
  • 网络Coupon;coupon rate;nominal rate;stated interest rate;stated rate
  1. 名义利率或票面利率为固定利率债券。

    The Nominal rate or coupon rate is the fixed interest rate on the bond .

  2. 到期利率是市场现行的利率,与债券的票面利率可能有差距。

    The YTM is the current market interest rates , which could differ from the fixed interest or coupon rate paid by each bond .

  3. 克里特还认为,债券9%的票面利率过高,即便考虑到相关风险,以及花旗(Citigroup)与阿布扎比的基金在上月的一笔类似交易中也使用同样的利率,这一利率仍显偏高。

    Mr Grete also believes the 9 per cent coupon on the notes is too generous , even given the risk involved and the fact that it is the same rate as set by Citigroup in a similar deal last month with Abu Dhabi .

  4. 相反,正如我的同事尼科尔布洛克(nicolebullock)最近所报道的,房利美的30年期当前票面利率债券(行业基准)息差近日跌至仅比美国国债高出57个基点的水平。

    On the contrary , as my colleague Nicole Bullock reported this week , the spread between the 30-year Fannie Mae current coupon bond ( the sector benchmark ) fell to just 57 basis points over Treasuries this week .

  5. 这意味着这些债券的票面利率上限约为20%。

    That means coupons will be capped at about 20 per cent .

  6. 其票面利率在4%至5%左右,同时承担着汇率风险。

    It pays a coupon of around 4-5 per cent and bears currency risk on top .

  7. 债券收益率,票面利率的基础上,付出的代价和投资期限长度。

    Bond yields are based on the coupon rate , the price paid and the maturity length of the investment .

  8. 国家开发银行由中投注资,其周三发行的最新债券的票面利率与中投类似。

    China Development Bank , which was recapitalised by CIC , paid a similar rate for its latest bond issue on Wednesday .

  9. 他发现,“商业票据利率与国债票面利率的息差似乎是最好的先行指标”。

    He found " the spread between the commercial paper rate and the Treasury bill rate appears to be the best predictor " .

  10. 其在未转换为股票前,由于票面利率比较低,在不考虑转股失败的财务风险时,资本成本确实很低。

    Before transforming to shares , cost of capital is indeed low . Because nominal interest rate is lower when financial risk is not included .

  11. 票面利率通常是在发售债券时根据市场状况定下的,而且在债券有效期间是固定的。这些股票利率很高。

    The coupon rate is determined largely by market conditions at the time of the bond 's sale . These shares return a good rate of interest .

  12. 中国央行所谓的冲销票据的票面利率约为4%,而1年期美国国债目前的利率仅为2.07%。

    The PBoC pays about 4 per cent on its so-called sterilisation bills , while one-year US Treasuries now carry an interest rate of 2.07 per cent .

  13. 而债券的票面利率在发行时已定下,并在有限期内通常维持不变。

    On the other hand , the bonds coupon or fixed interest rate is determined at the launch of the bond and stays fixed during the bond 's lifetime .

  14. 在80年代以前,债券一般上都相当简单,即包括不太复杂的现金流动结构,票面利率和到期日在发行时已定下。

    Prior to the early1980s , the bond market was comprised mainly of'plain vanilla'bonds with simple cashflow structures , where coupon payments and maturity were fixed at the outset .

  15. 其次,我们从标的股票的价格、波动率、转股价格、无风险利率、票面利率、赎回条件、回售条件、距到期日时间等方面对新模型进行静态分析。

    Secondly , we calculate the model value by static analysis , considering underlying stock price , conversion price , risk-free rate , coupon , maturity , put , call .

  16. 一个溢价债券将有一个比较,它的票面利率和折扣债券将有较高的产量比目前的名义利率较低的当前收益率。

    A premium bond will have a lower current yield compared to it 's coupon rate and a discount bond will have a higher current yield than it 's nominal rate .

  17. 中期票据采用平价发行,按照固定收益证券的定价原理,平价发行的债券定价,实质上是票面利率的定价,即确定中期票据发行日的到期收益率。

    According to the principle of fixed income securities pricing , pricing a bond with parity is essentially determining its ' coupon rate which is also yield to maturity on issue day .

  18. 股市已收复超过一半的失地,垃圾级债券的票面利率接近历史低位,而一年前的接近20%。

    Stocks have recouped more than half of their losses and junk bond borrowers now face interest rates near all-time lows , compared with near 20 per cent rates one year ago .

  19. 彭博收集的数据显示,对冲基金平均同比上涨了2%,其回报率也就勉强赶上无风险10年期美国国债的票面利率。

    According to data compiled by Bloomberg , hedge funds were up an average of 2 % on the year , just barely offering the coupon rate of a risk-free 10-year Treasury note .

  20. 希腊政府与近2000亿欧元债务持有者的谈判上周破裂,此前一些欧元区官员呼吁大幅降低新债券的票面利率。

    Talks with holders of close to € 200bn of Greek debt broke down last week , after some eurozone officials called for a sharply lower coupon , or interest payment , on new bonds .

  21. 在理论分析的基础上对上述结论进行了实证分析,并建立了股价变动与可转债发行规模、发行溢价、票面利率的回归模型。

    Based on theoretical analysis the thesis makes substantial analysis of evidence on the above conclusion , and establish the regression model between the change of stock price and issue scale , overflowing price , and face interest of convertible bond .

  22. 目前,大多数学者对于离在岸人民币债券资本成本的比较研究都集中在票面利率的比较,从而得出内地机构赴港发行人民币债券具有成本优势。

    Currently , most study on the comparison of bond capital cost between offshore RMB bond and onshore RMB bond is focused on the coupon rate , thereby drawing a conclusion that offshore RMB bond for mainland institutions has cost advantage .

  23. 债券的票面利率为6.25%,高出葡萄牙(被视为欧元区第二疲弱的成员国)目前国债利率2个百分点左右,相当于欧洲最大经济体德国国债利率的2倍。

    The coupon interest rate on the bond was 6.25 per cent , about 2 percentage points more than Portugal – seen as the next weakest eurozone country – is paying and double the rate paid by Germany , Europe 's biggest economy .

  24. 最后,在总结全文研究成果的同时,针对我国可转换债券的条款设计,如票面利率条款、转股价格条款、转股价格修正条款、赎回条款、回售条款,提出了几点对策建议。

    At last , we review the research conclusion of this paper and give some suggestions about the convertible bond term design , such as the coupon rate , the conversion premium , the adjustment of conversion price , the call provisions and the put provisions .

  25. 如果债券溢价(高于票面价值)购买的,那么你的整体到期收益率将低于您说的票面利率。

    If the bond was purchased at a premium ( above par ), then your overall yield to maturity will be lower than your stated coupon rate .