
ɡuó fánɡ yù suàn
  • national defense budget
  1. 如果得到参议院的批准,这一升级将意味着防卫大臣可以召开内阁会议,推行新立法,对国防预算拥有更大的控制权。

    If approved by the upper house , the upgrade means the country 's defense minister will be able to convene cabinet meetings , push new legislation and have greater control over the national defense budget .

  2. 人们普遍相信国防预算将会缩减。

    There was a general acceptance that the defence budget would shrink .

  3. 这些债务每年的利息成本将超过美国的国防预算和整类可自由支配开支(discretionaryspending)。

    Annual interest costs on it would exceed the US defence budget and the whole category of discretionary spending .

  4. 法国可能会寻求欧盟(eu)伙伴国的帮助,但正如美国每每指出的那样,所有欧洲国家都在缩减国防预算。

    France might look instead to its EU partners , but defence budgets are shrinking all over Europe as the Americans never fail to point out .

  5. 另一名学生HarryKidd说国防预算引发诸多讨论。

    Another student , Harry Kidd , says defense spending caused a lot of debate .

  6. 盖茨警告称,大幅削减国防预算将是“灾难性”的。

    Mr Gates warns deep cuts would be " calamitous " .

  7. 今年国防预算在5130亿美圆左右。

    This years defense budget was somewhere around $ 513 billion .

  8. 我们大部分的国防预算是用在常规力量和人员上面。

    Most of our defense budget goes for conventional forces and manpower .

  9. 中国国防预算制度非均衡态分析

    Analyses to China 's Inequilibrium State of Defense Budget System

  10. 政府每年有两千五百亿的国防预算。

    We spend $ 250 billion a year on defense .

  11. 美国2002财年国防预算分析

    An analysis of US national defence budget in the fiscal year of 2002

  12. 英法两国这些年一直在削减国防预算。

    Both countries have been cutting their defence budgets .

  13. 两个原因迫使国防预算缩减。

    Defense budgets will contract for two other reasons .

  14. 国防预算变动趋势与我国经济安全

    Trend of Defence Budget and Economic Security of China

  15. 冷战后印度国防预算与开支走势分析

    An analysis of defense budgeting and spending trends in Post Cold War India

  16. 美国国防预算日益缩减,这将促使美国提高兵力的集中度。

    A shrinking defence budget will demand a greater concentration of US power .

  17. 一段时间以来,台湾的国防预算国内生产毛额的百分比持续下降。

    For some time the Taiwan defense budget declined as a percentage of gdp .

  18. 而国防预算却和原来一样,没有因此有任何增长。

    What it did not involve was a commensurate increase in the defence budget .

  19. 在国防预算极为充裕的情况下,更新三叉戟系统还可能说得通。

    In a world of lavish defence budgets , Trident renewal might make sense .

  20. 为提高财政政策的可信度,国防预算与其他预算项目一样,也必须削减。

    Defence , like other budgets , must be pared back to boost fiscal credibility .

  21. 中国官员指出,中国的国防预算远远低于美国。

    Chinese officials have that their defense budget is much smaller than the American total .

  22. 各国政府对于国防预算过于庞大越来越深切的认识。

    A growing realization on the part of governments that national defence budgets were excessive .

  23. 首先,美国目前不得不大幅削减国防预算。

    First , the US is having to make big reductions to its defence budget .

  24. 美国会批准4200亿美元的国防预算

    US 2005 Defence Budget Approved by Congress

  25. 国防预算数据现实,多年来,中国军费开支一直在以两位数增长。

    According to defence budget numbers , spending has been growing at double-digit rates for years now .

  26. 如果欧洲人继续压缩已少得可怜的国防预算的话,他们就不可能指望自己受到严肃对待。

    Europeans cannot expect to be taken seriously if they ratchet down further their feeble defence budgets .

  27. 官方数据显示,中国今年的国防预算为2090亿美元。

    Official data shows that China 's defense budget for this year is 209 billion U.S. dollars .

  28. 这一数字或许看起来不大,但面对本国国防预算停滞不前的承包商却对此垂涎三尺。

    This may seem small , but contractors , facing stagnant budgets at home , are salivating .

  29. 中国官员指出,他们的国防预算总额远低于美国。

    Chinese officials have pointed out that their defense budget is much smaller than the American total .

  30. 大多数欧洲国家在国防预算方面的支出,已经远低于北约制定的占国民收入2%的目标。

    Most European nations are already spending far below the NATO target of 2 per cent of national income .