
  • 网络Territorial extension
  1. 在其权力达到顶峰之时,唐朝控制了中亚的大部分地区,领土延伸至伊朗和满洲以及韩国半岛的大部分区域。

    At its peak of power , the Tang controlled large parts of central Asia all the way into Iran as well as Manchuria and most of the Korean peninsula .

  2. 这次探险的主要目的是为俄罗斯的一项主张提供支持。俄罗斯日益坚定地主张,从格陵兰岛至西伯利亚的水下山脉罗蒙诺索夫海岭(LomonosovRidge)的一部分是俄罗斯领土的延伸。

    The expedition 's main goal is to back the claim of an increasingly assertive Russia that part of the Lomonosov Ridge , an underwater mountain range stretching from Greenland to Siberia , is an extension of its own territory .

  3. 其基于陆地领土自然延伸提出的划界主张缺乏国际法的支持,是得不到国际社会认可的。

    Natural extension of its land territory delimitation claim put forward by the lack of support of international law is not recognized by the international community .

  4. 亚当斯继承了国父一代的扩张思想,通过主持美西谈判、与西班牙政府签署《横贯大陆条约》,使美国领土向南延伸到整个佛罗里达半岛,向西推移到太平洋沿岸。

    Adams inherited the expansion guidelines of the Founding Fathers , presided negotiations with Spain , and signed " Transcontinental Treaty " with Spanish government , thus expanding America territory southward to the whole Florida Peninsula and westward to the coast of Pacific .