应收帐款政策对企业成本、收益与风险的影响等进行初步的探讨。

    The policy of credit and accounts receivable , the influence of cost , revenue and risk are studyed .

  5. 除导论之外,本文共分为五章,各章的主要内容和观点如下:第一章,企业信用政策制定与选择的理论基础。

    And the contents and viewpoints of each chapter were as follows : The first chapter displayed the theory of credit policy making and choosing for enterprise .

  6. 本章主要阐述制约信用政策的诸多因素,说明企业信用政策的选择必须综合考虑各方面的影响因素,才能合理制定和选择信用政策。

    This chapter mainly elaborated the factors restricted credit policy , testified that only when the factors are considered while choosing the credit policy that the credit policy could be reasonably made and chosen .

  7. 赊销效果的好坏,取决于企业的信用政策,包括信用期间、信用标准、现金折扣等。

    The result of credit sale depends on enterprises ' credit policy , including reputation period , reputation standard and cash discount , etc. .

  8. 这严重制约了中小企业信用担保机构政策性职能的发挥,增加了我国的金融风险。

    This seriously restricted the full play of the policy function of the SMEs ' credit guarantee system , and it also increased the country 's financial risks .

  9. 其中,第一节给出了建立中小企业信用担保机构的政策依据和基本原则,以及现阶段我国中小企业信用担保机构体系、资金来源和基本职能。

    Section One gives policy warranty and fundamental principle of establishing the SMEs credit guarantee institution .

  10. 保证中小企业信用担保这种“政策性的资金,法人化的管理,市场化的运作”,必须从以下方面不断完善:建立法人实体;

    To guarantee the " policy financing , corporate management and marketable function ", it is a must to improve the following aspects : building corporation entity ;

  11. 企业在制定信用销售政策时,可以通过控制不同信用客户业务往来的赊销率和赊销天数,达到风险控制的目的。

    When the policy of credit selling is formulated , the enterprise can control the rate and fatalism of selling credit to achieve the aim of risk control .

  12. 第三,从中国企业信用管理的现状,说明我国企业信用管理的难点,分析了企业信用政策的两种极端模式,即拒绝赊销和过度授信,提出正确对待信用销售的平衡观。

    Thirdly , from the present state China business credit management , illustrate the difficulties of China business credit management , analysis the two extremely model of business credit policy , rejecting selling on credit and overtrading , propose the balance for sales on account correctly .