
  • 网络enterprise organizational innovation
  1. 应对动态竞争环境的企业组织创新研究

    Study of Enterprise Organizational Innovation Coping with Dynamic Competitive Environment

  2. 企业组织创新过程中风险的识别研究

    The Research on Risk Identification in Enterprise Organizational Innovation

  3. MIS的发展与企业组织创新

    The development of MIS and the innovation of enterprise organization

  4. 文章首先阐述了CIM的思想,分析了信息技术的发展对传统等级组织结构的冲击。并指出CIM环境下企业组织创新的必要性,最后提出了基于CIM环境下企业组织结构创新的政策建议。

    Based on the analysis of CIM idea and IT challenge to the traditional organization , the paper points out it necessary to innovate the organizational structrue . Then this paper presents five policy suggestions for the innovation of the organization on the basis of CIM idea .

  5. 我国企业组织创新的源与模式研究

    The Sources and Patterns of Firm 's Organizational Innovation in China

  6. 我国林产工业企业组织创新探索

    Researches on Organization Innovation of Forest Products Industry Enterprises in China

  7. 中国零售业企业组织创新研究

    Study on Organization Innovation of China Retailer 's Organizational Structure

  8. 企业组织创新与生产率关系的实证研究:以纺织业为例的讨论

    Empirical Research on Organizational Innovation and productivity : Evidence from Textile Industry

  9. 电子商务环境下的企业组织创新研究

    The New Research for Enterprise Operation in the E - Business Environment

  10. 学习型组织与传统企业组织创新

    Learning organization and the innovation of traditional enterprise organization

  11. 高新技术企业组织创新理论研究综述

    A Summary of the Organizational Innovation of High-technology Enterprises

  12. 信息化水平和信息化能力对企业组织创新影响研究

    Study on the Impact of Informationization Level and Informationization Ability to Organizational Innovation

  13. 我国国有企业组织创新的误区透视

    Analysis on the Mistake in Organization Innovation of State-owned Enterprises in Our Country

  14. 高技术企业组织创新与变革问题研究

    The Organizational Innovation of the High - technology Enterprises

  15. 关于国有煤炭企业组织创新的思考

    Organizational reform of state - owned coal mining enterprises

  16. 基于熵理论的企业组织创新分析

    Organizational Innovation on the Basis of Entropy Theory

  17. 中国企业组织创新气氛结构实证研究

    Empirical study on the structure model of organizational climate for innovation in Chinese enterprises

  18. 面向未来的企业组织创新

    The Enterprise Organ Innovation That Faces the Future

  19. 企业组织创新趋势探析

    On the New Trend of Enterprise Organization Innovation

  20. 分工与企业组织创新

    On Organizational Division and Cooperation in Innovation Process

  21. 再次,进行了高技术企业组织创新状态的测度研究。

    Thirdly , it is researched on high-tech enterprises ' technology innovation status measuring .

  22. 浅析知识管理与企业组织创新的关系

    Knowledge Management and Enterprise Relationship between organizational innovation

  23. 论企业组织创新风险

    Risk of Enterprise 's Organizing to Create

  24. 外部网络化与企业组织创新

    Exterior Networking and Businesses Organizational Innovation

  25. 关于企业组织创新的思考与决策建议

    Reflections on the Enterprise Organizational Innovation

  26. 信息化时代的企业组织创新

    Enterprise Organization Innovation in Informatization Era

  27. 基于区域网络化生产的中小企业组织创新研究

    On the Organizational Innovation of Small and Medium-sized Firm in the Context of Regional Network Production

  28. 电子商务与企业组织创新

    E business and organization innovation

  29. 网络环境下纺织企业组织创新能力评价及提升

    On the Evaluation and Improvement of the Organizational Innovation Ability of Textile Enterprise in the Network Environment

  30. 结构方程模型对企业组织创新人因风险的识别

    The Identification to the Human Factor Risk in the Enterprise 's Organizational Innovation by Using Structural Equation Model