
  1. 每年社会保障收入、支出占GDP的比重变动很大,制度虽积累了大量的资金,但几乎没有再分配作用。

    System receipt and expenditure vary greatly every year and accumulate large fund .

  2. 但是,现行的缴费方式在实践中仍存在着诸如覆盖面小、征收力度不够、基金管理制度不健全、政策不统一等一些问题,难以保证筹集社会保障收入的需要。

    There exist a series of problems in the current endowment insurance system in China such as the narrow coverage and low multiply ability etc. But there are many difficulties in practice of the way of collection such as narrow coverage , ineffective fund management and so on .

  3. McKechnie指出,境外工人向家中的汇款也大幅减少,对数百万人口倚重的社会保障类收入来源构成了威胁。

    And money sent home from overseas workers has also declined significantly , threatening a source of income that has functioned as a " social safety net " for millions of people , says McKechnie .

  4. 社会保障与收入公平分配的关联性研究

    Correlative research on the social guarantee and incomes to be fairly allotted

  5. 由于缺乏社会保障并且收入存在风险,私有部门的雇员的储蓄相比国有部门雇员的要多得多。

    Due to income risks and lack of pension benefits , private employees tend to save much more than state employees .

  6. 笼统地讲,社会保障把收入从高收入者再分配给低收入者,从男性再分配给女性,从年轻人再分配给老年人。

    Broadly speaking , Social Security redistributes incomes from high-to-low income individuals from men to women , and from young to old .

  7. 对于政府而言,要保证户籍、就业、社会保障、收入分配等方面制度安排的公正性;

    To the government , to ensure that the household registration , employment , social security , income distribution in the institutional arrangements impartiality .

  8. 为实现收入公平分配,必须采取相应的对策,以强化社会保障与收入公平分配的正相关,弱化社会保障在实践中存在的与收入公平分配的负相关。

    In order to realize the revenue to be fairly allotted , must adopt corresponding countermeasures , enforce the consistence between social guarantee and the revenue in fair allotment , and weaken the inconsistence between them .

  9. 因此,本文的论点就是论述社会保障制度对收入分配的调节作用,即社会保障制度的再分配效应。

    Therefore namely social security system redistribution effect .

  10. 农村社会保障与农民收入增长的互作用分析

    Analysis on the Interaction Between Rural Social Security System and the Increase of Farmers ' Income

  11. 日本个人所得税与社会保障对缩小收入差距的影响

    Impacts of Individual Income Tax and Social Security System on Narrowing the Income Gap in Japan

  12. 其次,发挥社会保障体系对收入的兜底作用。

    Then , make the social security system play the role of " reveal all the details " on the income .

  13. 这主要是因为来自社会保障税收的收入,超过了当前支付社保福利所需的数额。

    That is principally because revenue from the social security tax is greater than is needed to pay current social security benefits .

  14. 本章通过运用西部地区数据,对西部地区社会保障对城乡收入差距的调节作用做出了评价。

    This chapter through the use of western area data , to the western region of the income gap between urban and rural social security regulation is evaluated .

  15. 他们缺乏正式的工作安排和社会保障,常常收入太少,无法养活家庭,更不用说改善经济状况。

    They lack formal work arrangements and social security , and often earn too little to provide for their families , let alone climb the ladder of economic opportunity .

  16. 研究社会保障对居民收入差距调节的问题不仅是我国中央和地方目前所面临的重要问题,也是经济学领域重点探讨的问题。

    Social security problem of adjusting the income gap in China is not only central and local important issues currently facing , but also focus on the economic of the problem .

  17. 私营企业与其他类型企业相比,工资水平特别是小时工资水平、社会保障与福利收入和劳动者报酬差距过大。

    Compared with other types of enterprise , the private enterprises have a big gap in the hourly wage level , the social security and the welfare income and the worker 's reward .

