
ɡuó nèi zhònɡ cái
  • domestic arbitration;internal arbitration
  1. 国内仲裁司法监督制度研究

    Research on the Judicial Supervision System of Domestic Arbitration

  2. 我国国内仲裁裁决司法监督的诉讼化模式构想

    Conception on the Litigation Mode of the Judicial Supervision on the Domestic Arbitration Award

  3. 试论国内仲裁司法监督的范围

    On The Ranges of Justice Supervising Civil Arbitration

  4. 这种状况对国际和国内仲裁的良性发展显然不利。

    This situation is clearly unfavorable to the optimum development of international and domestic arbitration .

  5. 第二章研究我国法院对国内仲裁裁决的监督制度,包括撤销仲裁裁决制度、不予执行仲裁裁决制度和两个制度之间的冲突及解决办法。

    The second chapter research on the supervision system that the court supervises domestic arbitration verdict .

  6. 设立国内仲裁裁决司法审查制度有其理论依据和现实意义。

    There is theoretical basis and reality when establishing the judicial investigation system of domestic arbitration award .

  7. 我国仲裁立法对国内仲裁和涉外仲裁设计了不同的法律规则,这实质是对国内仲裁的歧视。

    Our arbitral law has provided different legal rules for the national arbitration and the arbitration with foreign elements , which means discrimination for the former in essence .

  8. 在整个仲裁制度中,无论是国际商事仲裁或是普通国内仲裁,仲裁协议都处于至关重要的位置,是整个仲裁制度的基石。

    In the whole arbitration mechanism , whether the International Commercial Arbitration or general national ( domestic ) arbitration , the arbitration agreement is crucially center-positioned and is the cornerstone of such mechanism .

  9. 描述了现行国内仲裁不予执行的法律依据,讨论了不予执行的一般方法和步骤以及存在的问题。

    After stating the law basis of the disallowed execution of the domestic arbitral award at present , the author discusses the means 、 steps and existent problems about the disallowed execution of an arbitral award .

  10. 新的仲裁法对我国国内仲裁司法监督机制的影响很大,但是在立法和司法实践中,还存在着较多缺陷,有不少需要改善的方面,在一定程度上制约了我国仲裁事业的发展。

    While Arbitration Law has made tremendous impact on the judicial supervision system of domestic arbitration of china , a lot of shortcomings revealed in the legislation and administration of justice have been restricted the development of domestic arbitration .

  11. 虽然仲裁已经成为一种非常可靠且非常受欢迎的一种纠纷解决方式,但无论国际商事仲裁还是国内仲裁,都无法回避其与法院两者之间的关系的问题。

    Although the arbitration has become a very reliable and very popular a kind of way to settle disputes , but no matter of international commercial arbitration or domestic arbitration , can avoid it with the court of the relationship between the problem .

  12. 国际税务争议的解决以国际税收仲裁为主,但是也有一些国家(像美国)就采用过国内税收仲裁的方式解决国际税务争议。

    International tax arbitration is often used , but America had used the national tax arbitration to resolve the international tax disputes .

  13. 国内民商事仲裁撤销事由的范围探讨

    On Scope of Causes for Arbitration Abolishment of Domestic Civil Law and Commercial Law

  14. 仲裁地将仲裁活动与特定国家的法律体系连接起来,使得该国内法律对仲裁各个阶段的推进产生直接的法律效力。

    The seat of arbitration connects arbitration activity with the legal system of particular country , leaving the domestic laws of that country applied to the arbitration actions in these territories .

  15. 从我国仲裁制度的现状及其缺陷出发,提出了统一国内和涉外仲裁制度的观点,分析了原因,构思了统一的方法和途径。

    This article , proceeding from the status quo of present arbitral law and its several flaws , advances an idea to unite the national arbitration with the arbitration with foreign elements , analyzes the reasons and makes a conception of the path to unification .

  16. 国内投标人按中国仲裁法进行仲裁。

    Domestic bidders-arbitration is conducted under Chinese rules .

  17. 国内外均有网上仲裁的相关实践,也不乏像域名争议网上仲裁这样比较成功的案例,但相关理论研究却极其贫乏。

    Both at home and abroad all have online arbitration practices . There are some successful online arbitration such as domain name dispute , but , the relevant theory research is extremely poor .