
  • 网络After-sales service cost
  1. OEM制造模式下中小企业因产品质量问题造成售后服务成本的大大增加,转化为企业运营成本的巨大压力。

    In the OEM manufacturing mode , problems of product quality increased the after-sales service costs , it brings great pressure to SMEs because of the increasing operations costs .

  2. 销售及售后服务成本价值链环节中采用的一体化分销系统。

    The system of the integration distribution used in the cost value chain link of Sales and post-sale service .

  3. 而产品生产质量的控制往往依赖于产品生产过程检验,产品检验方案的好坏又直接对产品生产成本和售后服务成本产生影响。

    On the other hand , the product quality control is often dependent on the production process inspection . Whether the product inspection strategies are good or bad have a direct impact on the production costs and after-sales service costs .

  4. 第三,随着竞争日趋激烈,销售利润也逐渐边际化,如何节约售后服务成本,甚至通过提供独特的售后服务获得利润,也成为各公司积极努力的方向。

    The third , with the competitions become more and more intensely , the sale profit become lower and lower . How to save the after service cost and how to offer the customer unique service to get the new profit become what many companies are working for .

  5. 该系统同时采用智能功率芯片来驱动大电流负载,从而增加了系统的可靠性,降低了售后服务的成本。

    Smart power driver chips are instead of relays and fuses easy to cause faults , which enhance system reliability and reduce the cost of after service .

  6. 考虑售后服务和配送成本的选址问题系统的建模仿真

    Modeling and Simulation of Location System Considering Product Service After Sell and Distribution Cost

  7. 要不断调整产品结构,加强市场营销,改善售后服务,降低成本,提高质量,增强竞争能力。

    We must readjust the product mix on a regular basis , improve marketing and after-sale services , reduce production cost and upgrade quality , so as to become stronger competitors in the market .

  8. 本文以IR公司在中国市场的营销实践为背景,着重就空压机制造企业如何通过开发售后服务的客户转移成本管理功能来提高满意客户的忠诚度进行了探讨。

    This thesis discusses how to exploit the function of switching cost management of after sales service for purpose of achieving customer loyalty .

  9. 以低成本、高效率、标准化要求支持售前、销售、售后服务,逐步由成本中心过渡到利润中心。

    It will also promote the process of pre-sale , sale and post-sale to be low-cost , high-efficiency , standard and convert it from the cost center to the profit center in the end .

  10. 因此在售后服务中如何有效管理汽车配件,对降低售后服务成本、提高服务效率、提高企业利润有着不可忽视的作用。

    So , effective part management can reduce the cost of post-sale service , improve the service efficiency , enhance the profit of enterprise remarkably .