
  • 网络decision making;business decision;BUSINESS DECISION MAKING
  1. 本课程将专注于讨论如何应用资讯系统以支援企业决策。

    The course focuses on the application of computer systems to aid business decision making .

  2. 企业决策的理性与理念当前企业决策存在的问题及对策

    Current problems in business decision and countermeasures

  3. 本文在研究了多维建模的基本原理和基本方法的基础上,针对企业决策过程的迫切需要,建立了多个OLAP模型。

    After discussing the base rules and methods of dimensional modeling , this paper designed and implemented a few OLAP analysis models to meet the needs of the enterprise .

  4. 基于供应链的虚拟企业决策支持系统的自组织建模

    Self organization modeling for supply chain based virtual enterprise decision support systems

  5. 文化归属与企业决策模式的选择

    Cultural Belongingness of Enterprises and Selection of Decision Making Model

  6. 关于企业决策的五个问题

    The Five Problems on the Decision making of Enterprises

  7. 在现实的企业决策中,情报确实起了不可估量的作用。

    The information takes immensurable effect during the decision-making of the current enterprises .

  8. 系统思考在企业决策中的应用

    An Analysis on the Application of " Thinking Systematically " in Corporation Decision

  9. 最后将其应用到某钢铁企业决策支持系统。

    And apply this method on a DSS of an iron and steel enterprise .

  10. 经济信息网络建设与企业决策

    Economic information network developments and enterprise decision

  11. 企业决策支持解决方案

    Enterprise 's Decision Supporting and Solving Scheme

  12. 企业决策行为理性与企业绩效有很明显的因果关系。

    There is very obvious casual relationship between firm decision behavior rationality and firm performance .

  13. 炼化企业决策支持系统建设的探讨

    Discussion for DSS Construction in Petrochemical Enterprises

  14. 这里分析了单一目标和多目标下的企业决策的优化方法。

    Here discusses the firm 's decision-making on the condition of single object and multi-objects .

  15. 准确及时的财务分析可以为企业决策提供较好的支持。

    The accurate and timely financial analysis provides the backup for the decision-making of the enterprise .

  16. 成本测量与企业决策

    Costing measuring and enterprise decision

  17. 企业决策支持系统面向企业决策,在决策中目标不是单一的,更多的是多个目标的综合,定量和定性的目标之间的统一;

    EDSS is enterprise oriented , aimed at multi-objects , and the integrity of qualitative and quantitative objects .

  18. 该系统的应用,可为企业决策者作出正确决策提供可靠的依据。

    The application of the DSS may provide a reliable basis for the correct policy-making of enterprise policymakers .

  19. 电信运营商发展至今积累的海量的客户消费数据,隐藏着能够指导电信运营商更准确地进行企业决策的知识。

    Telecom operators have accumulated vast amounts of customer consumption data , in which hide knowledge can guide more accurate business decisions .

  20. 为了切实履行企业决策的伦理责任,必须提高决策者的道德修养;

    In order to carry out the ethical responsibilities of the decision making of enterprise , the decision makers'moral attainment should be improved ;

  21. 模拟结果表明,本文的定性模拟方法能有效辅助企业决策者进行管理人员的甄选决策。

    Simulation result in validation and application shows that the proposed method can be served effectively for manager selection decision making in management .

  22. 因此,如何利用这些宝贵的历史数据使其支持企业决策,成为当前一个技术热点。

    Therefore , how to take advantage of these valuable historical data to support business decisions , has become a technology hot spot .

  23. 我国推行的是生产型增值税,存在重复征税、导致企业决策扭曲、与产业政策目标相违背等问题。

    China adopts production type VAT , which causes repeated taxation , inappropriate decision of enterprices and violation of the target of industrial policy .

  24. 电价预测是企业决策的重要参考信息,也可能成为某些企业竞价策略的基础。

    For power generation firms ' decision , price forecasting could provide important information . Some firms ' bidding strategies even based on price forecasting .

  25. 网络广告效果的评估包括传播效果、经济效果和社会效果评估三方面的内容,而其中尤以网络广告的经济效果评估最为企业决策者所重视。

    The evaluation includes spreading effect , economic effect and social effect , and the economic effect especially is laid stress on by policy decider .

  26. 首先建立一个基于核心竞争力理论和资源依赖理论思想的一般模型,用于分析高科技企业决策搜索的动因;

    A general model on the basis of core competitive theory and resources dependent theory is built to analyze the decision search of the high-tech enterprises .

  27. 管理会计作为企业决策的重要依据,在我国当前并没有得到很好的运用。

    Management accounting as the importance that the business enterprise decision according to , did not get the good usage at present in the our country .

  28. 在简单介绍煤炭企业决策支持系统产生的背景基础上,提出了构建煤炭企业决策支持系统的框图结构。

    This article , on the basis of the simple introduction of the background of coal enterprise DSS , proposed the diagram structure which constructs this system .

  29. 本文基于数据仓库中的数据挖掘技术,针对企业决策问题,讨论了如何有效地获取有关顾客信息及商品信息,以辅助决策者制定决策方案。

    Based on data mining techniques in the data warehouse , this paper discusses how to obtain the information about products and customers effectively for the enterprise decision .

  30. 根据现行的办法来检测专利趋势的变化,企业决策人员必须依靠比较两个专利的不同时段的分析图表进行专利分析。

    Under existing approaches , to detect changes in patent trends , business managers must rely on patent analysts to compare two patent analysis charts of different time periods .