
  • 网络Enterprise Credit Evaluation;enterprise rating
  1. 提出了一种基于软计算的企业资信评估模型,它集成模糊数学和遗传算法,用快速遗传k均值算法进行聚类。

    In this paper , a credit rating model based on soft computing is proposed which is a integration of fuzzy mathematics and genetic algorithm and use Fast Genetic k means Algorithm to cluster .

  2. 本模型用PowerBuilder和Sybase数据库实现,为ERP中的企业资信评估提供了一个新的方案。

    The realization of the model introduces a new way to ERP in credit rating with the use of PowerBuilder and Sybase SQL server .

  3. 信息约束与中国的企业资信评估业

    Restrained information and the industry of credit assessment of Chinese enterprises

  4. 传统方法和演化计算在企业资信评估中的应用

    The Application of Traditional Methods and Evolutionary Computation in Credit Assessment of Enterprise

  5. 开展企业资信评估需要研究的几个问题

    To do Research on Some Questions is Necessary for Carrying our Enterprise Credit-rating

  6. 企业资信评估利用了这些量化的方法进行科学的评价。

    The enterprise credit assessment uses these quantification methods to make the scientific assessment .

  7. 科技企业资信评估体系研究

    Research on Science-technology Enterprises Credit Ratings Evaluation System

  8. 案例推理技术在企业资信评估中的应用

    Application of CBR in Enterprise Credit Rating System

  9. 这样,弱化了人为因素,增强了同类企业资信评估的可比性。

    Thus , it attenuates the infection of human factors and strengthens comparability of the enterprise credit assessment of the same kind .

  10. 然后,选用层次分析法与专家意见法确定指标权重,将模糊数学应用于企业资信评估,给出企业资信评估的模糊综合评价方法。

    As the fuzzy mathematics applied in the ratings , the model using the method of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to assess the small and medium-size sci-tech enterprises is set up .

  11. 因此,利率市场化改革,必须创造良好的财税金融环境,培育完备的金融市场,转变陈旧的商行经营思想,建立科学的企业资信评估体系。

    Therefore , we should create favorable financial environment , cultivate perfect financial market , change our obsolete concepts and establish scientific enterprise evaluation system to reform the interest market .

  12. 针对企业资信评估活动的特点,提出一套基于案例的资信评估方法及实现技术,为企业资信评估提供一个有效的支撑环境。

    According to the characteristics of enterprise credit rating , a case - based credit rating system and its method are proposed , offering an effective supporting environment for the credit rating of enterprise .

  13. 企业资信评估为银行发放贷款提供了依据,据此可提高信贷质量,减少贷款风险。

    The evaluation of enterprise credit provides scientific basis of granting a loan for banks , in accordance with it , the bank can improve the quality of credit and reduce the credit risk .

  14. 本文中建立的信托企业资信评估模型及提出的信托业发展策略对建设社会信用体系和企业以及投资者的决策都有重要意义。

    The trust enterprise credit assessment model and the trust trade developing strategies putting forward in this paper have important meanings for building social credit system and the making of decision of enterprises and investors .

  15. 最后指出了目前我国航运企业资信评估存在的问题,并对发展和完善我国航运企业的资信评估提出了几点建议。

    At the end of the paper , the author give some suggestions of how to develop credit appraisal according to the existing problems and hope that credit appraisal is further more researched and applied in our country .

  16. 本文介绍了国外企业资信评估的一些经验,包括资信评估的内容、程序和指标,并对中国建筑企业的资信评估进行了思考,提出了一点建议。

    The paper introduces some foreign experience about the evaluation of enterprise credit rating , including the main content , the process and the criteria , thinks over the evaluation of Chinese construction enterprise credit rating , and gives some suggestions .

  17. 本文主要探讨了企业资信评估的基本概念、企业资信评估指标体系的建立与评价标准以及企业资信评估模型的建立和研究并以具体的示例做了具体的分析。

    The article mainly discusses the conception of assessment , how to erect the enterprise credit assessment system , how to establish the standard of assessment and how to make the model of enterprise credit assessment . It also gives analyses methods of real examples .

  18. 高技术创业企业的资信评估系统研究

    Research on the Credit Risk Evaluation System for High-tech Ventures

  19. 提出对借款企业进行资信评估,以区分进行普通的监管还是要进行严密监管。

    The paper put forward evaluate the credit of the borrowing enterprises in order to distinguish the supervision lever on ordinary or closely .

  20. 工业企业信用销售的资信评估研究

    Study on Capital Credit Assessment of Credit Selling of Industrial Enterprises

  21. 我国民营企业与上市公司资信评估指标体系的比较研究

    Study on compare of credit rating criteria system between listed and private corporation

  22. 论文的开展遵循定性与定量分析相结合的原则,首先,系统阐述了企业债券融资和企业债券资信评估的相关概念、理论及方法。

    Thesis will follow the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the principle of combining , first , elaborate the corporate bond financing and the corporate bond credit rating related concept , theory and methods Systematically .

  23. 最后,从宏观环境、行业、企业三个角度提出建立和完善食品企业资信评估体系的建议。

    In the end , the study also proposed suggestions to build up and complete the economical credit evaluation system from the aspects of environment , industry and cooperation .

  24. 采用一种能够体现民营科技企业资信水平动态变化趋势的二次相对评价模型,通过建立资信评估指标体系,对样本民营科技企业的资信进行评估。

    On the basis of two-stage relative evaluation model , together with the credit rating index system , the credit rating ' change trend of sample private technology corporation in Heilongjiang province is analyzed .

  25. 由于我国现有的资信评估体系未考虑到科技企业自身的技术创新能力及其高风险等特点,因此,如何科学的对科技企业进行资信评估具有重要的现实意义。

    For the failure to concern on their characteristics of innovative power of technology and high risk in the present credit ratings system for enterprises , how to estimate the credit ratings of science-technology enterprises has important significance .

  26. 接着,本文从资信评估角度对道路运输企业进行了范围限定,归纳了其技术经济与当前发展特点,以此为基础,阐述了道路运输企业资信评估的涵义与实施注意事项。

    Furthermore , the article limits the range of road transport enterprises on credit rating , characteristics them on technology economies and current development , on basis of these ; it describes the concept of credit rating for road transportation enterprises and implementation guidelines .