
  1. 现代物流的发展对集装箱公铁联运提出无缝链接的要求。

    Modern logistics development demands seamless link of container rail-road combined transportation .

  2. 公铁联运条件下物流实时跟踪系统设计

    A Design of Real-time Logistics Tracing System for United Transportation of Railways and Highways

  3. 第五章列举了中外两个比较典型的铁路发展第三方物流的成功的案例,分别是法国铁路公司的公铁联运和汽车物流和中铁联合物流有限责任公司。

    Chapter five enumerates two representative and successful cases from domestic and overseas of railway Third Party Logistics enterprises .

  4. 基于仿真的公铁联运客运枢纽交通组织研究

    Study on Traffic Operation of Combined Transport by Highway and Railway in the Passenger Transport Hub based on Simulation

  5. 提出公铁联运路径优化问题的模型与算法。

    Finally , the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms is proved through example results . ( 3 ) The models and algorithms for route optimization in motor-rail multimodal transportation are studied .

  6. 本文基于公铁联运无缝链接的要求,采用定性和定量分析相结合的方法,重点研究铁路集装箱中心站内公铁联运衔接作业的协调组织。

    Based on the requirements of seamless link , this article uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis method , primary studies the coordinating organization of connection operation between rail and road in the railway container center station .

  7. 采用中铁快运公铁联运的行邮服务网络进行实例验证,体现研究的实用价值及意义。

    Service network of highway-railway transportation for luggage and mail shipping of China Railway Co. , Ltd. is taken as a real example to verify the studies in this thesis , which embodies application value and significance of this thesis .

  8. 然后通过查阅文献资料及现场调研,对集装箱公铁联运运输组织瓶颈问题进行了分析,包括货源组织、衔接、空箱调运、场站规划等。

    Through reviewing literature and on-site investigation , I try to make an analysis on the problems of highway & railway multimodal transport and transport organization which it covers Source organization ^ connection 、 Empty container for scheduling and Stations planning and so on .

  9. 然后详细分析阐述铁路应急物流配送体系,介绍了应急物流决策指挥体系,分析应急需求响应,重点讨论应急物资配送问题,并提出了公铁应急联运策略。

    We formulates railway emergency logistics distribution system , introduces the emergency command system of logistics decision-making , analyzes the response of emergency demands , and emphasizes the distribution problems of emergency supplies , and proposes strategies about railway-road combined transportation .