
  1. 析列宁新经济政策的实质与法律思想

    Lenin 's New Economic Policy : the Essence and the Legal Thought

  2. 陈独秀发展资本主义思想与列宁新经济政策

    CHEN Du-xiu Thought of Development Capitalism and Lenin 's New Economic Policy

  3. 列宁新经济政策对我们的启迪

    The Enlightenment of Lenin 's New Economic Policy on Us

  4. 从发展哲学角度看列宁新经济政策的价值

    On the Value of the New Economic Policy from the Perspective of Development Philosophy

  5. 论工农联盟思想在列宁新经济政策中的作用

    On the Role of the Thought of Worker-Peasant Alliance in Lenin 's New Economic Policies

  6. 列宁新经济政策前的社会主义思想可称为经典社会主义,其主要缺点是缺乏现实性和可操作性。

    The socialist theory that prevailed prior to Lenin 's new economic policies is called classic socialism whose main shortcoming was its lack of feasibility of operation .

  7. 列宁新经济政策的基本精神、原则、思路和策略思想,对我国新时期经济建设仍然具有重要的启发和教益。

    Lenin , the basic spirit of the new economic policies , principles , ideas and strategies for my new historical period of economic construction have important inspiration and lessons .

  8. 列宁新经济政策虽然在列宁逝世后被斯大林模式逐步中断了,但按列宁的本意,是需要整整一个历史时代的。

    Lenin 's new economic policy would have been implemented for a long period of time had it not been gradually suspended by the " Stalin Model " after Lenin 's death .

  9. 陈独秀对列宁新经济政策作了较全面的阐述,他认为新经济政策是向社会主义过渡的政策,其实质是允许私人自由买卖和利用国家资本主义。

    CHEN Du-xiu made a thorough expatiation on Lenin 's New Economic Policy , he considered the New Economic Policy as a transitional policy that helps to lead to socialism . Its essence was to permit private individuals to be freely involved in transaction and utilize state capitalism .

  10. 它们在理论上的承袭可以追溯到列宁的新经济政策。

    Their theory source could trace down the Lenin-s new economy policy .

  11. 重新解读列宁的新经济政策

    A New Interpretation of Lenin 's New Economic Policy

  12. 列宁的新经济政策是对落后国家社会主义经济建设道路的重要探索。

    Lenin 's new economic policy is the important exploration for the backward nations'socialist economic construction .

  13. 列宁的新经济政策以及思想文化教育是符合俄国实际的,初步解决了在落后的基础上进入社会主义的国家如何进行政治信仰建设的问题。

    Lenin 's new economic policy as well as the measures of thoughts , culture and education conformed to Russia practice .

  14. 列宁的新经济政策是从资本主义向社会主义迂回过渡的政策,不仅不是社会主义建设的政策,而且也不是社会主义改造的政策。

    Lenin 's new economic policy is one for round about transition from capitalism to socialism , not one for socialist construction , nor one for socialist transformation .

  15. 列宁的新经济政策市场化探索是20世纪世界社会主义实践建设史上的一次极其重要的路线转变,产生了深远的历史影响。

    The exploration of market-oriented economy of Lenin was a very important transformation of line in the history of socialism construction in twentieth century , which has a profound historic significance .

  16. 前苏联与中国在探索社会主义的实践过程中有两次大的理论创新:(1)20年代列宁的新经济政策理论;

    In the soviet union and China there were twice big theoretical innovation in the factual course of the explorations of socialism . ( 1 ) Lenin 's new economic policy in 1920 's.

  17. 从探寻社会主义建设道路的基本观念、基本思路上看,列宁对新经济政策的最后构想乃是当代社会主义改革的历史源头和理论渊源。

    The last idea of new economic policy proposed by Lenin is the history source and theoretic origin of the contemporary socialist reform at the point of the basic concept and the basic way of the socialist construction .

  18. 列宁在实施新经济政策期间,对俄国社会主义建设道路问题进行了初步探索。

    Lenin has carried on the preliminary exploration to the Russia socialist construction route in implementing new economic policy period .

  19. 列宁在苏俄新经济政策时期就社会制度渐变提出了关于迂回前进的理论观点,关于改强攻为围攻的理论观点,关于社会主义改良的理论观点。

    During the period of the New Economy Policy in the Soviet Union Lenin put forth a series of theoretical ideas about the gradual changes of the social institutions which included : on outflanking the enemy ;

  20. 列宁所创立的新经济政策就是马克思主义在新的历史条件下与时俱进的一个光辉范例,是对马克思主义东方社会理论的重大发展和实践创新。

    Lenin 's innovative theory of the New Economic Policy claims to be an excellent example of Marxist practice " keeping pace with the time " under the new historical circumstances , and it is also the great development and innovation of Marxist theory on Eastern countries .

  21. 列宁“利用资本主义”思想,是列宁新经济政策的核心与实质,是列宁晚年思想的重要理论特色。

    Lenin 's thought on " the utilization of capitalism ", which is the core and essence of lenin 's new economic policy , is reflective of important theoretic features of lenin 's thought in late years .