
  • 网络Social Security Service
  1. 我国城乡社会保障服务均等化的政策选择&以政府公共政策价值理念为视角

    Equal Social Security Service for Rural and Urban Areas in Governmental Public Policy Selection

  2. 礼物是由芬兰社会保障服务部长克拉送给威廉王子和凯特王妃的,显然是希望在两人被礼物淹没之前抢先送到。

    It was presented to William and Kate by the Finnish social security service Kela , obviously keen to get in early before the Duke and Duchess are swamped with gifts .

  3. 完善社会保障服务准入制度;

    ( 2 ) Perfect the system of the access to the service of social security ;

  4. 浙江农村己由自然经济开始向市场经济转变,产业结构、就业结构、人口结构发生了一系列的变化,而社会保障服务严重滞后,与社会经济发展难以协调。

    Rural areas in Zhejiang are changing from natural economy to market economy and accordingly estate structure , employment structure and population structure have modified greatly .

  5. 接着提出乡镇职能转变的内容:乡镇政府要提供公共服务、农村社会保障服务、教育服务、推进基础设施建设、加强维护社会稳定和人民团结的职能。

    Secondly , put forward the transformation contents of township function : township government should provide public service , rural society guarantee service , education service and promote infrastructure construction , and strengthen the society stability and people unity .

  6. 甘肃高校自身因素如高校现行管理体制、人文环境和学术氛围、高校自身面临的发展机遇和挑战以及高校给高层次人才提供的生活待遇、工作条件、社会保障服务和深造机会等因素。

    University conditions include the management system , humanistic environment , academic atmosphere , the chance and challenge that a university have , and what kind of living and working conditions and social security and chances of advanced study the university can provide for qualified personnel .

  7. 其次,需整合社保工作机构,提高社会保障管理服务水平;

    Secondly , to integrate social security agencies to improve the the services .

  8. 我国社会保障公共服务效率评价研究&基于数据包络分析方法

    Efficiency Evaluation of the Social Security Public Services in China & A Study Based on DEA Model

  9. 越来越多的老年人需要得到照顾,社会保障和服务体系承受着巨大的压力。

    As the special caring are needed for more and more elderly people , social security and service system are under enormous pressure .

  10. 通过该系统提升了人力资源社会保障管理服务能力、各项人社业务的协同办理以及跨地区业务协作能力。

    From this system , it improves service capability for human resources and social security management as well as coordinating capability for other related business .

  11. 整合现有资源,积极开拓和推进与沿线国家在青年就业、创业培训、职业技能开发、社会保障管理服务、公共行政管理等共同关心领域的务实合作。

    We should integrate existing resources to expand and advance practical cooperation between countries along the Belt and Road on youth employment , entrepreneurship training , vocational skill development , social security management , public administration and management and in other areas of common interest .

  12. 加强残疾人社会保障和服务体系建设,进一步落实好扶残助残的各项政策,为他们平等参与社会生活创造更好的环境。

    We will work harder to build the social security and social services system for people with a disability , further implement policies for assisting and supporting them , and create a better environment for them to participate in social activities on an equal footing .

  13. 引入了城市电子化服务概念,介绍了系统使用J2EE构件实现系统平台的搭建,以社会保障卡查询服务为例详细阐述了在此平台上电子化服务集成机制。

    This paper proposes the concept of city e-service and introduces the construction of system platform based on J2EE component . Finally , it demonstrates how the service is integrated on the system platform on the instance of social security card query service system .

  14. 司法鉴定要为构建和谐社会提供保障和服务

    Judicial Expertise Should Serve and Guarantee the Construction of a Harmonious Society

  15. 社会保障后勤后勤服务社会&试析后勤与社会的相互关系及作用

    SOCIETY SUPPORTING LOGISTICS , LOGISTICS SERVING SOCIETY & Interrelation between Society and Logistics

  16. 论社会保障管理与服务社会化改革

    Social Security Management and Reform of Service Socialization

  17. 进一步完善残疾人社会保障体系和服务体系。

    We will further improve the social security system and the system of services for people with disabilities .

  18. 积极参与农村社会保障体系建设服务构建社会主义和谐社会

    Actively Participating in the Buildup of the Rural Social Security System , Serving the Construction of a Harmonious Society

  19. 积极创建“全国残疾人社会保障体系和服务体系先行市”,全面促进我市残疾人事业的新发展。

    The Federation establishes " A Forerunner of National Disabled Social Security System and Service System ", promoting the development of Guangzhou disabled cause entirely .

  20. 然而这些研究往往将对象局限在公共医疗卫生、义务教育以及社会保障等公共服务上,较少描述基础设施这种公共服务。

    These researches are keen on the public sanitation , primary education and social security and some other kinds of public service just except infrastructure .

  21. 传统社会保障管理与服务模式的最突出特点是行政化和单位化。

    The most striking feature of traditional social security management and service mode is that it is carried out with an administrative force by individual units .

  22. 本文给出的设计实现方式,能够满足社会保障局对外服务新环境下的管理要求,符合我国电子政务信息化发展趋势。

    The design realization can satisfy the requirements of the social security bureau external service under new environment management , conforms to our country electron government affairs information development trend .

  23. 社会保障是公共服务的重要组成部分,而其中的社会医疗保险服务在保障公民生存发展权利方面发挥着无可替代的作用。

    Moreover , Social Security is an important part of public service and Social Medical Insurance exerts an irreplaceable effect in guaranteeing the rights of the survival and development of citizens .

  24. 这里居民的收入接近城市居民的收入,享受城市相似的社会保障和公共服务,享受相当于城市的现代化而又具有乡村特色生活方式。

    Rural residents ' income is near to urban residents ' income , and enjoying similar urban social security and public services , maintaining equivalent modern city lifestyle with a rural character .

  25. 残疾人社会保障和社会服务是我国残疾人事业的重要组成部分,对于维护社会稳定,提升残疾人生活质量,促进残疾人社会参与等具有重大意义。

    Social security and social services for the disabled are playing an important part in the cause of the disabled in China , which is of great significance in maintaining social stability , improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities , and promoting social participation of them .

  26. 项目也支持改进教育和社会保障领域的公共服务提供模式。

    It also supports improving public service delivery in education and social protection .

  27. 耕地的社会保障价值和生态服务价值没有体现。

    The social security value and ecological service value of cultivated land are not shown .

  28. 城市信息化主要包括:实行电子政务、电子商务,建立城市社会保障体系、社区服务体系,建设现代物流,打造诚信中国,设立便民服务信息亭等。

    City information includes : implementing e-government , e-business ; establishing city social security system , community service system ; building modern circulate ;

  29. 建立一个独立于企事业单位之外的社会保障体系和社会服务网络,也需要城市社区发挥作用。

    To establish an independent in enterprises and institutions outside of the social security system and social service network , also need to urban community play a role .

  30. 与此同时,农民工群体的权益却常常被侵犯:工资被拖欠、劳动环境极差、社会保障缺失、公共服务难享、身份转换困难、维权困难重重。

    At the same time , the legal Rights and Interests of Peasant Workers ( RIPW ) has often been violated : non-payment of wages , poor working conditions , lack of social security and public services , blurry identity , embarrassment of right and interest .