
qǐ yè fǎ
  • enterprise law;law of enterprises
  1. 从《合伙企业法》看合伙的法律地位

    Research for Partnership 's Legal Position in the Partnership Enterprise Law

  2. 合伙企业法的修订涉及多方面的问题,本文就此提出个人的一些看法和建议。

    The revision relates to many aspects of the Enterprise Law .

  3. 我国加入WTO后,为了更好地吸收外商直接投资,必须对现行外商投资企业法进行修改和完善。

    For better absorption of foreign direct investment after access to the WTO , China should revise and perfect present foreign-funded enterprise laws .

  4. 我国1996年《合伙企业法》(草案)第八章规定了有限合伙(LimitedPartnership),但是经立法机关对该草案审议后,取消了整个第八章。

    The limited partnership abolished from the Partnership Law with the consideration by the legislative body was prescribed in the 8th chapter of the partnership law in 1996 for the draft of the law .

  5. TRIMS协议(与贸易有关的投资措施协议)首次将与贸易有关的投资措施纳入了WTO统辖下的多边贸易体制框架之中,必将对我国外商投资企业法产生重要的影响。

    TRIMS agreement incorporates trade-related investment measures into the multilateral trade framework manipulated by WTO . It must give rise to an important effect to the foreign investment law of China .

  6. 《个人独资企业法》调整主体范围浅议

    On Limits of Subject in Law of Individual Sole investor Enterprise

  7. 二是中小企业法的基本理论问题。

    The second is the basic theory problems of SME law .

  8. 中小企业法的概念、特征及主要内容;

    The concept , traits and main contents of SME law ;

  9. 对《合伙企业法(修订草案)》的思考与建议

    Consideration and Suggestion to " Law of Partnership Enterprise ( Draft )"

  10. 我国乡镇企业法的若干问题研究

    The Study of Problems about Chinese Statute on Town and Township Enterprises

  11. 论外商投资企业法与公司法的接轨

    On the Coordination of Foreign Investment Law and Business Law

  12. 中小企业法的界定

    The Definition of the Law of the Minor Enterprise

  13. 中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法

    Law of the people 's Republic of China on Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures

  14. 论外商投资企业法的重构

    Researches on the Reconstruction of Foreign Invested Enterprises Law

  15. 个人独资企业法若干问题刍议

    On Several Problems of Law of Individual investment Enterprises

  16. 公企业法基础理论探讨

    Exploration for the Basic Theory of Public Business Law

  17. 中小企业法的价值本质:中小企业法的制度本质。

    The value and system essence of SME law .

  18. 关于《个人独资企业法》的几个问题

    Several Problems about The Law of Individual Venture

  19. 从我国《合伙企业法》的修订谈商法的原则

    On the Principles of Commercial Law in the Revision of Law of Partnership Enterprise

  20. 从这方面来说,现行中国外商投资企业法仍存在有待改进之处。

    The third part describes the main content of foreign invested enterprises laws in China .

  21. 在此微观层面的选择上,以关联企业法作为主要调整模式。

    In this micro-level choice , " associated enterprises " is a major adjustment mode .

  22. 《合伙企业法》的定位与法律协调

    The Status of the Partnership Enterprises Law and Its Harmonization with other Departments of Law

  23. 现代商法是企业法,企业、企业主成为现代商法的基本概念。

    The modern commercial law is the law of whose basic concepts are enterprise and entrepreneur .

  24. 论我国复合伙制度的建立&兼谈我国新《合伙企业法》的完善

    The Establishment of Dual-partnership in China

  25. 保加利亚人民共和国对外贸易统计资料,中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法

    Law of the People 's Republic of China on Chinese - Foreign Joint Ventures , the

  26. 法治的距离&中国国有企业法现象的实证分析

    The Distance of Rule of Law

  27. 《个人独资企业法》及其相应会计制度的研究个人独资企业、合伙企业不适用本法。

    The sole individual proprietorship enterprises and partnership enterprises are not governed by the present law .

  28. 企业法若干问题研究

    On Several Problems of Enterprise Law

  29. 新兴服务业与企业法

    Pioneer Services and Enterprises Ordinance

  30. 经济法与商法的区别&从企业法归属的角度分析

    Distinctions between Commercial Laws and Economic Laws : A Perspective of the Categorization of The Enterprise Law