
  • 网络public-raising foundation
  1. 公募基金会募捐中的信誉研究

    The Study of Reputation of Public-raising Foundations in Donation

  2. 公募基金会的名称可以不使用字号。

    The name of a public offering foundation may not use a trade name .

  3. 公募基金会官办色彩浓厚,民间组织缺乏独立性。

    The public raise found official colors and non-governmental organizations with a lack of independence .

  4. 公募基金会,顾名思义,即面向公众募捐的基金会。

    Public placement Fund , as its name suggests , is technology for public fundraising Foundation .

  5. 同时,这促使我们对公募基金会的未来定位及运营作深入的思考。

    At the same time , these prompted us to think seriously of the future positions and operations about public fundations .

  6. 他参与主导运作的壹基金欲注册成为公募基金会的申请,一直没有批复。

    The One Foundation , which he takes part in the operation , has not been approved to be registered as public fund .

  7. 2011年01月15日由中国电影明星李连杰创办的公益组织壹基金,本周被正式批准为公募基金会。

    2011-01-15 One Foundation , established by Chinese movie star Jet Li , this week celebrated its official registration as a public foundation .

  8. 属于全国性公募基金会,在民政部登记注册,业务主管单位是国家林业局。

    It is a nationwide public fund registered in the Ministry of Civil Affairs , P.R.C.and under the jurisdiction of the State Forestry Administration , P.R.C.

  9. 如果在国家决定正式放开公募基金会注册前,现在的壹基金已经不存在了,我们也仍会继续。

    If before the State decides to release the public funds registration officially , One Foundation is not there , we will still continue the case .

  10. 公募基金会按照募捐的地域范围,分为全国性公募基金会和地方性公募基金会。

    And the public offering foundation shall be divided into national public offering foundation and regional public offering foundation according to the scope of areas of the whip-round .

  11. 很显然,公募基金会财务管理中存在的问题并不能靠某一单项措施就可解决,它需要一个科学、有效的财务管理体系。

    It is clear that a single measure can not solve the problems in financial management of the foundation , it needs a scientific and effective financial management system .

  12. 但与此同时,受制于一些历史、文化、制度等因素的影响,中国公募基金会在现实的发展过程中也遇到了众多问题。

    But at the same time , subject to some of the history , culture , system and other factors , China Public Foundation in the development process also encountered many problems .

  13. 本文通过考察一个地方性公募基金会的战略性慈善项目运作过程,基于基金会项目模式资源动员的内在体系,着重探讨了基金会多元化的资源动员模式与策略。

    The diversify mode and strategy of the resource mobilization were discussed in the system of foundation-project mode-resource mobilization through case study of the strategic operation of charitable projects in a local public foundation .

  14. 在分样本检验中,公募基金会的信息透明度与捐赠收入同样显著正相关,非公募基金会的信息透明度虽与捐赠收入正相关但并不显著。

    In the sub-sample test , the information transparency of public foundations is similarly positively related to donations on a high significant level . However , the positive relationship between information transparency and donations of non-public foundations is not significant .

  15. 而学界以往关于公募基金会的研究多是从政府与基金会的关系解度出发,或是就基金会发展中遇到某个专项的问题进行研究,缺乏一个统一、系统的理论支撑。

    Academic research on Public Foundation in the past is a departure from the perspective of the Government and the Foundation . or would have a special issue of the Foundation for Development , the lack of a unified , systematic theoretical support .

  16. 美国的普通民众,都可以监督公募基金会的款项使用,特别是捐赠者,如果发现捐款用不清晰,则可以立即向社区基金会提出质疑,并向社区基金会的主管部门提出控告。

    United States people , offering Foundation , the oversight of payments , in particular donors , if contributions are not clear , you can immediately challenge the Community Foundation , and to lodge a complaint to the competent authorities of the Community Foundation .