
  • 网络leading indicator
  1. 但高盛(GoldmanSachs)分析师杰弗里·科里(JeffreyCurrie)说,油价上涨的根源在于近期经济数据有所改善,后者表明全球领先指数在10个月中首次掉头向上。

    But Jeffrey Currie , the Goldman Sachs analyst , says the spike has its origins in the recent improvement in economic data which saw the global leading indicator turn up for the first time in10 months .

  2. 非营利商业研究组织美国谘商会表示,上个月美国经济领先指数上升0.2%。

    The non-profit business research group , the conference board , says its leading index of economic indicators rose 0.2 % last month .

  3. 周五下午在东京发布第四季度末领先经济指数,预测由前值25.0大幅上升到31.8。

    On Friday afternoon in Tokyo , the final April leading economic index is expected to rise sharply to 31.8 from the preliminary 25.0 reading .

  4. 不过,疲软的数据也开始出炉了,比如昨日美国公布的首次申请失业救济人数和领先指标指数就远比预期糟糕,英国和德国的4月份零售销售也不如人意。

    Still , weak releases are beginning to appear . Yesterday in America , for example , jobless claims and the index of leading indicators were much worse than expected . April retail sales in the UK and Germany also disappointed .

  5. 总体资料库:Stock-Watson实验性领先及衰退指数;

    Macro-data : Stock-Watson experimental coincidental leading and recession indexes ;

  6. 它的领先经济指标指数在去年12月增长了一半。

    Its index of leading economic indicators jumped a half percent in December .

  7. 领先经济预测指数将于开盘后发布,有关区域制造业调查的费城联储指数也将于开盘后发布。

    The index of leading economic indicators is due after the start of trading , as is the Philadelphia Fed index-a regional manufacturing survey .

  8. 大量研究发现在成熟的金融市场中,股指期货发挥着价格发现的作用,股指期货的价格领先于股票指数。

    A great number of researches have found that stock index futures have the effect of price discovery , and stock index futures leads stock index .

  9. 商业研究组织美国谘商会表示,6月领先经济指标指数上升0.3%,略低于分析人士的预期。

    Business research group , the Conference Board , says the index of leading economic indicators rose 0.3 % in June that was slightly below analysts estimates .

  10. 领先经济指标指数在当地可是个预先警报系统,能显示经济是否正要转向。

    The Index of Leading Economic Indicators ( LEI ) in the US acts as an early warning system , telling us when the economy is about to change direction .

  11. 其它领先的对冲基金指数也报告,在扣除费用后,平均回报率达到12%至18%。

    Other leading hedge fund indices report average returns of between 12 and 18 per cent , after fees .

  12. 道琼斯指数是全球领先的全面服务指数提供商,业务包括指数开发,指数维护以及签发许可将指数用为基准指标,以及作为投资产品的基础。

    Dow Jones Indexes is a leading full-service index provider that develops , maintains and licenses indexes for use as benchmarks and as the basis of investment products .