
  1. 第一章阐述研究H企业制度创新的必要性。

    The first chapter explains the necessity for the enterprise system innovation .

  2. 加入WTO与企业制度创新

    WTO Entry and Enterprise 's System Innovation

  3. 第五章评价H企业制度创新的效果,指出存在的问题并提出对策。

    The fifth chapter evaluates effect of system innovation in the and points out existing problem and provids countermeasure .

  4. 第五章,员工持股与企业制度创新。

    In chapter 5,1 expound relations of ESOP and institutional innovation .

  5. 当代制度创新理论与我国企业制度创新

    Modern theory of institutional innovation and institutional innovation of Chinese Enterprises

  6. 国有企业制度创新博弈分析

    On the Game Theory Analysis of the State-Owned Enterprise 's Reform

  7. 从东北高速炒期货谈起&浅析企业制度创新与期货市场的发展

    Analysis of Innovation of Enterprise System and Development of Futures Market

  8. 电子商务中的企业制度创新研究

    The Research on Enterprise 's Institution Innovation in E - Business

  9. 民营科技企业制度创新问题研究

    A Study on Institutional Innovation of Private Scientific and Technological Enterprise

  10. 人力资本价值计量及其企业制度创新

    Measure of the human capital value and enterprises ' system innovation

  11. 人力资本要素贡献与企业制度创新

    Contributions of Human Capital Factor and Institution Innovation of Enterprise

  12. 国有企业制度创新的难点与对策

    Difficulty in Innovation of State-owned Enterprise System and Its Solutions

  13. 完全市场经济条件下民营中小企业制度创新

    Institution Innovation of Middle and Small Private Enterprise under Full Market Economy

  14. 国有企业制度创新的八大难题

    Eight Difficult Problems concerning innovation or State Owned Enterprise System

  15. 群体人力资本对国有企业制度创新的启示

    Inspiration of State-owned Enterprises System Innovation on Colony Manpower Capital

  16. 论道德风险与国有企业制度创新

    On the Moral Hazard and Institutional Innovation of State-Owned Enterprises

  17. 私营企业制度创新的内容和途径

    The contents and ways of the private enterprises system innovation

  18. 南橘北枳&关于地勘企业制度创新的思辨

    Thoughts and Explanation on the Innovation of Enterprise System of Geological Prospecting

  19. 民营企业制度创新与可持续发展的相关性

    On the Relativity of Private-owned Enterprises ' System Innovation and its Sustainable Development

  20. 经营秩序与外贸企业制度创新

    Innovation in Management Order and Foreign Trade Enterprise System

  21. 第二章我国民营企业制度创新的理论基础。

    Second chapter is the theoretical foundation of Chinese private enterprise system innovation .

  22. 老工业基地国有企业制度创新研究

    Researches of the System Innovation for State-owned Enterprises of the Old Industrial Bases

  23. 论产权和企业制度创新

    On Property Rights and New Trails in Enterprise System

  24. 浙江省家族制民营企业制度创新重点的动态选择

    The Dynamic Slection on the Focus of System Innovation in Zhejiang Family Business

  25. 第四,加快企业制度创新和管理创新。

    Fourth , innovation of enterprise system and management system will be expedited .

  26. 跨国公司是现代企业制度创新性扩展的一个重要方式。

    Transnational corporation is an important creative expansion mode of modernized enterprise system .

  27. 国有企业制度创新的现实障碍和国家股流通思路初探

    State-owned enterprises institutional originality and transaction of state shares

  28. 有限合伙制度的引入与民营中小企业制度创新

    Introduction of Limited Partnership and Innovation of Private-owned Small and Medium-sized Enterprise System

  29. 乡镇企业制度创新研究

    A Research on System Innovation of the Township Enterprises

  30. 乡镇企业制度创新的内容与动力分析

    An Analysis of the Contents and Power of Township Enterprises ' System Innovation