
  • 网络right to recourse
  1. 论我国票据追索权行使要件的立法完善

    On Legislation Perfection of the Exercising Precondition of Recourse in China

  2. 试论票据追索权的限制与保护

    A Study of the Restriction and Protection of the Rights of Recourse of the Bill

  3. 本部分内容主要从票据追索权行使的实质要件和形式要件两个大的方面来论证票据追索权的行使要件。

    The thesis researches on the exert mode of bill recourse from two aspects , i.e. essential requirements and procedural elements .

  4. 限制与保护是票据追索权法律制度中必须处理的一对矛盾。

    Restriction and protection is a contradiction which should be settled in Negotiable Instruments Law of the Rights of Recourse of the Bill .

  5. 该部分主要阐述了票据追索权的概念、性质、分类以及追索权的相关当事人,从而可以更全面地了解票据追索权的相关内容。

    The concept , characteristics , sort and relative objects are expounded , then the correlative content of bill recourse can be understood across-the-board .

  6. 本文将票据追索权性质概括为:追索权是一种票据权利,是一种请求权,是补充性的请求权,是期待权。

    The right of recourse of negotiable instrument is generalized as a right of note , a right of claim , a complementary right of claim , a right of expect .

  7. 根据票据追索权的行使时间和行使主体两种方式进行分类。

    According to two main methods for classification , that is , the exercise time and the persons of the right of recourse , the right can be divided into two sorts .

  8. 为进一步加强对票据追索权的认识、理解,本文从追索权的概念、主体、要件、效力和时效等方面对其进行系统全面地总结分析,使之体系化。

    In order to understand right of recourse further , the thesis makes a systematical and all-round study of right of recourse from the angles of concept , subjects , essentials , effects and prescription , making it form into a system .

  9. 在这些制度中,有一项较为重要而独特的制度,对保障票据的流通必不可少,这就是票据追索权制度。

    The Right of recourse of negotiable instrument is an important system among them .