
  1. 要提高领导工作效率,必须扩大学校办学自主权,领导者必须由经验领导上升为科学领导。

    However , to enhance the art of leadership and enlarge the scale of initiative school - running , the leadership must be scientific mangement instead of management by experience .

  2. 尽管当代中国党际领导关系形成已有半个多世纪了,理论工作者和实际工作者对党际领导理论也进行了一些探索,但在领导实践中一定程度上依靠的仍然是经验领导。

    Although contemporary Chinese inter-party leadership has been set up for half a century , and theoretical and practical researchers have been probing into inter-party leadership theory for years , the practice of leadership depends on experiences to some extent .

  3. 其主要经验:领导重视、以诚招商;

    The main experiences are : the leaders pay attention to the sincerer investment ;

  4. 与此同时,麦凯恩的竞选班子在尽一切可能,对奥巴马是否有足够的经验和领导能力提出质疑。

    The McCain campaign is doing what it can to raise questions about Obama 's experience and leadership capabilities .

  5. 诺基亚董事会认为,史蒂芬所拥有的行业经验和领导能力,可以充分发掘出诺基亚的内在潜力。

    The Nokia Board believes that Stephen has the right industry experience and leadership skills to realize the full potential of Nokia .

  6. 作者长期从事教育工作,具有丰富的实践经验和领导经验,以一个专门家的眼光来考察和借鉴域外教育,可引领我们的视野和兴奋点落到最有价值之处并大受裨益和启迪。

    As a leader and educational worker , he inspected and drew lessons from the foreign education with the perspective of an expert .

  7. 现在加快公司重建,并引入具有不同经验和领导能力的人,以推动公司走向成功,已经到时机了。

    The time is right to accelerate the company 's renewal ; to bring in new executive leadership with different skills and strengths in order to drive company success .

  8. 将军还谈道如果给伊拉克军队一定的时间来积累他们所需的战斗经验、领导能力和后勤配给框架的话,他们到最后将有能力控制局面。

    Still , general Pittard says the Iraqi forces will eventually be able to take control , if they are given the time to develop the skills , leadership and logistical infrastructure they need .

  9. 这位屡获殊荣的地质学家拥有多年的管理经验,具有领导必和必拓(bhpbilliton)的资历。

    An award-winning geologist with years of management experience , he has the right credentials to lead BHP Billiton .

  10. 但是有经验且具有领导改变技巧的领导者,知道每个人需要在何处作改变,然后采取行动。

    But the experienced leader , skilled in leading change , knows where everyone is regarding the change , and acts accordingly .

  11. 他们的主要经验是:领导重视,大胆探索,做出建立基金制度的科学决策;

    The main experience of them are leaders pay attention to ; brave exploration ; making scientific decision for establishing the fund system ;

  12. 每一个katibas来自一座城镇,被当地最优经验的老兵领导。有时候,也由资助方来领导。

    Each katiba is usually drawn from one town , commanded by a respected local military veteran or , in some cases , by the businessman who financed it .

  13. 我具有很强的金融和工程学的知识基础,以及对金融市场的经验、对领导团队与合作的热情、敢于挑战的勇气。

    I bring along a strong grasp of fundamentals in Finance and Engineering , an insider 's experience of an emerging financial market , a penchant for teamwork and leadership and a zest for challenges .

  14. 建议借鉴游泳竞技水平较高的省市的成功经验,通过领导牵头大力加强科学选材工作,扩大选材范围和条件,形成科学选材网络体系,建立科学选材系统。

    Suggestions for swimming competition with high levels of successful experience , and led by strengthening leadership , expand the material selection of scientific work scope and conditions , form scientific selection , establish a scientific system of network selection system .

  15. 熟悉软件工程周期、能制定编程规范、具有质量检测经验、具有团队领导能力者优先。

    Experience and knowledge of software development life cycle , coding standard , quality standard and leadership is an advantage .

  16. 他们表示,真正的危险在于,经验不足的朝鲜领导层意外挑起冲突。

    The real danger , they say , is that an inexperienced leadership in Pyongyang will provoke a conflict by accident .

  17. 它指的是有着重要的地位并且经验丰富的政治领导家和政府官员,特别是赢得了公众的认可,拥有智慧、可敬、公平的公众形象。

    It refers to an important and experienced political leader or government leader , especially one who has earned public respect as being wise , honorable and fair-minded .

  18. 他已经成功地从当年那个桀骜不羁的哈佛辍学生蜕变成为一名成熟的谈判者,继而转变为经验丰富的企业领导,最终成为世界首富和慈善家中的楷模。

    He successfully transitioned from cocky college dropout to brass-knuckle negotiator to seasoned captain of industry , eventually becoming the richest man in the world and a model philanthropist .

  19. 说来遗憾,商业学术界中有太多地方仍保持着双重结构:承担核心商业教学任务的教师缺乏商业经验,而企业领导和高管往往缺乏学术背景。

    Sadly though , too much of business academia maintains a two-tiered universe with those doing most of the central business teaching lacking business experience and those leading and administrating often lacking academic experience .

  20. 三年来的实践教学已积累了一些好的经验,学校主管领导负责,各部门相互配合,实践教学过程设计较完整,实践教学形式灵活多样,这些经验都可为其他高校提供借鉴。

    The school administrator leader is responsible for , each department cooperates with each other , and the practice teaching process design is relatively complete , and the practice teaching forms are agile diversity , these can be experience for other university for reference .