
  1. 论企业经营权信托

    A Study on Trust of Enterprise Managerial Power Business Data

  2. 国有企业经营权探析

    A Study On The Bussiness Right Of State-owned Enterprise

  3. 论国有企业经营权的完善

    On Perfection of the Managerial Power of State Enterprise

  4. 但国有企业经营权在现实中的作用却不尽如人意。

    But the practical effect of the managerial power of state enterprise is unsatisfactory .

  5. 它主要强调的是企业经营权的归属问题。

    What it emphasized is the ownership of the right of management of the enterprises .

  6. 文章还就强化企业经营权职责问题提出了具体的完善办法。

    It puts forward concrete , perfect measures to strengthen enterprise 's duties of running authori-ty .

  7. 理论上对如何看待国有企业经营权也存在争议。

    There are still controversies on the problem of the managerial power of state enterprise in theory .

  8. 继承与超越&论俄罗斯联邦民法典中的单一制企业经营权与业务管理权

    The Succession and the Jumping & New Russian Civil Law on rights of management and business control under historical comparison

  9. 国有企业经营权不能从根本上解决企业对其综合财产的占有和使用,只有改造为企业法人所有权才能保证国家股权的实现。故将企业经营权定性为用益物权显然不当。

    The management right of state-owned enterprise is the ownership in essence , so it is unsuitable to be prescribed in property law .

  10. 企业经营权是改革过程中的一个过渡性提法,在市场经济条件下已不适宜。

    The management rights of enterprises are put forward as interim measure during the reform , and are not appropriate for the market economy .

  11. 但我国的用益物权制度却因自身理论的缺陷而无力解决国有企业经营权中存在的现实问题。

    But the system of usufructuary right of China can not resolve the practical problems of the managerial power of state enterprise for its born theoretic limitation .

  12. 企业经营权与所有权的分离使得人们研究企业内部控制专注于不同的范围和性质,却忽略了内部控制系统整体内在的联系和一致性。

    Separation of proprietary rights from management rights makes people focus on different scopes and nature of the internal control system , which has ignored the inherent relevance and consistency of it .

  13. 国有企业经营权制度的立法目的,是赋予国有企业对抗所有人的不当干预的权利,使国有企业成为独立的市场主体,自主参与市场竞争。

    The purpose of the system of the managerial power of state enterprise is authorizing the state enterprise to confront the unmerited interferences , and making the state enterprise to be the self-governed market participant to participate in market competition .

  14. 企业经营权和所有权的分离,导致委托人为了解决代理问题,必须有一套激励约束机制控制代理人朝着委托人福利最大化的方向行进。

    Due to the division of management and owning right , in order to solve the agent problem , the client should have a method to control the attorney act according the goal , which makes the best for the client .

  15. 行政划拨有两种形式,一种是政策引起的主管单位变更,企业经营权不发生实质性转移。另一种是伴随经营权实质性变更的股权划拨,是一种行政式重组。

    There are two ways of administrative transfer : one is to change the department in charge by politics without changing the management right ; the other one is a kind of administrative recombining , both the management and the share rights should be changed .

  16. 对授予私营生产企业外贸经营权的思考

    Thoughts on Delegating Rights of Foreign Trade to Private Manufacturing Enterprises

  17. 虽然时常有管理人员加盟,但通常由所有者掌握企业的经营权并制定重大管理决策。

    Oftentimes supervisors were added , but owners usually oversaw the business operations and made key managerial decisions .

  18. 可以说,随着专业化分工的进一步加深以及市场竞争的日益激烈,企业的经营权和所有权逐渐分离,聘请职业经理人来经营企业已经成为一种不可避免的趋势。

    With further deepening of specialization , corporate management and ownership of the gradual separation , hiring professional managers has become an inevitable trend .

  19. 国际直接投资是以节制企业经营打点权为焦点,以获取利润为目的的投资勾当。

    The international direct investment is take controls the enterprise to manage the authority as a core , take gains the profit as the goal Germany investment activity .

  20. 传统意义上的委托代理理论是指单重委托代理理论,主要用来分析以私有产权和私有制为基础的公司制企业在经营权和所有权分离的背景下产生的公司治理问题。

    The traditional principal-agent theory refers to the unit principal-agent theory , which is mainly applied to the corporate governance in the private companies with the separation of ownership and management .

  21. 中小企业特许经营权的典型形式是契约型的特许经营权,其含义也早已不仅限于政府特许的范畴。

    The typical form of franchise of business granted to medium and small & sized enterprises is a contractual one , the meaning of which has already got beyond the category granted by the government .

  22. 代理问题产生于企业所有权和经营权的分离。

    Agency problems rise in enterprise ownership and the right of management separation .

  23. 职业经理取得了企业的经营控制权以后,他们的素质就成为影响企业绩效的关键因素之一,招聘到高素质的职业经理成为提高企业绩效的至关重要的一环。

    Recruiting high-quality professional managers become the most important for improving enterprise performance .

  24. 企业具有独立经营权、自主决策权是财务管理应用的前提。

    Being an independent enterprise is a major premise to using function of financial management .

  25. 论知识经济时代知识型企业所有权与经营权的融合

    The amalgamation of ownership and management in a knowledge type of enterprise in knowledge economy era

  26. 公司治理与公司管理的相互依存来自两者之间的匹配协调,两者的区别根源在于现代企业所有权与经营权的分离。

    Interdependence stems from the matching and coordination ; difference is rooted in the separation between ownership and management .

  27. 随着企业所有权和经营权的分离,委托代理理论的相继提出,独立审计应运而生。

    With the seperation of the ownership and operation , based on the principal-agent theory , independent auditing emerged .

  28. 由于企业所有权和经营权的分离导致了委托代理问题,为了降低代理成本,有效地激励并约束代理人,高管薪酬机制便应运而生。

    Due to the separation of corporate ownership and management , executive compensation mechanisms come into being with the principal-agent problem .

  29. 通过向当地一些企业发放特许经营权,菲拉格慕为一些大陆商店取得了经营牌照。诺尔萨表示,这些当地集团有时候更加容易获得较好的房地产。

    Ferragamo licenses some of its mainland stores through franchises with local groups that , he says , sometimes have easier access to good real estate .

  30. 注册会计师审计起源于企业所有权和经营权的分离,是市场经济发展到一定阶段的产物。

    CPA audit originated from the separation of corporate ownership and management , and is the product of the market economy development to a certain stage .