
  1. 本文结合一起案例,从实证法的角度谈出票行为无效和票据无效的关系问题。

    Using a case , this paper analyzes problems related to invalid billing and invalid bills .

  2. 没有人申报的,人民法院应当根据申请人的申请,作出判决,宣告票据无效。

    If no declaration of rights is made , the people 's court shall , at the request of the applicant , render a judgment invalidating the instrument .

  3. 作废的票据包括无效的票据、失效的票据以及被宣布作废的票据。

    And the cancelled bills include : invalid bills , expired bills and those bills that are claimed to cancel .

  4. 第六十一条票据保证无效的,票据的保证人应当承担与其过错相应的民事责任。

    Article61if the guaranty of negotiable instruments is ineffective , the guarantor of the bill shall bear relevant civil liabilities according to its fault .

  5. 如果在sudoers中此用户的条目中有NOPASSWD,票据特性是无效的。

    The ticket feature will not work if you have NOPASSWD in the user 's entry in sudoers .

  6. 本文清楚地表明票据法中的一个基本原则,即在基本票据行为无效的情况下,该票据为无效票据。

    It clearly shows the principle that the bills are invalid if basic billing is invalid .

  7. 因此,票据无因性产生的重要法律效果是:一旦票据的原因关系无效或撤销,票据关系仍可存续。

    Therefore , the note for no reason to produce the important legal effect is : once the negotiable instrument a causative relationship is invalid or revoked , Negotiable instrument relationship may survive .