
  1. 论票据行为能力的法律适用&以实证比较与价值为视角

    Applicable Law for the Capacity of Act on Commercial Paper & from the Perspective of Empirical Comparison and Value

  2. 日内瓦公约体系和普通法系在票据行为能力法律适用方面的立法实践虽各有特点,但体现了融合的趋势。

    The applicable law of the act on commercial paper is based on Geneva Convention system and common-law system .

  3. 国际上对票据行为能力的法律适用原则以日内瓦公约体系、普通法系最为典型。

    As to the issue of the actor on commercial paper , most countries haven 't talked about it and its interpretation is applicable to the general principles of civil law .

  4. 从票据当事人行为能力、票据行为方式和票据债务三个方面,考察和比较了大陆法系和英美法系国家以及日内瓦统一冲突法分约中的有关规则和判例。

    This article reviews and compares the cases and stipulations of The Civil Law system , The Common Law System and " Geneva Convention on Uniform Law of Conflict " . on capacity and forms of bill conduct and bill liability .