
  1. 住院医疗服务与社会统筹基金&武汉市近三年住院医疗服务及医疗费用支出的分析

    Medical Service for In-patients and Social Unified Raising

  2. 医疗保险的覆盖率太低,社会统筹基金难以统筹。

    The coverage of the medical insurance is rather low and the whole social fund has been difficulty to raise . 3 .

  3. 分账制下,个人账户基金和社会统筹基金分开管理,个人账户实账运行。

    Under the system of independent account , the individual account fund is separated from social pool fund , and runs in the model of " full account " .

  4. 个人缴费部分不需设立个人帐户,而是并入社会统筹基金,统一使用,统一治理。

    Individual pay cost does not need to establish individual account partly , merge into however the society plans as a whole fund , unified use , consolidate management .

  5. 城镇养老保险制度覆盖面狭窄直接导致制度缺乏效率、社会统筹基金严重不足以及部分劳动者未来缺乏养老保障等问题,因此,扩大城镇养老保险制度覆盖面的问题就成为一项刻不容缓的现实问题。

    The narrow coverage leads directly to the lack of system efficiency , and serious shortage of social pooling funds as well as some of the workers lack pension protection and other issues .

  6. 将生命周期理论引入对延迟退休年龄的合理性研究,指出退休年龄向后推移有利于提高个人的保障能力,增加劳动力的供给和养老保险社会统筹基金。

    The introduction of life-cycle theory of the rationality of retirement age , pointing out that the retirement age goes back there help to improve the ability of individuals to protect and increase the supply of labor and pension insurance fund .

  7. 职工退休后基本养老个人账户存储额已领取完毕时,由社会统筹基金按规定标准继续支付,直到其死亡,不影响基本养老金的发放。

    Account of individual of basic provide for the aged stores the forehead already was gotten after the worker is retired when ending , plan as a whole by the society fund continues to pay by formulary level , die till its , do not affect basic old-age pension extend .

  8. 本文利用离散Leslie控制模型对江西未来人口进行预测,并以此为基础得到参保的在职职工和参保的退休职工人数,进而对社会统筹帐户基金结余进行了预测;

    In this dissertation , on the basis of forecasting population of Jiangxi by the discrete Leslie model , it get employees in active service and retired employees in pension insurance system , and forecast the balance of society pooling account .

  9. 社会统筹养老基金的主要风险变量包括:缴费率、抚养比、覆盖率、替代率、统筹层次、退休年龄。

    Main risk variables of the social pool pension fund include : paying rate , supporting rate , coverage rate , substituting rate , pool level , retirement age .

  10. 中国IPD来源于两个规定受益的养老金计划:现收现付制(PAYG)的社会统筹帐户和基金制(FUND)的个人帐户。

    Sources of China IPD orientated from two defined benefit pension schemes , one is social pooling account based on PAYG , the other is individual account based on FUND .

  11. 本文运用精算方法研究医疗保险基金的收支平衡测算方法,在此基础上,对广东省珠海市社会医疗保险统筹基金的运行状况进行了测算分析。

    This paper uses the actuarial method to study the balancing capability of the Medical Care Fund and analyzes and predicts the operational status of the Social Medical Care Fund Raised in Zhuhai , Guangdong Province .

  12. 完善中国社会保险会计的根本对策是实行社会统筹与个人账户基金的分账管理和单独核算,并以此为基础按社会统筹和个人账户两种基金主体构建两套会计制度。

    To improve current situation , the effective countermeasure is to design two accounting systems for the different funds on the basis of the separate management and the calculation of social insurance funds and individual account funds .