
piào jù
  • bill;note;negotiable instrument;voucher
票据 [piào jù]
  • (1) [bill]∶依据法律按照规定形式制成的并显示有支付金钱义务的凭证

  • (2) [note]∶发出或运送货物的证件

票据[piào jù]
  1. 该票据需要背书。

    The bill needs to be endorsed .

  2. 这票据什么时候到期?

    When does the bill fall [ become ] due ?

  3. 票据即将到期。

    The bill will soon fall due .

  4. 我拒绝兑现你的票据。

    I refuse to honour your bill .

  5. 请查收邮件中包含您近期旅行票据的附件。

    Please find attached the tickets for your upcoming travel .

  6. 汇票是合法票据。

    A bill of exchange is a legally recognized document .

  7. 第二十七条因票据纠纷提起的诉讼,由票据支付地或者被告住所地人民法院管辖。

    Article 27 A lawsuit brought on a bill dispute shall be under the jurisdiction of the people 's court of the place where the bill is to be paid or where the defendant has his domicile .

  8. 一种基于Internet网安全交易的票据模型

    A Secure Receipt Mode Based on Internet

  9. 基于Kerberos票据的Web单点登录设计

    Design of Web Single Sign On Based on Kerberos Ticket

  10. 随着票据交易系统里的用户不断的增加,票据导入的数量也不断增加,交易系统的Web服务器显得难以应付高速增长的业务。

    As the continued increase of the users and transaction amounts , the Bill Exchange System web server cannot maintain the high performance .

  11. CoreBusiness客户端处理与通常的ERP相关的作业,例如设立提案、装载票据材料和财务管理。

    The CORE Business client handles common ERP related tasks such as the creation of proposals , loading of bills of material , and accounting .

  12. 随着我国加入WTO,国内商业银行面临国际、国内双重竞争的压力,而票据市场作为短期资金融通的场所,是货币市场的重要组成部分。

    With China 's entry into WTO , the national commercial bank face pressure of competition both from international and internal market .

  13. 基于一次U系统的商业票据防伪的数字水印算法

    A Digital Watermarking Method for Anti-counterfeit of Commercial Bills Based on First Degree Orthogonal Function of U System

  14. PX-1型紫外线票据消毒器设有传送带与紫外线灯。

    PX-1-Type Ultraviolet Voucher Disinfector is installed with conveyer belt and ultraviolet lamp .

  15. 它有助于管理员限制向这台AIX客户机机器的用户颁发的Kerberos票据的生命期。

    It helps administrators restrict the Kerberos ticket lifetime issued to any user from that particular client AIX machine .

  16. 本文将一次U系统的正交函数系应用到商业票据防伪中,给出了一种新的数字水印算法。

    A one degree orthogonal function of U system is applied to the anti-counterfeit of commercial bills , and a novel digital watermarking method is put forward .

  17. 您可以自动打开一个问题票据或将该问题添加到一个“to-do”列表。

    You could automatically open a problem ticket or add the problem to a " to-do " list .

  18. Fed建立的这项计划实际成为没有其他选择的情况下商业票据的最后买家。通过这一计划,企业在安排它们的融资时将获得更大喘息空间。

    With an investment vehicle set up by the Fed now effectively acting as a commercial-paper buyer of last resort , companies will have more breathing room to manage their finances .

  19. 外联网拓扑的一个特殊例子是票据交换所(clearinghouse),这在许多行业都比较常见,可以想到的几个有金融业、医疗保健和保险业。

    A specialized case of the extranet topology is the clearing house , which is common in many industries ; finance , healthcare , and insurance are a few that come to mind .

  20. 请求格式使用一种HTTPPOST请求格式,并在参数中指定要采取的动作,以及API密钥、票据、API版本和输出格式。

    The request format uses an HTTP POST request format , and specifies the action to take in the parameters along with the API key , ticket , API version , and output format .

  21. 在包含使用Kerberos的应用程序的真实场景中,管理员很可能希望对Kerberos票据的生命期实施基于机器的细粒度控制。

    In real-world scenarios involving Kerberized applications , it 's pragmatic to expect administrators to require machine-based granular control over the Kerberos ticket lifetime .

  22. 在Kerberos基础结构内,有一个密钥分发中心,即KDC,可以提供票据分发功能。

    In a Kerberos infrastructure , we have something called a key distribution center , or KDC , which provides ticket distributing functionality .

  23. sudo的一个特性使用时间票据判断自从最后一次运行sudo命令以来已经过了多长时间。

    Sudo has a feature that uses time tickets to determine how long since the last sudo command was run .

  24. 矿产资源税费管理系统主要利用二维条形码加密技术对票据进行加密和Rfid对车辆进行有效地控制,政府按照开采计划给企业发放加密的票据。

    Mineral resources use tax management system is mainly two-dimensional bar code encryption technology to encrypt and Rfid bills to effectively control the vehicle , the government issued in accordance with mining companies plan to encrypted notes .

  25. 通过将光标移动到图标上方,可以看到初始票据授予票据(TGT)过期的剩余时间。

    By positioning the cursor over the icon , you can view the time left until the initial ticket-granting ticket ( TGT ) expires .

  26. 这个关系以时间作为值,必须在管理员希望实施票据生命期控制的AIX客户机机器的/etc/krb5/krb5.conf文件中指定它。

    This relation takes time as its value and has to be specified in the / etc / krb5 / krb5.conf file of the AIX client machine over which the administrator wants to have the ticket lifetime control .

  27. 依照国际贸易票据流转规则,我国加入WTO后,在TRIMS和TRIPS协定下的国际贸易中,票据安全流通将更加困难。

    In accordance with the regulations for the circulation of bills in international trade , a secure circulation of bills will become more difficult within the frame of TRIMS and TRIPS after China ′ s entrance to the WTO .

  28. 介绍了基于BorlandBDE数据库,以Delphi为开发工具,以TCPIP协议为标准的,基于PSTN的网络数据库的应用程序,开发出的黑龙江省公路网化票据系统软件。

    This paper introduces the applied program based on Borland BDE data base and PSTN internet data base , using Delphi as development tools and TCP / IP protocol , and presents the design of internet receipts management system in Heilongjiang province highway .

  29. 上面讨论的票据交换所模型是一个“轮毂辐条状(hub-and-spoke)”模式,其中,辐条是每个不同的B2B接口,目标是避免辐条之间相互通信。

    The clearing house model discussed above is a hub-and-spoke pattern , where the spokes are each a different B2B interface and the goal is to keep the spokes from communicating with each other .

  30. 本文针对B/S模式管理信息系统开发过程中遇到的票据打印问题,提出了利用ActiveX和CSS实现B/S模式下的票据打印的实现方法,并以一个煤炭企业为例描述了具体的实现过程。

    This article attempts to give a resolution , by using ActiveX and CSS , to the problem of bill printing in developing B / S mode management information system , and describes the whole procedure in carrying it out through an example of a coal enterprise .