
  • 网络leadership;leading people
  1. 领导学研究与危机管理研究发展至今均已取得了丰硕的成果。

    Leadership studies and crisis management research have achieved fruitful results .

  2. 难怪他是一位职业演说家、领导学教练。

    Not surprisingly , he 's a professional speaker and leadership coach .

  3. 领导学研究的新发展:诚信领导理论

    Authentic Leadership Theory : New Development in the Domain of Leadership Research

  4. 都市转型背景下的领导学研究与面临的挑战

    Study on Leadership Science and Its Challenges in the Context of Urban Transition

  5. 企业文化与领导学一直是工商管理学术界的热门研究课题。

    Enterprise culture and Leadership behavior are always hot topics in research field .

  6. 重视和加强教育领导学的研究

    Due Attention to the Study on Educational Leadership

  7. 权力转移的领导学思考

    Reflections on Power Transferring in Leadership Science

  8. 西方领导学研究回顾与前瞻

    A review of research in western leadership

  9. 在领导学中,知识消费既是一种消费形式,又是一种领导活动。

    Knowledge consumption is a form of consumption , as well as a leading activity .

  10. 大学生领导力是一个涉及管理学、心理学、领导学等多种学科交叉的一个领域,研究大学生领导力的培养有着非常重要的理论意义和实践意义。

    Students ' leadership is an interdisciplinary area involved management , psychology leadership and other discipline .

  11. 领导学视野中的知识消费

    Knowledge Consumption in Leading Science

  12. 《道德经》不仅是一部伟大的哲学著作,也是一部重要的领导学著作。

    Moral Classics is not only a great philosophical works but also an important works of leading science .

  13. 主修:教育学管理和领导学,图书馆科学,英文作为第二种语言,辅导学。

    Majors : Educational Administration and Leadership , Library Science , English as a Second Language , Guidance .

  14. 领导学或称领导艺术,是研究领导活动一般规律的一门科学。

    Leadership studies , or the art of leadership , is a science concerning the general laws of leadership .

  15. 在当前,研究这一理论有助于我们在中国现实中创建教育领导学大厦。

    Further study of Herderson 's theory can help us to build an education leadership architecture above the Chinese reality .

  16. 下面是六个值得警惕的离职信号,收集自近20名新职介绍顾问、领导学教练、企业招聘人员和裁员受害者:

    Here are six warning signs , gathered from nearly 20 outplacement advisers , leadership coaches , executive recruiters and layoff victims .

  17. 本文以管理心理学、领导学等相关理论为指导研究专业美术院校辅导员领导力。

    Based on the management psychology and leadership theory , this paper researches the counsellors ' leadership in the professional art colleges and universities .

  18. 多数研究者致力于对领导学范畴中一个较窄的内容进行研究,如领导者的品质和技能、领导行为、权力和影响、情景、双边关系等。

    Most researchers only focus on a narrow subject , such as trait and skill , behavior , power-influence , situation and dyadic process .

  19. 采用风险理论、心理学、管理学、组织领导学,从风险管理的角度,提出了人力资源风险管理策略。

    Based on risk theory , psychology , management , we suggest the strategy of human resource risk management from the point of risk management .

  20. 这就是你们现在必须解决的事情,我已经开始了我的第二个观点,为什么你们在学习领导学?

    That is what you have to work out now I have come to my second point why is it that you are studying leadership ?

  21. 因此,选择领导力作为论文的主要研究课题,是希望能够结合领导学的许多重要理论,在研究领导力、以及影响领导过程的众多要素中提供一些可以参阅的东西。

    So this paper , of which leadership is the topic , is to provide some reference for leadership research by studying elements in leading process .

  22. 马克思主义哲学、教育学、心理学、领导学、社会学、人才学等学科是它的基础学科。

    Disciplines such as Marxist philosophy , pedagogy , psychology , leadership studying , sociology , the study of human ability , etc are its basic disciplines .

  23. 探讨医院管理过程中的领导学问题,提出医院管理中的行为原则,旨在提高医院管理中的效率和效益。

    To explore the leading manner in the process of management of hospital , and the purpose is to raise the efficiency and beneficial result in the process of management of hospital .

  24. 目前,他已攻读了3年领导学及人际关系学博士学位,他评价道:“我们拥有时间的特权,以及深入思考事情的特权。”

    Now , three years into his doctorate on leadership and interpersonal relationships , he comments : " we have the privilege of time , the privilege of thinking deeply about things . "

  25. 改革对现有的两门核心课程领导学和领导力沟通进行了修改,以培养更多领导技能,如影响他人的能力。

    In the overhaul , a pair of existing core courses , Leading People and Leadership Communications , had been restructured to offer additional leadership skills , such as the ability to influence others .

  26. 随着中西学术交流的深入,管理学在中国悄然兴起,西方管理学或领导学中的管理理念有许多理论可供我们借鉴。

    With deeper academic communication between Chinese and western countries , the study of management gets popular in China , in which some ideas and theories are good to be reference for Chinese leaders .

  27. 教育领导学是研究与提高教育领导活动的合理性、科学性和有效性相关的一般性的主要的领导问题的理论体系。

    In this sense , the educational leadership is a theoretical system for exploring and improving those key issues in connection with the rationality , scientific basis and effectiveness of educational leaders ' practice .

  28. 我国的教育领导学研究应主要包括学科性质、基本要领领导行为、领导能力等内容,并且要采取适当的措施,加强教育领导学的学科建设与推广工作。

    In China , the theory on educational leadership should concentrate on the core contents of four aspects and appropriate measures should also be adopted for reinforcing the disciplinary construction and popularization of educational leadership theory .

  29. 本文以政府领导力为研究对象,意图通过理论研究和归纳分析等方法,从国家和社会发展对政府领导力提出的要求出发,交叉运用领导学和行政管理学的相关知识进行原创性的研究。

    The intention is , by using theoretical research and inductive analysis methods , according the requests of the state and social development , cross-use of leadership and administration knowledge , making a comprehensive and original study .

  30. 所得出的结论不但可以在理论上丰富、完善领导学的内容,而且在实践上能够促进领导者完善自我,使个人形象得到提升,以便得到群众的信任,客观上促进领导活动的顺利开展。

    Conflicting conclusions not only in theory can enrich and perfect the content of the leadership study in practice can promote and perfect ourselves in order to get leaders the trust , make personal image get promoted , objectively promote leadership activities develop smoothly .