
piào jù fǎ
  • Bill law;commercial instrument law;commercial paper law;commercial instrument act;commercial paper act
  1. 票据行为是票据法的理论基础,其性质如何,各国立法和理论向来存在争议。

    Act on commercial instrument forms the theoretical base of commercial instrument act , but different countries have controversy about its character in legislation and theory .

  2. 论票据法上的利益返回请求权

    On the Claim for Reinstitution Interest in Commercial Instrument Law

  3. 第九讲票据法

    Lectures on international business laws & lecture 9 law of bill

  4. 票据法保护利益分析

    The Analysis of the Protective Interests in the Negotiable Instruments Law

  5. 期后背书是票据法中的一个理论难点。

    Endoresment after date has been a difficult point in note theory .

  6. 票据法应确认空白背书的法理探析

    Legal Principles of Blank Endorsement to be Confirmed in Law of Bills

  7. 票据法上恶意与善意研究

    Study on Malice and Good Will in Negotiable Instruments Law

  8. 浅析票据法上的拒绝证明

    A Tentative Discussion about Protest Proof on Negotiable Instruments Law

  9. 民事行为无效规则在票据法中的适用

    Applying the rules of invalid civil act to negotiable instruments

  10. 票据法上的民事责任制度研究

    A Study of Civil Liability in Commercial Instrument Law

  11. 票据法对银行结算的影响

    Influence of Bill 's law to Bank Accounts Setting

  12. 论英美票据法上的正当持票人制度

    On the Doctrine of Holder in Due Course in Anglo-American Negotiable Instrument Law

  13. 票据法介绍本票、汇票和支票的法律规定;

    Prrt five disscuss bill law , introducing bill , check , and note .

  14. 三是票据法上的权利说;

    The third version is the rights to claim arising out of the instrument law ;

  15. 本文清楚地表明票据法中的一个基本原则,即在基本票据行为无效的情况下,该票据为无效票据。

    It clearly shows the principle that the bills are invalid if basic billing is invalid .

  16. 票据法发展到今天,已经成为国际上统一程度最高的法律。

    Commercial instrument law has so far developed into the most unified law in the world .

  17. 尊重当事人的意思自治,增加能发生票据法效力的记载事项。

    The party 's free will should be respected and valid record of bills should be increased .

  18. 本文从票据法的角度对票据行为的独立性进行初步分析。

    This paper gives the preliminary analysis for the independence of bill behavior from the law of bill .

  19. 因此,对于票据法理论的研究也提出了更高的要求。

    Therefore , the theoretical study of Negotiable Instruments Law has put forward higher requirements for Chinese scholars .

  20. 票据法的制定是为了保护交易的安全和快捷、促进票据的流通。

    Laws of instruments are made for guaranteeing safe and fast transactions and promoting the circulation of instruments .

  21. 一宗票据法案例的分析

    A law case analysis

  22. 我国《票据法》对隐存保证背书没有任何规定,学界对此也鲜有论述。

    Our Commercial Instrument law has no regulation about hidden guaranty endorsement and academic circles also seldom discuss this .

  23. 票据法上关于背书禁止的规定对票据的流通性产生着重大影响。

    The provisions of nonnegotiable endorsement in Negotiable Instruments Law have an great effect on the negotiation of instruments .

  24. 并将票据法与刑法上对伪造背书问题的差别规定加以明晰,指明本文仅从票据法角度进行相关阐述。

    On the other hand , the thesis tries to describe clearly the regulations between criminal law and bill law .

  25. 票据法以追求票据流通便捷与流通安全为其立法宗旨。

    The convenience and safety of the transaction of the negotiable instruments is a target of the Law on Negotiable Instruments .

  26. 关于利益返还请求权,其性质、构成要素、行使及其他实务问题上,票据法领域存在较大的争议。

    Return on interests , its nature , claim elements , exercise and the other practice issues , negotiable biggish area dispute .

  27. 票据法设立票据权利善意取得制度,归根结底,立法宗旨是保护交易安全。

    Bona law set up the Bona Fide Possession , It 's aim of legislation is protecting deal safe in the final analysis .

  28. 根据我国现行对票据法的有权解释,商自然人可以作为汇票的付款人进行票据支付行为。

    In the light of the related interpretation on the commercial paper law , the businessman is able to be the drawee to pay .

  29. 两大票据法体系在调整票据伪造方面有很多相同的地方,也有很多不一致的地方。

    In adjusting the counterfeit note , there are many similar places between two major negotiable instrument law systems and also many inconsistent places too .

  30. 依票据法的规定,因票据伪造而遭受损失的人可向伪造人请求赔偿。

    According to the lawful rule of bill , the party concerned of the bill can ask for the forged to pay for the losses .