
  • 网络donation;Social donation
  1. 社会捐赠在我国高教成本分担中的现状分析

    On function of social donation to cost sharing of higher education

  2. 第一,营造良好的社会捐赠氛围。

    First , build up a good atmosphere of social donation .

  3. 若干的实证研究表明,NGO主要有三大资金来源:一是政府的投入,二是会费及服务收费,三是社会捐赠。

    Many demonstration researches indicate that NGOs mainly have three great capital sources : in - vestments of government , the membership dues and the service charge , social donations .

  4. 美国研究型大学开展社会捐赠的实践及其启示

    The practice and revelation of donation in American research university

  5. 美国“常春藤联盟”院校社会捐赠历史考察

    Historical Review of Social Donations to " Ivy League " Universities in America

  6. 美国与台湾地区高等教育利用社会捐赠问题之比较

    A Comparative Study of Social Donation for Universities in the US and Chinese Taiwan

  7. 社会捐赠与高教成本分担

    Social Donation and Higher Education Cost Sharing

  8. 我国社会捐赠虽逐年稳步递增,但比例小。

    Our society donation is steadily increasing yearby year , but the proportion is small .

  9. 医科大学社会捐赠与税收政策之中美比较研究

    Comparative Research on the Donation and Revenue Policy for Higher Medical Education Between China and USA

  10. 社会捐赠与大学发展&中美大学社会捐赠的对比分析

    Social donation and development of universities

  11. 而社会捐赠作为一个重要的社会资金来源,在其中发挥着日益重要的作用。

    And social donation plays an ever increasingly important role in it as an important social fund .

  12. 我国上市公司社会捐赠与财务业绩关系研究

    The Study for the Relationship between the Donation and Financial Performance of the Listed Companies in China

  13. 20世纪90年代以后,社会捐赠在我国高教成本中分担的比例呈现出逐年递增之势,已成为高等教育成本分担的重要组成部分。

    Social donation becomes an important part with its increasing proportion in higher education cost sharing after nineteen nineties .

  14. 五是建立可持续的资金筹集机制,着力从政府财政、福利金和社会捐赠几方面进行。

    Fifth , establish a sustainable funding mechanism to focus on public finance , welfare payments and social contributions .

  15. 高校社会捐赠在美英发达国家已有多年历史。

    There is a long history of social donation to higher education in the United States and the Great Britain .

  16. 如何科学发展高等教育社会捐赠,对我国高等教育事业的发展显得尤为重要。

    How the scientific development of higher education of social donation to higher education in China , the development is very important .

  17. 资产来源属于国家拨款或者社会捐赠、助的,必须接受审计机关的监督。

    Those assets that originated from government appropriation or social donation and sponsorship must be subject to supervision by the auditing agency .

  18. 经笔者研究,其来源有自购、接收和社会捐赠三条渠道。

    According to the study of the author , the ancient books stemmed from three ways : purchase , take over and presents .

  19. 社会捐赠作为一种长效的社会行为,在我国发挥着重要的调节作用。

    The society donates takes one kind of persistent effect the social behaviour , is playing the important control action in our country .

  20. 2001年民政部门接收的社会捐赠(含捐赠物资折款)金额为15.9亿元。

    In 2001 , civil affairs departments received 1.59 billion yuan of donations from the general public ( including goods converted into money ) .

  21. 在此基础上,文章设计与构建了社会捐赠税收激励体系的总体设想。

    On this basis , we put forward the whole plan of designing and constructing the social giving tax incentive system in this paper .

  22. 随着政府功能的收缩、社会捐赠和参与意识的增强,为志愿组织的发展提供了前所未有的大好机遇。

    With the shrink of government functions and the increase of consciousness to donate and participate , voluntary organizations achieve unprecedented opportunities to develop .

  23. 要通过政府新建、收购、改建以及社会捐赠等方式多渠道筹集房源,小户型租赁住房短缺和房屋租金较高的地区,近期政府要加大建设力度。

    In those areas in which small rental-apartments are in shortage and housing rents are high , the government should build more housing for rent .

  24. 社会捐赠的内在动机按照利他主义程度高低可划分为利他主义、互惠和获取直接收益三种。

    According to the degree of altruism , the intrinsic motivation of social giving can be divided into altruism , reciprocity and achieving direct proceeds .

  25. 大学社会捐赠属于公益捐赠,受捐赠双方及其环境多种因素的影响。

    Social donation to universities , which is public-good endowment , is influenced by various factors such as two sides of donation and its environment .

  26. 其中,社会捐赠作为一项公益性社会活动,已经开始逐步成为各高校募集办学经费的重要来源。

    Among them , the social donation as a nonprofit social activities , has begun to gradually become the higher education funds raising important source .

  27. 此外,该意见还要求各地建立政府投入、社会捐赠、学习者分担等多种渠道筹措社区教育经费的费用分担机制。

    The guideline asked localities to establish a cost-sharing mechanism to raise money for community education through government input , private endowment , tuition and others .

  28. 另一方面也可刺激高收入者即期消费,多向社会捐赠,支持社会公益福利事业的发展。

    On the other hand , much donation to the society and other peoples , support the development of welfare project and plans in social public services .

  29. 大学捐赠文化涵盖精神、制度、环境、财物、教化、传承等方面,是大学文化新的发展和重要的组成部分,也是社会捐赠文化的组成部分。

    It includes spirit , system , environment , property , teaching and inheritance , and has become an integral part of university development and social donation culture .

  30. 五是拓宽经费筹措渠道。要鼓励社会捐赠,尝试发行教育彩票,招收留学生,争取更多经费来源。

    Effort should be done to encourage the society to donate , issue education lottery , and recruit overseas students so as to broaden the education financing channels .