
  • 网络Sea rail intermodal transportation;ocean-rail through service
  1. 以虚拟企业的构建为参考,研究了适应海铁联运系统的结盟构建流程,并提出基于多Agent的企业结盟运作模式。

    Then it studies the alliance building process adapted to the sea-rail intermodal transport system , and propose an alliance operation based on multi-Agent mode .

  2. 其次根据我国的物流产业发展政策及C航运企业的自身特点,提出C航运企业应大力发展海铁联运这一运输模式。

    Then , according to our national development policies for logistics and the characteristics of the C shipping company , a suggestion of developing sea-rail combined transport has been made .

  3. 用独立的Agent对各公司和不同资源进行封装,采用四个外部协议和一个内部协议协调Agent之间和其内部的任务,将海铁联运系统抽象为由公司Agent和资源Agent组成的多Agent系统。

    The parters involving in rail-sea intermodal transportation are defined as company agents , and the transportation devices are defined as resource agents . Four exterior and one interior role protocols are defined to coordinate the tasks between the agents and within the agent itself .

  4. 集装箱海铁联运与内河运输的发展关系

    The Development Relationship between Container Sea-rail Transport and Inland Waterways Transport

  5. 大连港集装箱海铁联运运营管理体系构建研究

    The Study of the Construction of Dalian Port Sea-Rail Combined Transportation Management System

  6. 基于腹地集装箱生成量分配的海铁联运运量预测方法研究

    Rail-sea Intermodal Transportation Volume Forecast Method Based on Assignment of Hinterland Container Production

  7. 文章首先引出集装箱海铁联运的基本概念和理论。

    This paper firstly introduces the basic concepts and theories of sea-rail combined transportation .

  8. 论文研究结果较为全面的反映了加快集装箱海铁联运发展的必要性。

    The results of the thesis comprehensively reflected the necessity of container sea-rail combined transportation development .

  9. 国际集装箱海铁联运现状剖析

    On the Present Situation of the Combined Transport of International Containers by Sea and by Rail

  10. 最后,针对天津发展集装箱海铁联运现状,提出了科学的发展策略。

    Finally , scientific development strategy are put forward to make the development of Tianjin intermodal transport .

  11. 集装箱海铁联运作为一种高效的运输组织形式,是国际集装箱运输发展的必然方向。

    Container rail-sea intermodal transport as an efficient form of organization is the inevitable development direction of international container transport .

  12. 海铁联运作为其中重要的运输方式,在长距离运输上具有得天独厚的优势。

    As an important mode of coal transportation , the ocean-rail pattern has a unique advantage on long distance transportation .

  13. 在把大连港建设成为东北亚航运中心的进程中,集装箱运输的海铁联运发挥着重要的作用。

    In the process of constructing Dalian Port to northeast shipping center , container sea-rail combined transportation plays an important role .

  14. 多式联运一直被运输业广泛关注,其中最倍受关注的就是海铁联运。

    Multimodal transport has been widely concerned in the transport industry and the sea and railway transport ranks top one of them .

  15. 我国海铁联运经过长期发展已初具雏形,但与发达国家相比还存在较大差距。

    Rail-sea intermodal transport has already been formed through long-term development , but there are still a wide gap compared with developed countries .

  16. 其次,通过分析海铁联运业务的结构特征,提取现实运营数据,以实际运价、运力对模型进行求解,进一步归纳海铁联运计划制定机制及其影响因素,并检验本文的概念模型。

    Secondly , through the analysis of structural characteristics of business , it gets real operational data , further generalizes plan mechanism and influential factors .

  17. 我国传统的煤炭海铁联运系统需要进行铁海换装,并且在港口需要占用大量的土地资源作为堆场,其粗放的建设运营方式成为了我国煤炭海铁联运系统的瓶颈所在。

    The traditional ocean-rail transportation system need reload from trains to ships , and it requires a lot of land resources as the storage yard for buffering .

  18. 结合实际,从海铁联运的发展对策、航线拓展对策、资源整合对策等几个方面进行了分析,提出了符合大连港长期发展规划的合理规划建议。

    Analyzed development strategies of Rail-sea intermodal transport , lanes expansion , resource integration with practice , put forward reasonable planning proposal conform to Dalian Port long-term development planning .

