
  • 网络Social Security Level
  1. 构建城镇社会保障水平评估指标体系

    On Establishment of the Urban Index System of Social Security Level

  2. 山东省社会保障水平及其适度选择

    Social Security Level and Its Proper Positioning in Shandong Province

  3. 并且指出低区域性社会保障水平与IHD发生和死亡率升高有密切关系。

    Furthermore , they revealed that low neighbourhood-based social support was associated with an increased IHD incidence and mortality .

  4. 这将意味着社会保障水平最终将会在未来缩减。

    Ultimately that may mean that benefits may shrink in the future .

  5. 五是大幅度提高社会保障水平。

    Fifth , substantially raise the level of social security .

  6. 社会保障水平发展曲线研究

    Study on the Curve-shape Development of Life Security Level

  7. 甘肃省社会保障水平适度性分析

    Analysis on the Social Security Level and Its Proper Position of Gansu Province

  8. 我国农村社会保障水平评估及适度选择

    The Evaluation and Choice of Proper Level of the Rural Social Security in China

  9. 论我国适度的社会保障水平选择

    Choice of Optimum Social Security Level in China

  10. 其原因是当地的工资水平和社会保障水平较高。

    The reason is that the local wage level and social security level are higher in comparison .

  11. 社会保障水平是衡量社会保障量的特征的一个重要指标。

    Level of social security is an important indicator to measure of the amount of social security feature is .

  12. 第三,加大财政扶持力度,社会保障水平的高低取决于政府的扶持力度。

    Third , increasing financial support , social security level depends on the support of the government of the strength .

  13. 研究社会保障水平,通过社会保障水平的客观描述,可以发现社会保障运行的经济效应和经济规律。

    The study of the level of social security will help to find economic effects and rules related to social security .

  14. 社会保障水平是社会保障体制改革的关键因素。

    The level of the social security is an important factor during the process of the reformation of social security system .

  15. 经济全球化对社会保障水平的影响可以用两种假说解释,即补偿假说和效率假说。

    The impact of economic globalization on social insurance level can be explained by two major hypotheses , compensation hypothesis and efficiency hypothesis .

  16. 合理的社会保障水平不仅是社会文明进步的标志,同时也促进社会经济的良性发展。

    Appropriate social security level is not only a symbol of advanced civilization , but also a roll booster for the harmonious development .

  17. 经济决定论、非经济因素与合理水平实现&农村社会保障水平的确立原则与思路分析

    Economy Determinism , Non-Economy Factors and the Realization of Moderate Level & The Principle of Establishing the Level of Social Security in Countryside

  18. 在对全国31个省份社会保障水平综合评价的同时,本文还揭示了31个省份在各个不同社会保障项目上的分值水平。

    At the same time , scores in different items on social security of China ' s31provinces are also shown in this article .

  19. 研究结论:提高农民收入预期和社会保障水平是增强构建城乡统一建设用地市场中农民意愿的重要途径。

    To increase the net income and to enhance the social insurance are very important for farmers to support the integrated construction land market .

  20. 社会保障水平是指在一定时期内一个国家或地区的社会成员享受社会保障的高低程度。

    Social security standard refers to the level of social security the social members enjoy in a certain country or district at a certain time .

  21. 但是,与适度水平相比,山东省社会保障水平还很低,不适度。

    But , compare with the moderate level in China , the social security level is much lower in Shandong , far behind moderate level .

  22. 欧洲五国的社会保障水平超度也可以从社会保障支出的增长变化中得到印证。

    The ' excessive ' social security expenditure level in the ' PIIGS ' can also be confirmed from the change of social security expenditure growth .

  23. 城乡二元结构的长期存在,导致了收入分配不公,进而呈现出社会保障水平的二元化发展。

    The long-standing urban-rural dual structure has brought the unfair distribution of income , which , in turn , has led to the dualization of our social security .

  24. 补偿假说认为经济全球化将导致社会保障水平的上升,效率假说认为经济全球化将导致社会保障水平的下降。

    Compensation hypothesis believes that globalization will reduce social insurance level while efficiency hypothesis holds a contending perspective that social insurance level will go up thanks to the economic globalization .

  25. 对于社会保障水平的适度性分析是一个复杂的问题,总体水平的适度并不表示内部结构的适度,而组成结构的适度也不一定预示各项指标的适度。

    The moderation of overall level does not mean the internal structure is moderate , while the moderation of the structure does not always indicate that each index is moderate .

  26. 引起地区间保险业发展不平衡的主要原因是经济发展水平的差距、经济开放程度的差距、社会保障水平的差距以及人们风险意识的差距;

    The main reasons of imbalance development between different regions are the gap of economic development level , economic opening level , social security level and people 's risk consciousness .

  27. 原因与中国的慈善组织的错误认知、慈善消费偏好缺少、慈善文化不佳及社会保障水平低有关。

    All of these are highly related to inaccurate awareness of charity organization , less preference of charity consumption , poor culture of charity , as well as low level social security .

  28. 为了更加准确地模拟两者的关系,本文建立了两者的二次方方程,并以此计算出最低社会保障水平。

    In order to accurately simulate the relationship between residents ' consumption and social security , this paper establishes a quadratic equation , and calculates the lowest level of social security according to quadratic equation .

  29. 学界对社会保障水平的研究取得了一定成果,研究角度选取定性分析和定量分析两个维度,其中以定性分析的研究尤为突出。

    The academic circle has achieved definite fruits in the research of social security level . The angle is chosen from the dimensions of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis , focusing on the qualitative analysis .

  30. 目前关于社会保障水平及适度水平的研究成果不多,而且主要集中在理论分析,定量分析比较少。

    There are few research results about the social security level and the social security appropriate level at present , and the research concentrates on the theory analysis , and there is less quantitative analysis .