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  • International Telecommunication Union
  1. 国际电信联盟(InternationalTelecommunicationUnion,ITU)和电脑网络公司CiscoSystems共同成立了该中心。

    The International Telecommunication Union and the computer-networking company Cisco Systems ed the center .

  2. 相比之下,国际电信联盟(InternationalTelecommunicationUnion)的数据显示,截至今年6月美国的智能手机渗透率为50%。

    For comparison , the smartphone penetration rate in the U.S. was 50 % as of June , according to the International Telecommunication Union .

  3. WCDMA是国际电信联盟批准的四个全球3G标准之一。

    WCDMA is one of four the whole world 3G standards that International Telecommunication Union approves .

  4. 为满足中速率高质量语音通信系统的需要,采用数字信号处理器内核(DSPCore)的方法,设计了具有国际电信联盟(ITU)建议G。

    A toll quality voice communication system is designed using the DSP core method with an ASIC integrating the functionality of a G.

  5. 按照ITU(Committedtoconnectingtheworld,国际电信联盟)对物联网的定义,物联网中着重需要实现三个方面的功能。

    In accordance with the definition of ITU ( Committed to connecting the world ), Things highlight the need to achieve three functions .

  6. 相反,普卢默建议所在的行业通过国际电信联盟(InternationalTelecommunicationsUnion)这样的全球标准设定组织,来帮助设备制造商提升产品安全。

    Instead , Mr. Plummer suggests that the industry find a global standards-setting organization such as the International Telecommunications Union to help manufacturers bolster security in their products .

  7. 这种新的编码机制与目前通信系统中普通的卷积编码方式相比,其纠错性能有了很大的提高。Turbo码已经被国际电信联盟提议用于第三代移动通信系统中。

    Turbo Code , a channel coding scheme introduced in 1993 has been proposed for third generation mobile communication systems .

  8. 通过调整光栅参数可获得通道间隔满足国际电信联盟标准的Moire光栅。

    By adjusting grating parameters , suitable channel spacings meeting the ITU 's standard are obtained .

  9. 自提出并得到国际电信联盟的确认以来,TD-SCDMA标准仍在不断的改进与发展。

    Since proposed and recognized by the International Telecommunication Union , TD-SCDMA standard keeps on improving and developing .

  10. 据新华社电,国际电信联盟一名高级官员驳斥了IP即将用完的说法,称因特网的IP地址库储备丰富。

    A senior official at the International Telecommunication Union says that Internet IP addresses are far from being exhausted , denying claims that they are running out , Xinhua reports .

  11. 首先介绍国际电信联盟(ITU-T)为IP网络的实时多媒体通信而制定的标准:H。

    Firstly , H.323 protocol is introduced which is for real time multimedia communication based on IP network and designed by ITU T.

  12. 这次会议由意大利经济发展部和国际电信联盟(ITU)组织。

    Italy 's Ministry of Economic Development and the International Telecommunications Union organized the conference .

  13. 263标准是国际电信联盟ITU-T针对低比特率视频应用制定的视频编解码标准。

    263 is video standards established by ITU-T for video applications with low bit rate .

  14. 国际电信联盟的VSAT通信系统标准化工作

    Standardization of VAST Communication Systems In The CCIR

  15. VOIP设备必须符合国际电信联盟(ITU)定义的H.323标准。

    The VOIP equipment must comply with the H.323 standard defined by the International Telecommunication Union , or ITU .

  16. 3G指第三代移动通信,是国际电信联盟(ITU)在1985年首先提出的。

    3G was firstly mentioned by ITU ( International Telecom Union ) in 1985 indicating the third generation of mobile communication .

  17. 国际电信联盟(ITU)的改组概况

    Structure of International Telecommunication Union

  18. 为适应语音通信飞速发展的需要,国际电信联盟(ITU)于1996年3月提出了新一代语音压缩标准ITUG。

    To meet the needs of rapid development of speech communication ^ new speech coding standard ITU G.

  19. IMT-2000是国际电信联盟(ITU)对第3代移动通信系统的统称。

    IMT-2000 is the general name given to third-generation mobile communications system by ITU .

  20. 自从被国际电信联盟确认以来,TD-SCDMA标准不断得到改进和发展。

    Since the standard has been accepted by the International Telecommunication Union ( ITU ), it has got continuous improvement and development so far .

  21. 为适应网络动态化的要求,国际电信联盟标准化组织(ITU-T)提出了自动交换光网络(ASON)的概念。

    Automatic Switched Optical Network ( ASON ) is a concept proposed recently by ITU-T to construct a dynamic transport network .

  22. 异步传输模式ATM是国际电信联盟建议用于宽带综合业务数字网(B-ISDN)的传输模式。

    The asynchronous transfer mode ( ATM ) is the transfer mode recommended for the broad integrated service digital network ( B-ISDN ) by ITU-T.

  23. 上周,联合国国际电信联盟(ITU)发布了最新的ICT事实与数据报告。

    Well , the International Telecommunication Union , a United Nations agency , released its latest ICT Facts and Figures report last week .

  24. 2010年10月20日,LTE-Advanced标准被国际电信联盟无线通信部门确定为新一代移动通信(4G)的国际标准。

    LTE-Advanced has been identified as a new generation international mobile communication standards by ITU ( International Telecommunication Union ) .

  25. 根据国际电信联盟(ITU)去年发布的一份报告,当前全球互联网用户达到32亿人。

    According to a report published last year by the International Telecommunications Union , there are now 3.2bn internet users worldwide .

  26. ITU&T(国际电信联盟)H.323标准目前已成为基于IP网络视频会议系统的主流标准和技术,而视频通信是视频会议系统的主要组成部分。

    ITU - T Recommendation H. 323 has become the main video conference standard and technology over IP network , and the video communication is the main part of video conference system .

  27. 在ccitt的术语中,指国际电信联盟的行政组织机构或其成员国或公认的私营机构。

    In the context of CCITT an administration member of ITU or a recognized private operating agency .

  28. 苏珊·特尔茨谢尔(SusanTeltscher)是位于瑞士的国际电信联盟信息和通信技术数据和统计司负责人。

    Susan Teltscher is head of the ICT Data and Statistics Division at the International Telecommunication Union in Switzerland .

  29. TD-SCDMA是我国自主知识产权的、获得国际电信联盟(ITU)批准的国际通信标准。

    TD-SCDMA is the international communication standard , which is our country independent intellectual property rights and obtains the international telecommunications union ( ITU ) approval .

  30. 国际电信联盟(ITU)成立130年来,在其成员的共同努力下,已成为推动全球电信事业发展的主要力量。

    Since it is founded over 130 years ago ITU has become the main international force to propel the global telecommunication industry 's development .