
  • 网络failure cost
  1. 难以衡量的失败成本

    Cost of Failure Might Be Measured of Millions Defeat

  2. 由所谓监管失败成本的公共责任得出的推论,或许是限制监管范围的最有力论据。

    The inference of public liability for the alleged costs of regulatory failure may be the most potent argument of all for limiting the scope of regulation .

  3. 作为存款保险制度的一种结果,银行之间的竞争将更趋激烈,这无疑增加了银行失败的预期成本。

    As one of the consequences resulted from the deposit insurance institution , the competition in the banking industry will be more dramatic , which will increase the cost of banking failure .

  4. 我们失败的原因是成本太高。

    The reason why we failed is that the costs were too high .

  5. 但产品研发往往具有失败率高、成本高等特点。为了规避新产品研发的风险,提高收益,必须要加强研发过程的有效管理,高效的、保质保量的完成新产品项目的研发工作。

    However , the development of new products often come with some obvious shortages , such as high failure rate and high cost that the R & D process takes .

  6. 跟上这些变化始终是IT工作最难的部分,也是IT工作最具挑战的原因,包括失败的项目和成本超支。

    Keeping up with so much change has always been the hardest undertaking of IT and the cause of many of its most infamous challenges , including failed projects and cost overruns .