
  • 网络Leadership System;system of leadership
  1. 陆上石油企业领导体制存在的弊端及对策

    Abuses and Countermeasures to the Leadership System of Onshore Petroleum Enterprise

  2. 完善中外合资企业的组织领导体制

    Improvement of the organization & leadership system in Sino-foreign joint ventures

  3. 面对国际化竞争的要求,中国大型企业设立CEO职位(首席执行官的领导体制),是大型企业公司治理结构体制创新的产物。

    Facing international competition , China establishes its leadership of CEO ( Chief Executive Officer ) in large-sized enterprises , which is necessary in the improvement of the company management structure for large companies .

  4. 我国已经加入WTO,WTO的许多制度不仅对政府的决策、管理行为提出了挑战,而且对行政机关的领导体制提出了更高的要求。

    Since we are a member of the WTO , the rules and regulations of the WTO are not only a challenge to the government 's policies and administration , but also a higher demand to the leading system of administrative organs .

  5. 论国有企业领导体制改革

    On the Reform of the Leader System in the State Enterprise

  6. 同时体制存在纪检、督察制度中的双重领导体制的问题。

    Meanwhile the institutional problem is the dual leadership supervision system .

  7. 浅议企业领导体制的规范化建设

    The shallow opinion of standardize building up of business leading system

  8. 第二部分介绍了俄罗斯联邦现行的检察领导体制。

    The second part introduces current procuratorial leadership Russian federal systems .

  9. 一元化领导体制,对革命事业的成功起到了保证作用。

    The centralized leading system assures the success of revolutionary undertaking .

  10. 现代医院领导体制改革理论及其模式探讨

    Discussion of reform theory and mode on the modern hospital leader system

  11. 二是强化领导体制和工作机制的创新;

    Secondly we strengthen leadership and innovation of working mechanism .

  12. 二是改革企业内部领导体制和组织架构;

    Second , reform firms ' internal leadership system and organizational framework .

  13. 党政关系是我国国家领导体制中的核心关系。

    The Party-government relationship is at core of our national leadership system .

  14. 关于企业领导体制改革问题;

    Problems involved in the reform of the leadership of the enterprises ;

  15. 双重领导体制下的专武干部素质评估研究

    Study on Quality Evaluation of OSM ~ 3S under Dual Leadership System

  16. 经济转型和党的领导体制的变化

    Economic Trans formation and Leading System Reform of the Party

  17. 实行司法机关的垂直领导体制;

    To carry on the vertical system of leadership in judicial authorities ;

  18. 改变领导体制全面履行职能

    Exercise all-round functions with the change of the leadership structure

  19. 革新领导体制,改善执法环境;

    Reform the system of leadership and improve environment of law enforcement ;

  20. 非公有制企业党建工作领导体制模式探讨

    Discussion on Model of Leading System of Party Construction in Non-state-owned Enterprises

  21. 归纳为四个方面,一是关于行政领导体制与制度;

    It includes : first , the administrative leading system and institution ;

  22. 关于医院领导体制改革的调查与思考

    Investigation and Ideas on the Reform of Hospital Leadership System

  23. 乡镇党政领导体制的研究

    Research on the Party-government Leading System in Towns and Townships

  24. 论新形势下医院领导体制的改革

    On the Hospital Leadership System Reform in the New Situation

  25. 治体制改革,首先是领导体制改革。

    Study system reform , it is guidance system reform above all .

  26. 党内监督机构的领导体制不顺。

    2 - The leadership system of the supervision organization is not successful .

  27. 我国当代大学政策与大学内部领导体制研究

    Research on the Contemporary University Policy and the Internal Leadership System in China

  28. 晚年列宁关于党的领导体制改革的思想及其现代启示

    Lenin on the Reform of Party 's Leadership System and its Present Enlightenment

  29. 高校领导体制是高等教育中最基本的政治制度。

    Higher school leadership system is a basic political policy in higher schools .

  30. 进一步完善纪检监察机关的双重领导体制,强化专门职能机构的监督。

    The double leading system should be improved through enhancing the special supervision .