
  1. 票据行为独立性是票据行为的一个关键问题。

    The independence of bill behavior is a key problem of it .

  2. 浅谈票据行为的独立性

    Simple Discussion on the Independence of Bill Behavior

  3. 本文从票据法的角度对票据行为的独立性进行初步分析。

    This paper gives the preliminary analysis for the independence of bill behavior from the law of bill .

  4. 第一章主要分析了票据行为形式要件的法理基础、定义域界定,及其对票据行为独立性的影响;

    Chapter One analyzes the legal frame , definition of the form item of the behavior of negotiable instrument and its influence on the independence of the behavior of negotiable instrument .