
  • 网络CostofDiscredit;Cosr of discredir
  1. 失信成本过低会纵容坏孩子。

    Too low a credit-loss cost may connive " the spoilt children " .

  2. 审计失信成本低;

    Dishonesty cost is lower ;

  3. 当今经济生活中欺诈、违约现象增多是由于失信成本太低。

    Now economy life the inside cheats , break contract the phenomenon increases is because of failing in promise the cost too low .

  4. 宁夏信用缺失的最根本、直接的原因是失信成本偏低。

    The chief and direct cause of Ningxia 's lack and loss of credit lies in the relatively low cost of losing credit .

  5. 完善责任追究制度、强化民事赔偿责任有利于形成利益机制、增加失信成本,鼓励追究并遏制虚假宣传行为。

    Secondly , liability system needs to be strengthened so as to increase the cost of false publicity and offer incentives to ferret out false publicity .

  6. 要建设信用宁夏必须提高失信成本,这是促进信用环境根本好转的有效途径。

    To build a " credit Ningxia ", we must raise the cost of losing credit , which is the most effective way to improve the credit environment in Ningxia .

  7. 文章认为,信用信息难公开、传播渠道不通畅所导致的失信成本过低是中小企业信用行为失范的最深层原因。

    The difficulties in publishing and spreading credit information , which make the cost for credit lack too low , are the deepest reasons for dishonesty choices in small and medium-sized enterprises .

  8. 主要包括:整合社会各界力量组建学术诚信监管机构、提高学术失信的成本付出;(3)重视体育院校研究生自身道德自律和学术修养的自我教育。

    Mainly include : the integration of all sectors of society to establish academic integrity regulators , enhance academic dishonesty cost ;( 3 ) attached to the sports colleges and universities graduate student own moral and academic accomplishment of self education .

  9. 本文运用博弈论的方法对个人信用的运作机制进行了分析,并确定了信用申请者失信的机会成本。

    This text was used game theory to analyze the operation mechanism of personal credit , and has determined the opportunity cost that credit applicants break their promise .

  10. 另一方面,江西政府要加强管理,提高失信的社会成本,落实对民办高校的法律保障,进一步健全法规体系,解决民办高校教师的公平待遇问题。

    On the other hand , Jiangxi government should implement the legal safeguard for private universities and colleges , treat teachers equally as those in public universities , reinforce management and raise cost of enrollment dishonor .

  11. 同时,亦为美特斯·邦威集团潜在失信行为和失信成本控制提出了建议。

    Meanwhile , it gives advice to controlling of potential dishonesty behavior .

  12. 然而不可避免的带来了一些负面因素,特别是旅行社业的失信行为从生产成本、交易成本、社会分摊成本等方面加大了整个行业的社会成本。

    Some side effects , however , also appear , including which the most common are the production cost , trade cost and other cost caused by default of the travel agencies .

  13. 在信息不对称、博弈非重复的市场环境中,企业的失信收益往往大于失信成本,致使选择失信行为,成为企业实现利益最大化的理性策略。

    At the market surrounding that information is asymmetric and game is not repeated , the profit breaking promises bring tend to exceed what it costs , thus it is a rational choice for enterprise to choose breaking promises .

  14. 因此,我们必须依靠法律来约束信用关系中各方面的行为,尽快建立和完善失信惩罚机制,加大失信者的成本,为我省社会信用体系的建设创造良好的外部环境。

    Therefore , the activities of credit relation should be controlled by law , punitive system for loss credit should be set up and perfected , and a better external environment should be formed for our social credit system .