
  • 网络public leadership
  1. 公共领导问题是近年来公共管理领域的前沿问题,定量分析方法提供给我们一个考察公共领导问题的较好的研究视角。

    Public leadership is a recent topic in the public administration field recent years .

  2. 担任公共领导职务的人在事情出差错时会被严厉地对待。

    Those who assume a public leadership role can expect harsh treatment when things go wrong .

  3. 这部分主要是针对我国公共领导危机管理的现状,提出从主观和客观两个方面来提升我国公共领导者的危机管理能力。

    This part mainly focuses on the current status of public crisis management .

  4. 公共领导是一种以公共组织群体在公共领域的协同一致领导为主要特征的领导活动。

    Public leadership is a leading act charactered by coordinate leadership of public organization group in the public field .

  5. 笔者认为公共领导的执政能力在很大程度上取决于领导力。

    The author holds that the administrative ability of public leaders depends on , to a great extent , the leadership 's ability .

  6. 公共领导不同于行政领导,它顺应社会发展的趋势,具有一系列创新之处。

    The public leadership , which is not the same with the government leadership , goes with the trend of social development and has a series of new changes .

  7. 公共领导作为执政骨干,提升其执政能力是当前加强党的执政能力建设的关键,进而成为推进社会发展、构建和谐社会的重要措施。

    To improve the administrative ability of public leaders , it is essential for the mainstay of administration to strengthen the building of administrative ability of the Party . It is an important measure of promoting social development and constructing harmonious society .

  8. 试论治理视野中的公共领域领导模式创新

    On the Innovation of Public Leadership Pattern in the Governance Field of Vision

  9. 公共行政领导角色

    The Leader - Role of Public Administration

  10. 该行动将独立专家咨询意见与世卫组织公共卫生领导能力结合起来,汇集卫生信息。

    The initiative combines independent expert advice with WHO 's public health leadership capacity to assemble health information .

  11. 文章末尾就如何加强我国公共部门领导能力建设提出一些建议。

    At the end of this article are some suggestions for strengthening the leadership capacity of the public sector .

  12. 马科斯·韦伯在官僚制理论中对行政官僚的全面阐述,对公共行政领导角色的界定具有奠基意义。

    The overall exposition of administrative bureaucrat by Max Webber s theory of bureaucracy lays a foundation for the definition of leader-role of public administration .

  13. 它的形成是由于社会发展导致公共领域领导职能、领导权力和领导能力等构成发生了变化。

    The cause of its forming is that the development of society leads to the change of the function , power and ability of the leadership in the public area .

  14. 这些数字印证了首席大法官休斯的那句评论:“在我们的职业传统中,没有一个能像其担任公共事务领导的传统那样受到律师们的钟爱的。”

    These figures bear out the comment of Chief Justice Stone that ," No tradition of our profession is more cherished by lawyers than of its leadership in public affairs . "

  15. 但是公共部门领导干部公选仍处于探索阶段,而选拔公共部门的中高级职位的人才,对于整个国家的意义非常重大。

    But selecting cadres openly of public departments has still been at the stage of exploring ; selecting middle and high level talents has extremely important significance to the whole nation .

  16. 公共部门领导能够打破官僚组织的层级制度,在公共部门建立学习型组织,为创新的持续性提供组织保障。

    These leaders of the public sector are capable to break the hierarchy of the bureaucratic organization and to establish learning organization in public sector in order to provide organizational protection for innovation durative .

  17. 另一个领域是公共机构的领导与改革管理。

    Another is leadership and change management in public sector organisations .

  18. 全球化及其对公共管理中领导资格的影响

    Globalization and its impact on leadership qualification in public administration

  19. 与时俱进:公共领域的领导发展&从行政领导到公共领导

    The Development of the Leadership in the Public Area : From Government Leadership to Public Leadership

  20. 二级指标包括了地理位置、公共设施、领导水平、行政机构办事效率、科技水平、文化教育因素、经济结构、经济发展阶段、发展速度等16个指标。

    Secondary objectives include geographical location , public facilities , leadership , administrative agencies efficiency , technology , and educational factors , economic structure and economic development , development speed , 16 indicators .

  21. Moskowitz是加利福尼亚大学家庭和社区保健中心、Berkeley公共卫生学校的领导。

    Moskowitz is director of the Center for Family and Community Health at the University of California , Berkeley School of Public Health .

  22. 公共行政中实现领导责任的制度规制探讨

    Exploration of the realization of leader 's responsibility in public administration

  23. 在公共场合,欧洲领导人们表现得很团结。

    In public , European leaders put on a show of unity .

  24. 公共关系咨询与领导决策

    Public Relations Counsel and Policy Leading Reformation

  25. 1970年代他在纽瓦克中心区的一个公共住房项目中领导了最长的拒付房租行动

    In the 1970s , he led the longest rent strike in one of our public housing project in the Central Ward of Newark .

  26. 在公共交易合作中领导有义务,在法律允许的框架内做决定,股东的最大利益。

    The leader in public trade cooperation has the obligation after the compliant with law to make the decision in the best interest in the shareowners .

  27. 同时,应加强对医学院、公共卫生学院的领导、学生及教师、临床医生、卫生行政管理人员、卫生政策制定者等的公共卫生教育。

    At the same time , it is necessary to enhance public health education of the management , teachers and students of medical and public health colleges , physicians , health administrative management personnel , and health policy formulators .

  28. 借鉴外省成功经验做法,对吉林省公共资源交易平台建设提出几点建议:一是加强领导,建立省公共资源交易领导机构,监督管理机构和执行操作机构。

    Draw lessons from provincial success experiences of Jilin Province , on the transaction of public resources platform construction and put forward some suggestions : one is to strengthen a leadership , build public resource transaction leadership , supervision and management mechanism and operation mechanism .