
ɡuó jì hónɡ shí zì
  • International Red Cross;International Red Foundation
  1. 他补充道,该组织还绑架了5名中国工人,并将与国际红十字组织(internationalredcross)联系,以便释放他们。

    He added that the ONLF had taken five Chinese workers alive , and would be in touch with the International Red Cross to return them .

  2. 而第二阶段,使人们搬到临时住所中,开始永久性的建设则遇到了问题。国际红十字会的MatthewCochrane致力于帮助灾民在海地建设过渡性住房。他说,在这个城市中找到能够进行建设的地方非常困难。

    The second phase , getting people into temporary housing and starting permanent construction , has been Matthew Cochrane with the International Red Cross , who has been working to build transitional homes in Port au Prince , says finding space to build in the city is not easy .

  3. 在肯尼亚,国际红十字会开发出基于快捷移动电话的调查,或者按其字面意思称为RAMP。

    In Kenya , the IFRC has developed the Rapid Mobile Phone-based survey , otherwise known as RAMP .

  4. 国际红十字协会的JoeLowry已经抵达灾难现场。

    Joe Lowry from the International Federation of the Red Cross has been to the disaster site .

  5. StephenRyan是国际红十字会和红新月会联盟的年轻人和志愿者的通信官员。

    Stephen Ryan is the communications officer for youth and volunteers at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies .

  6. 其中一份报告来自国际红十字和红新月联合会以及GAVI联盟。

    One report is from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the GAVI Alliance .

  7. 国际红十字会表示,叙利亚政府今天对该组织“开了绿灯”,允许它携带必要的食品和医疗用品进入babamr区。

    The ICRC said the organisation had been given a " green light " by the government to enter bab AMR with essential food and medical supplies today .

  8. 国际红十字会发言人AnnaSchaaf告知VOA,援助将会继续,而且由于该国人道主义状况恶化,援助还会增加。

    ICRC Spokeswoman , Anna Schaaf , told VOA this aid will continue and even increase because of the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the country .

  9. 国际红十字委员会女发言人DorotheaKrimitsas表示,寒冷天气使人们原本凄惨的境地更加雪上加霜。

    A spokeswoman for the International Committee of the Red Cross , Dorothea Krimitsas , says freezing temperatures are making the already situation of people fleeing their homes even worse .

  10. 国际红十字会手术科副主任DominiqueStillhart表示,医疗工作人员,尤其是巴勒斯坦红十字协会的医生的安全必须时时刻刻得到保障,必须能联系到伤者,对他们加以治疗,如果需要还必须带他们到医院。

    International Committee of the Red Cross Deputy Director of Operations Dominique Stillhart says health workers , particularly from the Palestine Red Crescent Society , must be granted around-the-clock safe , unlimited passage to reach the wounded , treat them and take them to hospitals if needed .

  11. 国际红十字会专家结束访华

    International Red Cross specialists end visit to China

  12. .国际红十字运动诞生于意大利统一过程中一场主要的战争。

    The International Red Cross Movement a major battle in the unification of Italy .

  13. 瓦利德·穆阿利姆在会见到访的国际红十字委员会主席彼得·毛雷尔时发表了上述讲话。

    Walid al-Moallem made the remarks during a meeting with visiting ICRC chief Peter Maurer .

  14. 中国红十字运动,是国际红十字运动的组成部分。

    The Red Cross Society of China is an important part of the International Red Cross Society .

  15. 国际红十字会和红新月会运动是为了挽救人类的生命和健康。

    The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is a movement to save human life and health .

  16. 纳迪恩.皮埃古尔巴尔是国际红十字会的妇女及战争问题顾问。她说,这并不令人惊讶。

    The Red Cross Advisor on Women and War , Nadine Puechguirbal , says this is not surprising .

  17. “非洲气象应用发展中心”和国际红十字会说,双方的合作伙伴关系令人鼓舞,因为他们相互合作能预测并帮助缓解问题。

    The organizations say the partnership is encouraging , because together they can predict problems and help alleviate them .

  18. 过境后,车队将在国际红十字会的统领下前进,俄外交部称。

    After crossing the border , the convoy will proceed under the auspices of the ICRC , it said .

  19. 这是国际红十字委员会在哈拉雷进行消毒的主要原因之一。

    That is one of the principal reasons the International Committee of the Red Cross is mounting its disinfecting campaign there .

  20. 国际红十字会称,的黎波里的战斗导致迫切需要医疗用品和医护人员。

    The International Red Cross says the fighting in Tripoli has led to an urgent need for medical supplies and staff .

  21. 国际红十字会的官员们说他们正计划对于26个国家的鸟类采取进一步的措施,这26个国家主要是在亚洲和非洲。

    The International Red Cross says it plans to scale-up its bird flu operations in26 countries , mainly in Asia and africa .

  22. 以色列也受到国际红十字会的严厉批评,以色列被指控阻碍救护车前去抢救平民。

    Israel also came in for heavy criticism from the International Red Cross and stands accused of hampering ambulance access to civilians .

  23. 仅仅几星期以前,一辆国际红十字会的汽车在同一地区遇上地雷爆炸。

    An Inter - national Red Cross vehicle had been hit by mine blasts in the area just a few weeks before .

  24. 优素福说,出于公正的原则,国际红十字会和国际社会有意帮助非洲人民应对气候变化。

    The Red Cross and international community are interested in helping Africans cope with climate change out of fairness , Challouche says .

  25. 国际红十字会敦促索马里交战各方尊重国际人道主义法律,赦免医疗设施。

    The International Red Cross has urged the warring factions in Somalia to respect International humanitarian law and spare its medical facilities .

  26. 乌克兰政府早些时候要求援助物资必须经过国际红十字会的检查才能进入乌克兰境内。

    The Ukrainian government earlier demanded the aid only cross the border after inspection by the International Committee of the Red Cross .

  27. 国际红十字会表示增加向索马里千千万万穷人的援助。

    The International Committee of the Red Cross said it is increasing its aid to hundreds of thousands of destitute people in Somalia .

  28. 国际红十字会说,暴雨将给缅甸伊洛瓦底三角洲地区的强热带风暴灾民带来新的苦难。

    The International Red Cross says heavy rains will bring new misery to survivors of the cyclone in Burma 's Irrawaddy Delta region .

  29. 国际红十字会向千千万万索马里贫民提供食物,水和其他援助。

    The International Committee of the Red Cross has been providing hundreds of thousands of Somalis with food , water and other aid .

  30. 国际红十字会表示,陷于战争的平民无法获得食物、水以及药品。

    The International Committee of the Red Cross said civilians trapped by the fighting have been unable to get food , water or medicine .