  18. 他们补充道,这一问题的主要根源不是美国的劳动力市场,而是因为美国政府通过税收和社会保障体系进行收入再分配的力度远远低于其它国家。

    That stems not so much from the US labour market , they add , but rather that its government redistributes far less through the tax and social security system than other countries do .

  19. 认为个人的总收入和可支配收入不能代表税前和税后收入,因为它们包含了社会保障制度对收入分配的影响,因此需要将其从个人所得税中剔除。

    That the total income and disposable income do not represent pre-tax and after-tax income , because they contain social security system on income distribution , so it needs to be raised from personal income tax .

  20. 文章以社会保障具有调节收入分配功能为研究对象,以社会保障再分配理论为指导,采用了比较分析法、实证分析法和理论联系实际等写作方法,得出了如

    The article has the adjustment income assignment function take the social security as the research object , take the social security redistribution theory as the instruction , has used the comparison analytic method , the real diagnosis analytic method with writing method and so on apply theory to rea

  21. 英国社会保障制度调节国民收入再分配对我国的启示

    Enlightenment for China from Britain 's Social Security System Regulating Redistribution of National Income

  22. 传统上,社会保障网由中等收入和高收入国家所采用,如今也越来越普遍地被低收入国家采用。

    Traditionally used in middle-to high-income countries , social safety nets are increasingly popular in low-income countries .

  23. 研究完善社会保障制度,缩小收入分配差距,具有十分重要的现实意义。

    Studying and improving the social security system and narrowing the gap of income distribution are of great practical significance .

  24. 摘要社会保障作为实施国民收入再分配的一种手段和方式,与收入公平分配之间存在正相关。

    Social guarantee as being a kind of means for allotting again the civil income , it is consistent with the revenue in fair allotment .

  25. 摘要社会保障作为国家干预收入分配和协调经济社会发展的重要工具与基本手段,具有缩小差距、化解矛盾、实现共享发展成果等多方面的独特功能。

    As the important tool and basic mean for state to intervene the income distribution and coordinate the development of economic society , social security has distinctive function on bridging the gap , melting the contradiction , sharing the developing fruits , ect .

  26. 而在新兴国家,重点应改变劳动力市场的完全竞争格局,构造劳动力市场寡头垄断结构。政府则应强化再分配功能,提高社会保障水平,稳定收入预期,从而提高消费在总需求中的比重。

    Developing countries should change the structure of labor market , and governments should make great efforts to reallocate , to enhance the level of social security , which would stabilize the expectation of income and increase the proportion of consumption to aggregate demand .

  27. 为了进一步推进农村弱势群体政策支持,必须不断优化就业政策、完善农村扶贫开发政策、健全农村教育政策、完善农村社会保障政策、调整收入分配政策、落实农民权益保护政策。

    In order to prompt the policy supporting it should continuously improve the employment environment , perfect the poverty alleviation policy , fully establish village education policy , well build village social insurance policy , shift income distribution policy and fulfill the peasant right protection policy .

  28. 最后,从文章分析的制约因素着手,提出扩展我国居民消费的途径:通过调节个人所得税制和完善社会保障制度来调节收入再分配以缓和城镇居民收入差距和稳定收支预期;

    In the end , given the analysis of restricting factors , it puts forward the methods of expanding domestic household consumption : through adjusting tax system and consummate social security system to redistribute income in order to mitigate the income gap among inhabitants and stabilize revenue and expenditure expectancy ;

  29. 本论文研究表明社会保障支出对天津市城镇居民家庭收入分配的调节效果是较显著的,最后给出了天津市与全国社会保障调节收入分配的效果不同的原因。

    This research shows that the regulation effect of social security expenditure acting on Tianjin urban family income distribution is remarkable , and finally supplies the reasons about adjusting social security income distribution between Tianjin and the whole country .

  30. 社会保障预算,是国家反映社会保障资金收入及社会保障基金投资营运活动的特定收支计划。

    The budget of social security is a national specified revenue and expenditure plan that can reflect revenue and expenditure of the social security fund and investment operational activities of every social security fund .