
ɡuó jì duō shì lián yùn
  • international multimodal transport;international multimode transport
  1. 国际多式联运单证法律性质新探

    Analysis on the Legal Nature of International Multimodal Transport Document

  2. 国际多式联运是促进世界贸易有秩序地扩展的途径之一;

    That international multimodal transport is one means of facilitating the orderly expansion of world trade ;

  3. 为了对国际多式联运的法律进行统一,联合国贸易法委员会(以下简称UNCITRAL)开始着手准备制订《统一运输法》(草案),并于2003年9月公布了最新的《草案》文本。

    Therefore , in order to avoid the law conflicts , United Nations Commission on International Trade Law ( UNCITRAL ) commenced to prepare the draft of Transport Law , which can be applied in all transport models .

  4. 国际多式联运中的项目物流和产品物流。

    Item logistics and product logistics in International container multi-model transportation .

  5. 第三节对国际多式联运系统技术设备协调的研究。

    The third section discusses the technology and equipment coordination .

  6. 第三部分分析了《鹿特丹规则》下国际多式联运经营人的责任。

    Chapter three analyzes the multimodal transport operators ' responsibility .

  7. 国际多式联运与铁路集装箱运输的发展

    Development of International Intermodal Transport and Railway Container Transport

  8. 国际多式联运线路选择的方法研究

    A Route Choice Method for International Multi-modal Transportation

  9. 国际多式联运的虚拟企业运作模式研究

    The Study of International Multi-modal Transport Virtual Enterprise

  10. 国际多式联运是构建现代物流网络系统的基础。

    The multimodal transport is a foundation of setting up the modern logistics network system .

  11. 本术语可适用于任何运输方式,包括国际多式联运。

    This term may be used irrespective of the mode of transport , including multimodal transport .

  12. 现代物流的发展,与国际多式联运的发展是密不可分的。

    The development of the modern logistics , is inseparable with the development of the international multimodal transport .

  13. 但是,山于国际多式联运的空间距离较长、中转环节较多,涉及范围较广的特点,货物毁损、灭失、迟延也较传统运输方式复杂。

    However , the situation of cargo damage , loss or delay is complicated because the characteristics of the transport way .

  14. 随着两者的深入发展,现代物流在国际多式联运中涉及的法律问题也呈现出复杂化和多元化。

    With the deep development of economic , the law problems of modern logistics connected with international multimodal transport become more complicate .

  15. 国际多式联运是一种利用集装箱进行联运的新的运输组织方式。

    The international many combined transports are one kind carry on the combined transport using the container the new transportation system way .

  16. 国际多式联运是以集装箱为运输单元,将不同的运输方式有机地结合在一起,构成连续的综合性的一体化全程运输。

    International Multi-modal Transport that combines some different kinds of transport modes , container as the transportation unit , is an integrative transportation .

  17. 本文通过介绍国际多式联运经营人的责任制度的国际公约并对其加以比较来试图构建我国的相关法律制度。

    This paper tries to build a legal system related by introducing the International Convention of the responsibility system of international multimodal transport operator .

  18. 集装箱铁水联运凭借自身优势,已成为全球物流运输业的发展方向和国际多式联运的重要环节,在运输系统中至关重要。

    Being an important part of worldwide logistics developing direction and international multimode transport , railway and waterway combined container transport has a lot advantages .

  19. 国际多式联运是集装箱运输方式发展的必然结果,为适应多式联运业务,多式联运单据应运而生。

    To meet the requirements of operation of the combined transport the inevitable result of container transport the combined transport document ( CTD ) was created .

  20. 在不同的条件下它分别以四种面孔出现,代理人、居间人、无船承运人和国际多式联运经营人。

    They will come forth in four kinds of different roles in different situations , respectively as agent , intermediary , NVOCC and international multimode transportation operator .

  21. 希望文中提到的相关问题能够本文对国际多式联运的法律完善,以及国际多式联运的实践,能够有所帮助。

    The author wishes that this paper could contribute to the perfection of the legal system of multi-modal transport document , also to the practice of multi-modal transportation .

  22. 发达国家国际多式联运的应用与发展比较成熟,这些国家国际多式联运基础设施比较完善、集装箱多式联运技术先进、电子信息交换系统发达。

    Application of international multimodal transport in developed countries is more mature . In the developed countries infrastructure is better . Technology of the multimodal transport is advanced .

  23. 所谓国际多式联运布局亦称国际多式联运系统的布局,是按国际多式联运的地区、区域分布,在宏观上解决国际多式联运系统发展在我国的优先配置顺序,以求达到社会经济发展相协调。

    The layout of the international multi-transport is to solve the order of the development of the international multi-transport to achieve the coordination of the development of social economy .

  24. 需要为所有国家的利益,保证国际多式联运有秩序地发展,并有必要考虑到过境国家的特殊问题;

    The desirability of ensuring the orderly development of international multimodal transport in the interest of all countries and the need to consider the special problems of transit countries ;

  25. 在现今的货运代理市场中,它已经从传统的单纯的代理人、居间人角色发展到今天的无船承运人、国际多式联运经营人。

    Freight forwarding , in today 's Shipping markets , has been developed from the traditional roles acting as a pure agent or intermediary to today 's NVOCC and international multimode transportation operator .

  26. 介绍了国际多式联运发展状况;论述国际多式联运产生的必然性,以及与此相适应的铁路集装箱运输在世界一些国家始终呈增长趋势,和国际多式联运不可估量的前景。

    The paper expounds the definition , development situation , necessity and immeasurable prospects of international intermodal transportation , as well as the fact that relevant railway container transportation is growing in some countries .

  27. 进入国际多式联运与物流时代的今天,集装箱拼箱业务以及无船承运人的存在,使得与无船承运人签订合同的海运承运人的保赔保险在某些情况下会受到影响。

    In the logistics times , the protection and indemnity insurance of carrier signing Contract with NVOCC will be affected in certain circumstances because of the existence of NVOCC and LCL ( Less than container load ) .

  28. 在未来的发展中,国际多式联运将朝着无缝衔接和综合物流的方向发展,信息技术的作用将会越来越显著,国际多式联运网络将成为核心资源。

    In the future development , International multimodal transport will move to the direction of integrated logistics and seamless connecting . Information technology will be more and more important . International multimodal transport network will become the core resource .

  29. 本文探讨了国际多式联运的概念及其特点,介绍了国际集装箱多式联运的发展趋势,我国国际集装箱多式联运的发展现状及存在问题。

    This article has discussed the international many combined transports concept and its the characteristic , briefed the international container many combined transports development tendency , our country international container many combined transports development present situation and the existence question .

  30. 多式联运业务中货主、货代和联运经营人有关知识介绍(英文)国际多式联运是集装箱运输方式发展的必然结果,为适应多式联运业务,多式联运单据应运而生。

    SOME KNOW - HOW FOR CARGO OWNERS , FORWARDERS AND OPERATORS IN THE CONTEXT OF MULTIMODAL TRANSPORT To meet the requirements of operation of the combined transport the inevitable result of container transport the combined transport document ( CTD ) was created .