  19. 通过分析海铁联运运量的影响因素,提出基于集装箱货值的改进生成系数法来预测海运进出口集装箱内地生成量;

    On the basis of analysis of the factors effecting rail-sea intermodal transportation volumes , this article presents the improved production coefficient method calculated by value instead of by weight .

  20. 近几年,随着相关规划的逐步实施,海铁联运基础设施建设被提上日程,为海铁联运发展创造了良好的硬件条件。

    In recent years , with the gradual implementation of relevant plans , rail-sea intermodal transport infrastructure is put on the agenda for the development of hardware to create a good condition .

  21. 然后以华北地区港口为例,重点探讨海铁联运过程中运输节点的选择问题,并给出评价方法及结果。

    In addition , the selection of transport nodes for sea-rail combined transport has been discussed with seaports in North China as examples , and relating evaluations and results have been processed .

  22. 并提出集成五种模型的综合因素法利润分配模型,经案例验证具有一定合理性和适用性,能够为海铁联运经营人制定激励机制提供决策支持。

    Then it propose a comprehensive profit distribution model integrated five models , which is reasonable and applicable to provide decision support for the establishment of incentive mechanism of rail-sea intermodal transport operator .

  23. 近年来海铁联运的发展日益受到国家的重视,而深圳港是珠三角地区集装箱主要的进出口通道,同时是世界第四大集装箱港口,在发展集装箱海铁联运方面有巨大的潜力。

    As the fourth largest container port in the world and the main channel of import and export in the Pearl River Delta area , Shenzhen Port has a great potential for Sea-rail transportation .

  24. 最后以大连港为案例,探讨了港口集装箱海铁联运碳减排的收益问题,提出了东北集装箱海铁联运体系的发展建议。

    At last , take Dalian Port as the case to analyze the carbon emissions reduction benefits of port container sea-rail transport , then give the development proposals of the Northeast container sea-rail transport system .

  25. 对比未来五年大连港集装箱海铁联运运量配流结果与路径运量约束,得出目前大连港海铁联运运量与运力之间的不匹配点。

    Comparison container sea-rail intermodal transportation flow distribution results with path capacity constraints of the Dalian port in the next five years , balance ports will be finded between Dalian sea-rail transport capacity and quantum .

  26. 其相对于传统海铁联运方式在缩短船舶在港时间、货物在途时间、提高土地资源利用、加强环境保护、确保运输安全等方面具有较大的优势。

    Compare with the traditional pattern of ocean-rail transportation , it has big advantages in shortening the berthing time of ships and the traveling time of cargo , utilizing of land resources , environment protection and transportation safety .

  27. 海铁联运,作为多式联运中重要的一种,连接海运与陆地铁运,既提高运输效率又节省资源,在集疏运各方式中体现出诸多优势,因此得到了迅速发展。

    Being one of the most important form in multimodal transportation , sea-rail combined transportation own its advantages in efficiency and energy saving due to the characteristics when connecting the railway on land and marine transport in oceans .

  28. 并在第五章中引用新型柔性轨道解决方案,在一定假设的条件下,提高海铁联运换装环节效率。

    In the 5th paragraph , under hypothesis conditions , the flexible rail track , a new solution for integrated sea-rail transport system , is quoted with a purpose for the application feasibility in the loading changes process .

  29. 另一方面,从换装效率和成本,以及运输费用两方面出发,与其他联运方式对比分析海铁联运的效益优势,能够比较全面的反映出海铁联运发展的重要性和必要性。

    On the other hand , from a point of view as efficiency , cost and freight , the comparison with other multimodal forms can be more specified and accurate , thus , to reveal the advantages of sea-rail combined transportation .

  30. 集装箱海铁联运计划优化可实现运输方式的转变,有效降低运输成本,增加港口经济腹地辐射范围和吞吐量,强化班轮公司、班列运营企业、港口运营企业协调工作能力。

    Container rail-sea intermodal transportation plan optimization can achieve the transformation of transportation mode , reduce costs , increase the economic hinterland radiation range and throughput of the port , strengthen coordination ability among liner companies , trains companies and port enterprises .