
  • 网络unemployment insurance;Unemployment insurance benefits
  1. 失业人员在领取失业保险金期间,按照规定同时享受其他失业保险待遇。

    The unemployed are entitled to receive other unemployment insurance benefits during the period of receiving unemployment insurance compensation .

  2. 失业保险待遇主要是失业保险金。失业保险金按月发放,标准低于最低工资标准、高于城市居民最低生活保障标准。

    Unemployment insurance benefits consist mainly of unemployment insurance money , which the beneficiary can draw every month , with the standard lower than the minimum wage but higher than the minimum living allowance for urban residents .

  3. 失业保险金由社会保险经办机构按月发放。

    Unemployment insurance compensation is paid monthly by social insurance agencies .

  4. 领取失业保险金期间的医疗补助金;

    Medical subvention during the period of receiving unemployment insurance compensation ;

  5. 国税局称今年的失业保险金将实行免税政策。

    The IRS says some unemployment benefits will be this year .

  6. 越来越多的人靠失业保险金过日子。

    More and more people are living on unemployment insurance .

  7. 失业保险金自办理失业登记之日起计算。

    Unemployment insurance compensation is to be accounted from the day registration .

  8. 失业保险金的领取期限在什么情况下可延长?

    Below what circumstance can be the getting deadline of unemployed insurance gold lengthened ?

  9. 失业保险金不能一次性发放,只能按月发放。

    Unemployed insurance gold cannot one-time extend , can extend by the month only .

  10. 在连续索赔期间,申领人有资格领取失业保险金的每周证明。

    A claimant 's weekly certification of eligibility for unemployment insurance during a claim series .

  11. 当他失业保险金用完了,他就得靠政府救济金。

    When his unemployment insurance runs out , he would have to go on the dole .

  12. 经审核合格者,按规定领取失业保险金,并享受其他失业保险待遇。

    The insurant can receive unemployment allowance and enjoy any other treatment of unemployment after obtaining approval .

  13. 但是现在,罗斯的失业保险金都花光了,他不得不做出艰难的选择。

    But now that insurance has run out for him and he has to make tough choices ..

  14. 资金可用来对汽车业工人进行再培训,并在他们接受再培训期间持续发放失业保险金。

    Cash could be used to retrain car workers , giving them extended unemployment insurance as they retrain .

  15. 北京市现行的失业保险金月发放标准将在原来的基础上每档增加30元。

    Beijing municipality also raised the original monthly payments of unemployment insurance in five ranks by RMB 30 .

  16. 在废除领取有效期限制后,失业保险金应与劳动者参与促就业培训项目的情况挂钩。

    Shorn of effective time limits , insurance benefits should be tied to participation in training programmes that push workers into jobs .

  17. 当一个人处于就业状态时,他一般要在工资中拿出一部分缴纳失业保险金。

    When the individual is in employment , he generally takes out the part of the wage to pay the unemployment insurance .

  18. 失业保险金的发放标准与最低工资标准和城市居民最低生活保障标准挂钩。

    Of unemployed insurance gold extend standard and minimum wage standard and link up with of standard of safeguard of townsman lowest life .

  19. 两党之间于1月签订的将失业保险金削减0.3%的协议可能很快被搁置。

    An agreement between the two parties in January to cut unemployment insurance contributions by 0.3 per cent may soon be put on ice .

  20. 首先,申请获得失业保险金,解决关系脱离、了解健康保障范围及评估财物状况。

    Before anything else , apply for unemployment benefits , resolve severance concerns , figure out your health-care coverage and assess your financial situation .

  21. 累计缴费时间10年以上的,领取失业保险金的期限最长为24个月。

    If the time period of paying premiums is not less than ten years , the maximum period of receiving unemployment insurance compensation is 24 months ;

  22. 2001年12月领取失业保险金的人数为312万人,比上年同期增加122万人。

    In December 2001 , the number of people receiving unemployment insurance payment was 3.12 million , up 1.22 million on previous year 's same period .

  23. 领取失业保险金的期限根据缴费年限确定,最长为24个月。

    The period for drawing insurance money depends on the length of period for which one has paid the premiums , the maximum being 24 months .

  24. 领取失业保险金期间死亡的失业人员的丧葬补助金和其供养的配偶、直系亲属的抚恤金;

    C.funeral allowance for the unemployed died during the period of receiving unemployment insurance compensation and pension for spouse and direct relatives supported by the dead person ;

  25. 我国城镇低收入标准体系主要包括最低工资标准、失业保险金标准和城镇居民最低生活保障标准这三项收入标准线。

    Urban low-income standard system including three lines for the urban residents income standards : the standards for minimum wage 、 unemployment insurance standards and minimum living standards .

  26. 从我国所处特殊历史时期出发,失业保险金的参照系应采收入关联与社会最低生活保障线相结合制度。

    Started from our country 's particular historical period , the reference of unemployment compensation should be a system combining " earning-related " and minimum standard of life insurance .

  27. 2001年末领取失业保险金的人数为312万人。大多数上了年纪的美国人仰仗社会保险金过活。

    The number of people who did not draw unemployment insurance money was 3.12 million in 2001 . A large majority of elderly Americans depend solely on social security income .

  28. 数十年来,美国政府在经济低迷时期采取的政策主要是发放临时性的失业保险金和恢复经济增长以确保失业的工人重新获得他们原来从事的工作职位。

    For decades , the government has reacted to downturns by handing out temporary unemployment insurance checks , relying upon the resumption of economic growth to restore the jobs lost .

  29. 失业保险金,是指失业保险经办机构按规定支付给符合条件的失业人员的基本生活费用。

    Unemployed insurance gold , it is the basic living expenses of the unemployed personnel that shows orgnaization of unemployed insurance agency presses a regulation to pay to accord with a condition .

  30. 同时,大学毕业生之前没有过固定的职业和以此为基础的失业保险金,也就没有条件纳入到现有的失业保障制度中去。

    At the same time , university graduates have not been fixed as the basis for employment and unemployment insurance , there will be no conditions into the existing system of unemployment protection .