
  1. 因此,利用CAPM模型,考虑公司分配政策和公司成长性的P/D分析是增强P/E分析指标实用价值的重要途径。

    We can use the CAPM model and consider the distribution policy and the P / D indicator which analyze enterprises growth to reinforce the P / E analysis utility value .

  2. (二)公司分配股利或者增资的计划;

    A company 's plan for distributing dividends and increasing capital ;

  3. 指定由公司分配给本工作站的资产标签或财产识别编号。

    Specify the asset tag or property identification number assigned by the company to this workstation .

  4. 接下来的几天,公司分配给她更多的文书工作。对于黄天明来说,这种工作既枯燥又累人。

    On the following days , she was assigned to do more paperwork , which was boring and tiring for Huang .

  5. 独立完成区域市场内销售活动,实现销售业绩并稳定提高,完成公司分配的销售任务。

    Independently finish the sales activities of the regional market to improve sales performance and stability complete sales tasks assigned by the company .

  6. 公司分配当年税后利润时,应当提取利润的百分之十列入公司法定公积金。

    When a company distributes the annual after-tax profits , it shall allocate ten percent of its profits to its statutory common reserve fund .

  7. 银行已习惯于向信托公司分配小规模贷款业务,甚至将不良贷款转手给信托公司,后者再把不良贷款打包成投资产品,出售给散户投资者。

    Banks have taken to distributing trust-company loans in bite-sized packages and even to offloading non-performing loans to trusts , which package them into investment products for sale to retail investors .

  8. 相对于这种最优的分配方式而言,上市公司分配现金股利损害了流通股股东的利益,但是对非流通股股东来说两种分配方式没有差异。

    Distributing cash dividend will reduce the value of tradable shares comparing with the best method , while the two methods are the same for the value of non - tradable shares .

  9. 上市公司分配股票股利应基于可持续增长的需求,但是实证结果表明每股股票股利高低与实现可持续增长对现金需求强烈程度不相关。

    The dividend policies of the listed company should base on sustainable needs , but the results of empirical research show that there is no correlation between stock dividends and cash demands of corporations .

  10. 股利分配也是股东行使权利的重要方式,是股东会的职权,因此,法院不能判决公司分配股利。

    Dividend distribution is an important way to exercise the rights of shareholders , and it is the powers of the board of shareholders , so , the court can not sentence the company dividends .

  11. 当股利所得税率与资本利得税率之间的差异越小时,公司分配股利的时间应当越长,公司在这种情况下也不宜一味追求规模效应,盲目扩大资本;

    The less the difference between tax rates on dividend and capital gain is , the longer the stage of dividend distribution is , and the firm should not blindly pursue scale effect and expand the capital .

  12. 股利是上市公司分配给股东的税后收益,反映上市公司的经营行为和经营成果,不仅影响上市公司的外在形象,而且与股票价格的波动也存在着密切联系。

    The dividend is that the listed company distributes the after-tax income for shareholders , and reflects the behavior and business performances of the listed company . It also has important influence on the fluctuations of image and stock price of the listed company .

  13. 如果NASA给两家公司各分配了六次飞行任务,它将按合同金额的全款支付费用。

    The full contract amounts will be paid if NASA orders six missions from each company .

  14. 在WebSphere业务集成连接公司之间分配唯一的用户ID和密码来加强安全性和通信的验证级别。

    Assign a unique User ID and Password between WebSphere Business Integration Connect companies to increase the security and authentication level of communication .

  15. 案例部分主要介绍了GP公司工资分配制度的现况及工资改革的背景和一些改革措施,同时指出中国加入WTO的影响。

    The case mainly tells us the current condition of the pay system , the background of the pay reform and some measures made in the reform in GP . The influence of China 's entrance to WTO is described at the same time .

  16. 一家跨国公司生产分配规划问题的研究

    A Study of Production Distribution Planning Problems for a Multinational Company

  17. 中国上市公司股利分配问题研究。

    A study on dividends payout of China listed companies ii .

  18. 债权让与制度研究上市公司股利分配政策研究

    Research on the Assignment of Credit Study on the Dividend Policy

  19. 本文着重分析了影响我国上市公司股利分配政策的内部因素。

    The internal influencing factors are the emphasis of this dissertation .

  20. 董事会是公司权力分配中极为重要的环节。

    The board is vital important in the distribution of corporate power .

  21. 二元股份结构上市公司的分配问题研究

    Research on the Assignment of Listed Companies With Dualistic Ownership

  22. 股份有限公司权力分配之探析

    The Research of Distribution of Powers in Stock Company

  23. 对上市公司股利分配内部影响因素的分析

    Analyzing on the Inside Influence Factor of the Dividend Policy of Listed Company

  24. 上市公司股利分配理性化引导

    Rational guidance of dividend income allocation in listed companies

  25. 公司利润分配规则,是公司资本维持原则之下的一个子规则。

    Rules of Corporate profit distribution are sub-rules of principle of capital maintenance .

  26. 控股股东利益最大化与上市公司股利分配政策

    Maximizing Interests of Holding Shareholders and Making Dividend Distribution Policies of Listed Companies

  27. 上市公司股利分配现状及对策研究

    Study on the current situation and countermeasure of dividend distribution of listed company

  28. 中国上市公司红利分配影响因素实证研究

    Empirical Research on Chinese Listed Companies ' Dividend Behavior

  29. 税收差异影响下公司股利分配的最优控制研究

    Optimal Control of Dividend Policy under Tax Rate Differences

  30. 论公司利润分配中的利益冲突与平衡

    Research on Conflict of Interests in Distribution of Company 's Profit and Coordination