
  • 网络corporate culture innovation
  1. 企业文化创新是企业可持续发展的重要保证。

    Corporate culture innovation is an important guarantee of continuable development strategy .

  2. 企业文化创新的可持续发展战略探讨

    Research on Continuable Development Strategy of Corporate Culture Innovation

  3. 青海石油设计院企业文化创新研究

    Research on Innovation of Enterprise Culture of Qinghai Oil Design Institute

  4. 滨海新区区域文化和企业文化创新

    Innovation of Regional Culture and Corporation Culture in Binhai New Area

  5. 基于企业文化创新的核心竞争力的提升

    Core Competition 's Exaltation Based on Innovation of Enterprise Culture

  6. 新世纪企业文化创新研究

    The Studies of Corporation Culture 's Innovations in New Century

  7. 在新形势下积极推进企业文化创新

    Promoting the Innovation of Enterprise Culture under the New Situation

  8. 论企业文化创新是现代企业发展的推动力

    Discuss That Corporate Culture Remolding is a Push of Modern Corporate Development

  9. 企业文化创新与企业价值观实现&内蒙古北方重型汽车股份有限公司实证分析

    A Substantial Analysis of Enterprise Cultural Innovation and the Accomplishment of Enterprise Value

  10. 中铝贵州分公司企业文化创新研究

    Study on Innovation of Corporate Culture in CHALCO Guizhou

  11. 企业文化创新初探

    An Initial Probe into the Innovation of Enterprise Culture

  12. 浅析民营企业文化创新

    Preliminary View on Culture Creation of Privately Run Enterprises

  13. 论网络时代的企业文化创新

    On the Corporation Culture Innovation in the Network Times

  14. 试论电力企业文化创新

    Creation of corporate culture at Electric Power Enterprises

  15. 科技与人文和谐发展下的民营企业文化创新

    Cultural innovation in private enterprises under the harmonious development on the science and humanities

  16. 辽宁国有企业文化创新的战略意义及其影响

    The Strategic Significance and Influential Factors of Cultural Innovation of the State-owned Enterprises in Liaoning

  17. 转折点上的企业文化创新&中日企业文化及成长企业竞争力

    Cultural innovation on the turning point

  18. 科学发展观视角下的石油企业文化创新

    The Innovation of the Oil Enterprise Culture in the View of the Scientific Outlook on Development

  19. 基于可持续发展的刘家峡水电厂企业文化创新研究

    Research on the Corporate Culture Innovation of Liu Jia Xia Hydropower Station Based on Sustainable Development

  20. 没有与时俱进的企业文化创新,企业持续经营的文化力量源泉就可能逐渐枯竭。

    With no corporate culture innovation , enterprise culture of continuous operation power source may gradually exhausted .

  21. 企业文化创新成为推动企业发展的强大动力;

    The innovation of enterprise culture has became the great driving force to promote the development of enterprise .

  22. 企业文化创新要以创新企业的经营理念为突破口,一方面认真汲取我国传统文化的优秀成果;

    The corporate cultural innovation must take innovate enterprises management idea as the breach , one side draw excellent our country tradition culture achievement carefully ;

  23. 本论文的内容还涉及对企业文化创新的设计、企业文化创新的成本以及企业文化创新的持续性等问题的探讨。

    The paper also involves the design of corporate culture innovation 、 the cost of corporate culture innovation and approach of continuity of corporate culture innovation .

  24. 其次,阐述了价值转换对民营企业文化创新的意义,强调了民营企业从利润生存型企业文化到价值驱动型企业文化转型的重要性;

    It explained the significance of value transformation for cultural innovation in private enterprises , clarified the necessity of transforming the existing culture into the value-driven culture .

  25. 最终将理论研究与实际相结合,提出了优化中国企业文化创新机制的对策和建议,以期为中国企业文化的创新和企业核心竞争力的提升提供有益的借鉴。

    At last the suggestions for optimizing the mechanism of culture innovation have been given , and they can help Chinese Corporation improving the core competitive ability promotion .

  26. 学习型组织的企业文化创新是企业文化学的前沿问题,也是企业文化理论发展的新阶段。

    Enterprise culture innovation of learning organizations is the newest theoretical concept of enterprise culture theory , and is the new stage of enterprise culture theory as well .

  27. 企业文化创新必须全面贯彻“三个代表”重要思想;要发扬与时俱进精神,积极推进企业文化创新。

    We should fully act on the important thought of the " Three Represents " and keep pace with the times to promote the innovation of enterprise culture .

  28. 如何进行企业文化创新并落实到企业基层部门和人员当中去是我国企业文化建设面临的重要课题。

    How to carry out enterprise cultural innovation and put it into fundamental departments and personal employees is still the major issue faced with by our enterprise culture construction .

  29. 学习型组织企业文化创新的主要内容;学习型组织的企业文化培养等问题。

    It mostly studies on enterprise culture of learning organizations and its characteristics , the basic principles of enterprise culture innovation , the main content of enterprise culture innovation and the cultivation of enterprise culture , etc.

  30. 同时以消费者价值为导向的企业文化创新还必须与企业的产品创新、技术创新、制度创新及管理创新的其他方面有机结合起来,不断健全和完善企业发展的创新体系。

    At the same time , enterprise culture innovation under the consumer value must be combine with the product innovation , technological innovation , system innovation and other aspects of management innovation organically , to perfect the system of enterprise innovation continuous .