
  1. 与企业组织相比,行政组织的结构、运行、行政职能和行政组织的目标均有其独特性。

    Compared with enterprise organizations , the structure , operation , function and objective of the administrative organization are unique .

  2. 纪检监察作为国有企业党组织和行政组织的专门监督机构,对于国有企业防治腐败工作发挥着重要的作用。

    As the party organization of state-owned enterprise of discipline inspection and supervision of the administrative organization specialized institutions . For the state-owned enterprise prevention and control work corruption played an important role .

  3. 第四十九条企业行政管理部门为组织和管理生产经营活动而发生的管理费用和财务费用,为销售和提供劳务而发生进货费用、销售费用,应当作为期间费用,直接计入当期损益。

    Article 49 Administrative and financial expenses incurred by enterprise 's administrative sectors for organizing and managing production and operation , purchase expenses on commodities purchased , and sales expenses for selling commodities and providing service , shall be directly accounted as periodic expense in the current profit and loss .